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Stuck in the city.


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I cannot remember the name of the stage, but it's the one where i'm looking for jeebo the garbage collector (or whatever his name is."


Now on top of this being one of the most annoying stages from any game in recent memory, i'm stuck as to where to go. I've made it pretty far and passed through the glass tunnel spanning the gap way up there, and flipped the switch by the little r2d2 droid to swing the metal arm thing out. I hopped down onto it and Kyle makes some comment about how those garbage collectors must be going to jeebo's place, but i'm stuck as to what to do now.


At first i thought i was supposed to jump onto one of the ships as they pass underneath, but when i land on it i die instantly like i had been hit by a train. What do i do from here?


Thanks in advance.

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Okay, you standing on the arm sticking out the side of the building. You need to get to the next arm...but it's too far to jump isn't it? Use the Force, Luke...specifically, Force Pull to get that other arm closer...


Then, you jump from that arm to the garbage cart...but don't let the cart turn in to go through the doors...you need to stop it, so when it stops next to the controls...Force Push them to move on...


Hope that helps. ;)


Anyway, off to the SP Strategy Centre we go. ;)

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