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Poor excuse for quitting

Guest Kudar

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Oh boy, I just wasted 48 minutes of my life playing on the Zone, things were going reasonably ok, scouted an opponents base, and laid out my plans, I managed to reach tech level 3 before he did, but throughout he had a higher score.


I'm no great player, but I figured this might be a decent game, maybe I'd get my ass handed to me, but as I'd asked for it to be recorded I may learn something.


So I move some guys up near his base, build Fortress, and shield gen, and some production facilities, then a scout zips past me, and I thought "Sh*t I'm rumbled" I kill his scout and then fire some troops into his base along with some pummels, he sends over some heavy troopers, which my troopers and 3 bounty hunters deal with, I move my pummels towards his fortress and just before they arrive - he quits :(


So we get back to the zone and I see he's ready to host another game, I ask him why he quit the last one and here's his reason











I didn't have an army!!!!





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The only times I've ever left a game early is either because the lag makes it unplayable or my internet connection has disconnected (has happened twice in the middle of games that are going well for me :( )


I'm still ticked an this twit for leaving because I killed his troopers :eek:

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Originally posted by KoVa TeMBeL

he doesnt owe u to stay u know


maybe not, but if he can't take even 1 attack then he shouldn't be playing the game

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Guest KoVa TeMBeL

u r right, it is irriating, but so is having to kill all vils until the last one.

ppl should not quit that fast, but definately should quit at some point.

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Originally posted by KoVa TeMBeL

u r right, it is irriating, but so is having to kill all vils until the last one.

ppl should not quit that fast, but definately should quit at some point.


I don't mind people quitting if they are admitting defeat, he simply bailed out in the middle of the first attack of the game.


And as for killing all the villagers, once your down to the last few - get the Bothan Spy Net from the Fortress to let you see where they are :)

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Kudar been there done that.. I am sick of it personally. Me and my partner wasted 50 minutes playing had a grand army and right when we were about to start fighting, one player caught site of my forces and quit, the other just quit because his friend quit... but he had a higher score than all of us.


I dont even quit laggy games...

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Originally posted by Kudar


I don't mind people quitting if they are admitting defeat, he simply bailed out in the middle of the first attack of the game.


And as for killing all the villagers, once your down to the last few - get the Bothan Spy Net from the Fortress to let you see where they are :)



It hasent happend to me with G/B yet but I had it a lot

with AOK on the zone there's a lot to be said for playing

guy's you know Kudar at least you get a bloody good

game and an enjoyabel one to mate ;)

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Originally posted by Gungan_Reble


there's a lot to be said for playing

guy's you know Kudar at least you get a bloody good

game and an enjoyabel one to mate ;)


I guess so, and the annoying thing is, that after every decent game I've had on the Zone I never see those people again, maybe people tend to change their names a lot :confused:

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I hate quiters:swear: I fight to the end. Only when there is no way for me to win or even do any serious damage to the enemy do I admit defeat. Basically if all I have left are houses I might consider not making you waste your time killing them all. Then again I might. Might be a good time to go to the bathroom and get a snack.


It's petty making them waste time like that, but it sometimes makes me feel better;)


In other words, when you fight me you'd better bring some pummelers and cannons with you, otherwise it could be a long time before you get it all.

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Guest Cup_A_Jabba

I know what you guys mean, I hate quitters too. I neverleave unless I HAVE to quit. Sorry about that again Nilaar ;) . Maybe ppl will come to their senses and stop quitting. Oh well, we can still hope right??

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Guest Cup_A_Jabba
Originally posted by WC_heavyarms

I usually have that happen, and I don't play rm's that much. I try to stop them usually, unsucessfully.


Hmm.. whats a RM?? please let me know. thanks so much.

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