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I just beat Tavion with no shields.

Master Spiff

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My main strategy was to push her off the edge because I didn't think I could trade blows with her. But she blocked almost every push. I ended up pinning her against the edge and giving her a couple of overhead slashes. It took a while, but I have to say I didn't mind fighting her. SHWING!

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I don't think you can push her off the edge. I've been using the setforce cheats to up my mind trick level so I can possess the NPCs, and I noticed when you're Tavion, there's an invisible barrier along the edge of the platform that you can't cross. I think it's to keep the battle from ending too quickly, plus the finishing cutscene wouldn't make sense ...

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Originally posted by DannyDiplo


You don't have to try very hard to come across as a condescending prick, do you?



well geez...he was practically bragging that he beat her without shields......who cares....this game isnt that difficult....im sorry that i pointed that out....

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For some reason, I didn't find Tavion all that difficult. I was on one of the middle difficulty levels (I think the third difficulty level), when I beat her the first time. It only took me 3 tries, but I just hacked and slashed her. I had MUCH more trouble with the first two shadowtroopers. What a pain in the ass they were, hehe.

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Originally posted by KevanBates

Tavion is NOT easy! Even on jedi difficulty, using force speed, and full shield, fullhealth, it took me over 25 times to beat her! I don't know why, maybe its my style, or my stance, but she is NOT easy!:eek:


Odd but the only one I found hard was the tool with the yellow suit of armor. I really hate boss levels.. put you in a tiny room, pitted against some tool that you just have to wear down, with no weakness you have to figure out :p

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Originally posted by manickat

I don't think you can push her off the edge. I've been using the setforce cheats to up my mind trick level so I can possess the NPCs, and I noticed when you're Tavion, there's an invisible barrier along the edge of the platform that you can't cross. I think it's to keep the battle from ending too quickly, plus the finishing cutscene wouldn't make sense ...

ROFL! I tried that too!


I was thinking.. I haven't tried this yet, but when I get home I'm gonna try to take control of Desann and make one of those pillars fall on him. Now THAT would be freakin' hilarious.

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i didnt find any of the bosses difficult on master, but i guess im a condescending prick...




speed and slash, all i got hurt in a jedi battle was when i accidentally got hit by a little of ol desann's lightning, but then i was off to heal...(heal is so damn cheap it makes everything in the game a breeze...)


but im a condescending prick because i didnt have difficulty in the game...heh...

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Originally posted by thrEEpaGe

i didnt find any of the bosses difficult on master, but i guess im a condescending prick...




speed and slash, all i got hurt in a jedi battle was when i accidentally got hit by a little of ol desann's lightning, but then i was off to heal...(heal is so damn cheap it makes everything in the game a breeze...)


but im a condescending prick because i didnt have difficulty in the game...heh...

I don't mean to be a dick, but I SERIOUSLY doubt you never lost one battle or that the first time you got hurt was by Desann. Give me a break, bro. Do you honestly expect us to believe that?

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All the bosses was way easy until I got on jedi knight difficulty, then Tavion is quite hard (harder, for me at least, than Desan). She is faster, stronger, and has more force power. However there are some tricks.


1. The Bullfighter

Barring a lucky blow by her that kills me in one shot (seems to happen a LOT) wait for her to attack, side step and sweep. Works quite well.


2. The Cheap Ass ***** (only works in the actual level, not in the pit and you must cheat for max force powers)

Jump a lot, and when your in the air and she opens up (swinging or jumping) force pull to send her out of the level (it can be done).


3. Speed, lots of speed

Ya, slowing down time rocks. Just dodge behind, use your rolls and keep slashing.


I also find those black reborn as hard as Tavion, except for the fact that its so bloody easy to force grab them and smash them on some rocks. But thats cheap ;)

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i have gotten hit quite a lot, but not by jedi .... the reborn and shadow troopers and desann and tavion were not at all difficult...it is not hard to dodge shots or avoid conflicts with them...you simply have to realise the weaknesses in how they react to certain situations and move on those weaknesses....


what i did was first i would always save before a boss...then i would run out and just stand there and move around...see how they moved in conjunction to my moves...then i would start to use force powers...by the time that i had their moves mapped out, i just went back to my save game and defeated them easily...


i got hit multiple times by say tavion desann and shadow troopers, but that was just to see how they fought...observing will get you farther than run and slash....


i have played more difficult games....

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Originally posted by thrEEpaGe

i have gotten hit quite a lot, but not by jedi .... the reborn and shadow troopers and desann and tavion were not at all difficult...it is not hard to dodge shots or avoid conflicts with them...you simply have to realise the weaknesses in how they react to certain situations and move on those weaknesses....


what i did was first i would always save before a boss...then i would run out and just stand there and move around...see how they moved in conjunction to my moves...then i would start to use force powers...by the time that i had their moves mapped out, i just went back to my save game and defeated them easily...


i got hit multiple times by say tavion desann and shadow troopers, but that was just to see how they fought...observing will get you farther than run and slash....


i have played more difficult games....

Hey, that's great you tried to "map" their moves. I can believe that. What I can't believe is your claim that after you supposedly mapped their moves, you loaded up your game and whipped them. Just like that, eh? Sorry, I still think you're BS'ing. So you mean to tell me you NEVER got hit by a reborn or Shadow Trooper saber?


I've killed my fair share of Reborn's with one lucky swipe, but I've never gone through every saber battle unharmed, even after learning how the enemy reacts.

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in single player, it is all about conservativeness (heh i think thats a word)...


i play with fast in single player....i had to use speed a couple time, but if i got hit by a reborn or shadowtrooper, i dont remember it...i just didnt think that they were that hard....=/ i dont know what else to make you believe me...


i didnt commit myself to the long swings of strong, and they just didnt hit me when i used speed + fast stance...

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Tavion took me more tries than Desann (who I killed completely by accident with a strong backswing - bit of a disappointment that), largely cos she countered my speed with hers and didn't fall over easy. I just held in there, traded blows and force pulled her after I hit her. That dropped her to the floor, then a few over head slashes finished her. Took me five tries to get it right, largely cos I kept trying to choke her (one of my pet hates from JK1 is that the dark jedi could grip you and were in turn immune to your grip, I was trying to see if the same had happened here, of if she was just defending against a percentage of my tries. Never got her with it so I assume that you can't do it.)


On another note did anyone see what pulling the switches did on the Desann level? I guess they opened a secret room but I killed Desann before I found out its contents.

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