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Listen People-the Only Thing In The World That Is Cheap Is At Wal Mart


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JESUS Christ...OK I'm not suppose to kill YOU because you DISLIKE how I kill u...ok........so what the hell u want me to do...loose? what the hell do u want me to do fight honorably? What is honorable if I'm not cheating and im completely legit? Running in circles and hoping i hit something?


STFU anyone who says anything is cheap. If you are getting killed, use that tactic and kill them with it. Stop saying its cheap because you are dieing PLEASE!


The move is easy to kill peole with? THATS WHY IM USING IT! I wanna win! I dont wanna be last!!


Be LOGICAL people geeze.


there are rules though...like the lightsaber in thing where i can't kill u...i wont kill u obviously...i mean what?! who would kill me with my lightsaber down?

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yeah i totaly agree with u

i like to hide in teh corner next to a pit or long drop and use grip on fools who are walking by

i drop thier asses into the pit every time!!!!

then they ***** at me just cuz i've got 30 more kills than everybody else on the server... why?


every1 should play like me

then we could have everybody hiding around the pit and waiting for movement but of course no one wuld move

but at least its SAFE and i get lots of kills :D :D :D

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Actually, I'd do the same thing as what I do in Super Smash Bros.


My sister and I make a good team in Super Smash Bros., so we usually fight in the Team mode. Thing is, we always end up fighting over who gets to use the items. I found an easy fix though: turn off all items, except in our case we turn off all the items except the ones we can agree on.


It may take a little fun out of the game, but it stops the fighting. And less fighting means more butts kicked.


By the way, in respone to the thread about the imbalance of Force powers, I noticed it too: Dark Side powers are incredibly powerful. In SP, Grip and Lightning are my most widely used Force powers (I still consider them Dark Side powers, I think they are). That's another reason to turn off Force powers: not only does this eliminate the Force to have an imbalance in, it also gets rid of those Grip-fanatics.

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As far as I'm concerned whatever you choose to do to kill an opponent in the game (without hacking or cheating) is a legitimate kill.


Questionable Examples:

Opponent extinguishes his lightsaber and challenges you to a personal dual and you run up to him and cut him down without accepting the dual. This is a totally legitimate kill and furthermore is in character for dark jedi. Nothing wrong with dualing, just don't expect everyone to do the honorable thing and take you up on it.


Someone else has someone else suspended in the air with force grip, I run up to the suspended person and take the kill away from the guy doing the force grip. Totally legit.


Fight "honorably" if you want, but don't ***** when you see others doing whatever legal means to kill their opponents, nomatter how deceptive.


My success in the multiplayer game involves me doing what my opponent doesnt' think I will do, nomatter how deceptive. And I see this as the smart strategy.

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Mafia-Jabba...there are rules on these forums too...like not ranting at the rest of the community here because of something that happened on a server when you were playing MP.


Not everyone on the game servers even visits these forums...so if they call you cheap online...there's not much we can do about it here. Telling everyone to just STFU isn't appreciated. Everyone's entitled to state their point of view. If someone considers certain types of kills cheap...well, they're perfectly entitled to their opinion. Just because you don't agree with it is no reason to be rude or insulting.


You may join servers to play and win...others go there to have fun...some just to duel...everyone has their own reasons, and their own opinions of what's good and bad. Don't try and limit free debate here by trying to justify your own reasons in such a manner. :cool:

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like not ranting at the rest of the community here because of something that happened on a server when you were playing MP.


Never happened to me, but i see it time and again on the forums...ok one of your things shot down..time for the second...


Telling everyone to just STFU isn't appreciated. Everyone's entitled to state their point of view.


Am i telling everyone to stfu?..........nnnnnnnooooooo...only the people who call anything legit cheap. Another thing, NO ONE IS ENTITLED TO AN OPINION OF SUCH STUPIDITY. That's like the Palestinians thinking the US sucks for backing the Israelis. WTF is that? Its dumb! They dont deserve to have an opinion...thats number 2. Bye bye.

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most of the threads concerning stances (i play NF usually so grip is not a problem, however i WILL use grip whenever i have the chance in a force server to throw people off a cliff/ledge/other) are dealing with messy-makings in the game.


such as the heavy stance still damaging when the blade is stuck in the ground.



with me, my only rant is how long it takes to kill losers who abuse the heavy-stance jump technique.

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Shame servers don't have a speal at the start, such as

KILL KILL KILL, Anyway you can!



This server is for Lightsaber battles with minor force backup



Cup of tea anyone? :D


Unless I'm missing something, I suppose you could put it in the server name. Then if your on a Kill server you can legitimately laugh at the wusses whining, and keep doing it till they learn to read.

On a LS battle server you can go, 'That bugger just pushed me!' then proceed to lop his head off

On a cup of tea server??? Maybe have a conversation with your grandma and show her how high you can jump.

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ok...if there ARE specified rules in the server...prohibiting moves such as these "cheap" moves then you can't do them...point blank.


I think your opinion is dumb, Mafia_Jabba, therefore you don't deserve to have it. Also, cheap is not legit, and STFU.


Nice, lol, but as we know there are opinions that concretely (spelling) do not deserve to exist. Such as...I think u should die by me shooting u. Ok.....u would think this opinion should't exist right? ok......

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Originally posted by Mafia_Jabba

Never happened to me, but i see it time and again on the forums...ok one of your things shot down..time for the second...


On the contrary, your first post is a rant. :)


Another thing, NO ONE IS ENTITLED TO AN OPINION OF SUCH STUPIDITY. That's like the Palestinians thinking the US sucks for backing the Israelis. WTF is that? Its dumb! They dont deserve to have an opinion...thats number 2. Bye bye.


I'm not going anywhere, MJ. You may consider that no one else is entitled to an opinion, but that's not the policy of these forums. If you don't tone down your comments, you may no longer be posting them on these boards. :cool:

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Had to look for that PA artical but I think I found it


Penny Arcade's Pacifism does away with the dangerous World War 2 era weaponry, replacing it with sharing and dialogue. Gone are are the shotguns, rifles, sniper rifles, grenades, submachine guns, machine guns, pistols, rocket launchers, and anything else that shoots, blows up, or is, in any way, pointy. Each player spawns with a special cupcake that they can give to the player of their choice, and any time cupcakes are exchanged, these two players become best friends and may attend the other's birthday party. Points are awarded for being courteous, opening doors, and pulling out chairs. Soldiers frolic and caper amidst new blossoms which carry the scent of spring.


(they also whinged about people pointing to their stuff, I'm not pointing, just cutting and pasting, he he)


Funny mod.

Once I start a server though people who complain about part of the game will get booted, or hunted, probably hunted, more fun for me. Funny more if I kill em while they are writing a complaint. Will be my server and they can whine all they like, will just ruin their night, make mine more fun


he he :D

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Mafia_Jabba: Amen on the inital post. i totaly agree


Oh and Prox Kolari was being sarcastic... he actualy agrees with you


StormHammer: What I find Rude and insulting is players who conduct the type of behavior that Mafia_Jabba is talking about. I doubt any one who has put THOUGHT into it would disagree (Excluding the 12yr old JefK's out there) So as a Moderator who is DEFENDING opinions.... Why are you so quick to attack his?

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I think there are two basic player types on JO servers:


There are the people who just want to get kills ,"Kill people", and be number 1, and there are the people who just want to have fun, "Fun people". The problem is that when these people congregate in the same server, people get mad.



The fun people get mad at the kill people because they feel they are being cheap for one reason or another, and ruining the fun.


The kill people get mad at the fun people because they think everyone should be a legitimate target at all times, and when fun people try to put some order in the arena, it upsets the kill people.


I am one of the fun people. Now i do believe that some things are cheap, but i can live with it. I don't have to yell at that person if they drop me off a cliff, i can just leave the server. The problem for me is finding a server with a decent amount of fun people, because most servers are full of kill people who just want to be in a gigantic furball.


The best thing for everyone to do would be to understand both types of people and learn to tolerate them.


The sad thing about multiplayer is that it's very hard to get kills without stabbing people in the back, dropping them off of cliffs, and using the repeater secondary fire. I don't like to do these type of things, but thats just the way i like to play, and i understand if other people play differently.


"That's all I have to say about that" - Forrest Gump

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Thats sort of what I was pointing out.

Shame there aint no lingo for it. Should following it up in the Server forum.

KA for kill all servers

KA,LS Kill all, try not to use guns and force too much


Whatever, if you think I'm being anal, don't, personnally I don't care cause I adapt to the preference for the server and play different styles, its just to stop this from happening, seen the forums for a week now and this topic keeps popping up.

Just put some effort in if this sort of thing bothers you, find a listing of servers and promote them for Killers.

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