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(not done by me...)"Yellow Stance and Mastering Opponents"


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well I passed on your comments and yes, he does say it sounds a bit borderline too much like Musashi's "A Book of Five Rings" (I've read it too, pretty similar).


He's said that its more of LAN type play. No lag (or very little) to bother the lack fo hit detection when playing online (lag sucks when saber dueling).


He also said how he wrote it sounded WAY too seriously. Well its his first work in guides/faq/anything similar so I woudnt be too harsh.


Personally, I found it to be very useful (well, LAN-wise gameplay), I would reccomend it for those very low-lag gamers who are DEAD serious about dueling.


Just to add, some of his ideas about saber duels are very nice, like the Faces thing (needed him to explain that one to me tho). Also the thing about tricking/mastering your opponent thing, taht one really helped me a lot when I was playing against him again, it was a blast. I finally got a grasp of the philisoply behind saber dueling (well, some of it actually ;) )

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