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I just want to do a cartwheel!!!!


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I've finished the game a couple of times and I was just playing the tavion battle over and over. When I was fighting she was standing sort of behind me and to the side and I pushed jump quickly and attack and back and kyle did a cartwheel type move and swung his saber at her.

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UgonDieFoo, that's not a carthweel, dude. And that's not the move the guy was was asking about. ;-) I know how to do that move, and I do it quite often.


What we're talking about is a sideways cartwheel....It looks like the sideways wall jump evasive move that Kyle can do. That particular move, you cannot do. It's NPC only.

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I thank everyone for their input...in my opinion, it would seem that someone would have to use the config files or console commands to perhaps find out how to activate them...I don't know how to search through these things myself, but if anyone could help me with that too...it woudl be helpful...

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No more than 2 hours ago me and my brother were playing a lan game against each other and he did the darth maul cartwheel..he was standing aboot 10 feet away from me and wasn't even looking in my direction, he was using reborn no less. So to everyone who says it can't be done...don't be so quick to talk and warez rules!!!! Peace.:fett:

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Originally posted by Wes Janson SMR

Warez talk asside, here's your answer:


YOU CANNOT EXECUTE A CARTWHEEL, period. It's an NPC-only move. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Until someone mods it in (or digs around the config files), you cannot pull off a cartwheel without the aid of a wall.



ok there was a long post at http://www.massassi.net about this and the conclution was exactly what is stated above.

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Skitz, I just have to ask. I'm pretty sure the answer is no, but I thought just in case it's yes, and I didn't ask...


I haven't gone far enough yet in SP to meet the Reborn, so I don't know the move you call a cartwheel.


But if it's not really a cartwheel, but kind of... jump up, tuck legs up under, and spin over sideways, saber out... I can do that. Press strafe and then jump. I think you tap strafe, and hold jump.


Is that what you wanted? (Not likely, but in the interest of being helpful, a guy can hope...)



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All right, you cannot do the type of cartwheel the thread creato is talking about. You can do those things off the walls, you can do that flip thing over an enemy's head, and you can to a side flip. But you cannot do: the character is always standing with its limbs outstreched. They spin to one side, placing one hand on the ground and then continue to complete their rotation until theyr'e back on their feet.


I'm going to close this now because of all the warez talk and plus the fact that you got your answer. It's illegal regardless of if you're going to buy it orif you're just testing it or if you're borrowing it or even if it's in the mail coming to you. Sorry, it's just against these forums' regulations.


If you have a question or comment, please private message me.

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<sigh> does it matter? its a cartwheel... maybe you can do it if you pay attention to the people who have said theyve seen it. maybe you cant if you pay attention to the ones who seem to know what they are talking about in the manner(lol). either way, its a cartwheel, or actually i believe its called an aerial if its no hands. its not going to make you any better. hell it probably makes you easier to hit.

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