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Angry at Dark Forces 3: Jedi Knight 2: Outcast


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I have to agree this is one of the worst star wars games I've played yet, I've played the past jedi knight and it's add on and even dark forces.


The level's in this game it seems are not that big in sizes when you get to cloudcity it doesn't seem as big as it seems in the movie, I notice this the most on the luke and darth part of the game, that map seems very small next to the movie size and I know they can make the levels bigger now then in the past as i;ve played medal of honor that game has some of the biggist maps I have ever seen in a quake 3 engine.


Next is the fact that mark hamill never did any of the voice overs, I can tell it's not him and the actor whos is doing his voice doesn't sound at all like him to me. Mind you I got good speakers on my system and maybe I can tell this better then some people, It's a big lose for the game to not have his voice in the game. I mean it's not hard to get a hold of mark eather.


the good parts of the game are the weapons they all seem to be star wars even if we have never seen all of them in the movie's we still feel like they are in the movie even if they are not.


game play is not so great, some of the levels have such stupid things you have to do to get past the level, this has been pointed out at gamespy's review of the game. I hate having to play star wars froger to get past a level.


I miss light side and dark side powers, in the past games you got one or the other. but in this game kyle has all of the powers at once, how can that be?


I hate the fact that even on hard setting I can kill all of the darkjedis or what ever they are called with out any reloading of the level, try taking on some of the jedi's in the last jedi knights game. it was much harder, all I have to do in this game is every time around i use force speed and attack them and I kill them in two seconds. it seems too easy so far, I am at the level when Kyle is rescue jan back.


the other thing that i wish would have been in the game is when you play multiiplayer why can't we have skins of all of the star wars charactors in the game, would it not be funny to play as R2D2 or 3po or jar jar binks, I know everyone would be darth vader but it would be fun to play as anyone you like.


I have not had any problems with the game locking up or crashing, that never really happens in windows xp and I am happy the game works ok, some people say they have had problems but maybe they need to rethink versions of windows they are running.


to me I don't feel i am in the Star Wars universe.. sorry

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Well, I agree with you on some things and not others.




1) I agree. At first I thought the stormies were just dodging the fire, but after playing some more I began to notice it was actually a problem with hit detection. I shoot through enemies all the time without damaging them in the least. (This is SP I'm talking about, shooting through someone in MP without damaging them is called lag :))


2) Haven't had any problems with this


3) 100% agree. There are six or seven places minimum in the game where you have to replay a level if you save in the wrong place. It's called poor level design and I'm not sure how they let it through testing/QA.


4) This stuff may happen (although I haven't had problems with it), but I don't think its anything to get angry about. Any graphical problems with the saber are minor ones at best. Even on low poly/low res/low textures (what I have to use for MP given my uber powerful 400mhz PII), I haven't seen any major problems.


As for hitting guys and not having them die, there is regional damage. If you knick a guy in the arm or leg 6 times (or anywhere for that matter, if its just a knick), he's not going to be dead. I can only recall a handful of times where I've given a regular grunt a solid swipe and he doesn't go down.


There are 3 levels of saber defense as you increase in your force prowress. With level 3 defense, I rarely get hit by energy weapons. My only gripe with blocking is against the turrets, but you mention that later...


5) Never heard of or experienced this problem, but (like you said) it's probably related to #1


6) Never had/heard of this problem


7) I have to agree JKs clipping/activation detection is much more precise than JK2s, but I have yet to have any problems from it. The Quake engines are "notorious" for clipping problems anyway (see FAQ on official LA JK2 site).


8) I don't have any info about this, so I can't comment




1) 100% Disagree. I think the new system is much, much better than the old. It uses one less key freeing up space for another force power nearer to the movement controls. I've never jumped higher than I wanted to. The lowest force jump is barely higher than the regular jump. When I tap the jump key I'd say its about 50/50 between regular jump and lowest force jump. I normally like doing the flip anyway. :)


2) Actually we don't... (don't know that is)


3) Have you played JK? The camera angles and movement are virtually identical.


4) Well duh, if you quick save and load to "cheat" and get around things of course it's easy. Unless you've only played the game on "Padawan" level, I don't see any of the other things being true. The crouch and blocking works with small numbers of troops, but a big group will just out flank you. There ARE different tactics for different situations. As for blocking blasters back at the shooter: level three saber defense. Before then it's basically just luck. The computer controls how you swing BASED ON what keys you hit. If I hit the forward+strafe left+attack it does the same move everytime. There's not some magical randomizer to change attacks every time just to piss you off.


5) I agree, the auto-aim is crap. Just don't use it. :)


6) Definitely the worst animations in the game, but considering you only swim like two or three times in the game, I'm not terribly concerned. The anti-gravity movement was clumsy to say the least. JKs "flying" cheat had a much antigrav movement (perhaps not more realistic, but it felt better).


7) Kind of annoying, although I can see why its in there for gameplay balancing purposes. I don't like it that you can't use a force power in the middle of a saber move, though.


8) Funny. It's useful for shooting people. If you're scouting around, use the binoculars. I can't complain.


9) Agreed. If the thing fires in the exact some place everytime, you should be able to block it 100% of the time provided your pointed at it.


10) You should be a comedian. Considering I can only play in low-res I can't really comment.


11) And you think that's unique to JK because...


12) The graphics aren't "poor" compared to RtCW or MoH:AA, but I agree they are not quite as good. Considering the current technology, I don't see how they could have done much better.


13) I thought the "stealth" mission was kind of funny as well considering the amount of destruction we run around dealing. My big level design gripes were with the saving after a trigger and redoing the level.


14) The enemies react differently depending on how you approach them. If you run in guns blazing they will all, as a group, shoot at you. If you pick off someone from around a corner they (or often only one of them) will go to investigate. The AI is a lot more "arcady" than Half-Life, MOH, or RtCW, but that isn't anything new for a SW game. They've never been Uber realistic like a MOH type game.


15) Reminded me of some of the bots in Elite Force, but oh well. I'm not going to get hot under the collar about it...


16) If I hadn't been reading too much on the forums, I would have thought she was dead after level 6...


No comment on the LEC tech support, but I've heard of "incidents" involving the roving pack of LEC lawyers distributing "justice" to the masses... :)


You can, however, force people to follow your rules for mods. If you don't like it, you can't release your mod publically. It's that simple, and its nothing new. None of the "restrictions" are that big of a deal anyway. They are basically in place to prevent LEC from getting in trouble because of copyright infringement of other people's/companies work, and to ensure that someone has to buy the game to use any assets from the game. As for editing tools, just wait a couple weeks. JK2 isn't the first game to have the editing utilities released after the game's release...

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as Lost Welshman says, you need a good computer to play games like this and enjoy it. PC gaming has never been flaw less as a consultant I recommend people buy computers that are 10 times better then the specs on the box.


For this game it says


System Requirements



CPU: Pentium II 350 MHz or faster CPU required.

Pentium III or Athlon class 500 MHz or faster CPU recommended.


Memory: 64 MB RAM required. 128 MB RAM recommended. 128 MB

required for Windows 2000 and XP.


Graphics Card: 16 MB OpenGL compatible AGP or PCI 3D Hardware

Accelerator required. 32 MB recommended.




these three are the meat and potatoes of pc's and with out trying to keep up with the gaming world it's going to be a hard life for you.


Game companys alwasy lie about what type of system you really need to enjoy a game with, they do this to sell more game's and make more money, after all it's a business first. ya sure you could run it on a 486 if you want to and don't mind waiting all day for it to load. the game would most likely let you run it.


I like how it says 350 to 500mhz thats almost a joke, if you really really want to run this game and maybe play it online I am sorry to tell you need a 1ghz pc and up, my point is you need a fast cpu, it will run better.


Don't run this game with 64mbs of ram if you can't help it, if your in the past and are still using windows 98 then up your system memory to 128mbs of what ever type of ram you got, and if your running Windows xp you should begin with 256mbs as your using 128mbs just running window's alone, I recommend you start up with 512mbs of ram as your system is using up a lot of ram just keeping the system running with virus programs and firewall's and with what ever little icons are on your right bottem hand corner.


if you really want to enjoy your computer add 512mbs of what ever your using DDR or RDRam if your running windows xp trust me you need it.


video cards are everything in this world. it's the only thing that really makes the game come alive, and it's the most important part of your computer even if you don't play games your video card is what make's your computer work faster, it draws the little lines on the screen, most of them btw have a life expectancy of 3 months, by that time your investment will be worth less and you can't give it away.


Todays cards come with 64mbs and 128mbs for the really rich. you can get a geforce 2 64mbs card for less then 100dollars now. and a geforce 3 for less then 200 dollars now u.s, so there has never been a better time to get a new video card, the odds are anything is better then what most people got now. we have no reason to try and play games with a 16mb card when you can get a 64mb card for less then a 100 dollars.


if you want to do anything for your system up the ram and get a new video card.


happy computing

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Geeesshhh, I've got one of those "crap" E-machines mentioned by someone above (hey, we don't call you guys "Loooosers" for investing so much dough in an anti-social making machine, so don't bash our "cheap" CPUs, okay? :D:p;) ) and I'm able to run the game in 1024x768x16, full detail, High Textures and High Geometric Detail and all the other bells and whistles, minus Volumetric Shadows and the game runs absolutely fine, even in the Yavin swamp levels. Smooth as silk, very pretty and all, definitely some of the best character graphics and animations in any computer FPS in my opinion. :)


I'll be the first to admit this game does have some gameplay problems, yet I am still able to immensely enjoy JKO. This is also coming from a person who played Max Payne for the first time from start to finish just before I installed this (I thought it was a very good game too). :) I hope Raven really puts some effort into the coming patch and decides to iron more than just the multiplayer bugs and technical problems, but also turn an eye to the singleplayer experience.


Basically, if you don't already have a good computer and are still interested in playing this great but obviously flawed (I say obviously because it's not just one, or a dozen, or even a hundred people having problems) game, then I recommend some serious upgrades. If you already have a top-of-the-line machine, you may want to exchange your copy for a new CD.


Good luck with your problems, and I hope you can enjoy this game with the rest of us. If not, just wait a few months. Unreal 2 will be out before you know it. ;)

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The force jump thingy is like Super Mario Bros, the longer you hold on the higher Super Kyle jumps. YOu must have stubby fingers or a turbo keyboard :p


I have played it on a 8mb videocard PC, NT, Win2000, Win98, XP Business, Pentium 2 300mhz through to my Athlon 1800mhz and I have never experienced anything that you have mentioned. Sure it crashed once during a cut scene but boy, Counter Strike crashes regularly for me anyway.


I own RtCW, Halflife, and JK2 and i think you are concrentating abit too much on the pixels than the actual game if you can see a diference in graphics quality. Besides HL and RtCW (Which by the way i thought had the worste ever storyline, most of the time during RtCW i was like *omg hoe lame*) are just run of the mill RTS. JK2 is StarWars man! Whats wrong with you?!


All in all i can name 1000's of game titles that were way worse than JK2. Bang for buck i reckon the SWness of it all is worth the money. (You must be one tight B*stard if youthink $60 for a game is alot fo money, you can't hardly buy a good dinner and a movie with your wife for that price these days, I'm serious!) :p:D


Btw, you leave Xwing vs Tie Fighter out of this!!! :p:D that was dinosaur years of PCs. I suppose Pac Man was the ****test game you've ever played too? let me guess the graphics?

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PC-Illiterate/ignorant people should not be allowed to own PCs.....'NUFF SAID!:rolleyes::p

-For all you peeps that constantly want to b!tch while having know clue what your b!tching about....go invest in a Playstation or Gamecube and sell your budget-retail PC to someone that actually wants to learn from/about it!:rolleyes::eek:

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I'll admit that there are gameplay issues in JK2 like the Yavin Swamp and from time to time I would get into a spot between two objects and I would be stuck and could not get out (thank God for the Noclip command). I'm about to build a new gaming PC because mine has become seriously dated now. It's a Pentium II 500MHz, 256RAM, Voodoo3 3000 16MB all running on an Asus P3B Motherboard. In short, my PC does not necesarily meet the standard requirements but guess what, it playes smooth as silk and yes, even in the swamp.:p . I don't have a problem with people b*tching but people please know what your b*tching about before you start going off on some wild rant. Some people might read what you post and actually be gullible enough to believe that you know what the h*ll your talking about and not buy the game and then they would miss out on some of the most a$$ kicking FPS gameplay to come around in a while. I've also got RTCW, Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, Bridge Commander, Elite Force and Unreal Tournament installed on my PC and they all run fine with no problems at all. Many of you whiners are just too cheap ro go buy components to upgrade your silly excuse for a PC and then you try to play a kick a$$ FPS and it craps out and instead of laying the blame on your nasty little economy PC you blame the game - HOW TYPICAL!! My Voodoo3 3000 is NOT supported for Medal of Honor or JK2 but guess what, it works. I had to tweak a few settings but I'm running @ 800x600 and have everything on High detail and it's smooth! I wish that all of you self proclaimed computer genious know-it-alls out there would shut the f$#K up because those of us who do know computers know to look at our hardware and beef it up and check compatability before we go off half cocked and start griping and whining....and hey, I'm still learning new things all the time and I've been in Information Technology for years now. Dealing with stupid computer "end-users" is a pain in the a$$ because they never listen and they all think it's someone elses fault that their computer don't work or do what they want it to do when nine times out of ten it is something that THEY did or didn't do right!


Ok....I think that's about enough. Sorry for the long rant but I just hate stupid people!!


This has been a public service announcement from "Sith Incarnite"

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Threetall wrote: You may want to follow your own advice.



You may have missed the first part of my post which was:


"I'm about to build a new gaming PC because mine has become seriously dated now."


As of right now my plans are to put a P4 1.4GHz processor in the new machine along with about 512MB of DDRAM, GeForce4 Ti 4600 all on a AOpen Motherboard for a start. Probably stick with my SBLive X-Gamer for now because I really don't see an big advantage of upgrading to an Audigy.:p:D


Sith Incarnite

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I would also like to say here I've had no problems running this game. No problem with lock-ups. Didn't need to reconfigure my system or download any drivers. Haven't ever encountered many of the problems mentioned here and have finished the SP game once, (now I'm playing through on the next difficulty level).


Game play wise all the sabre and force stuff is great by the way and the game is well worth it for that aspect alone.


Anyway just thought I'd mention I don't feel at all ripped of and would recomend this game to any of my friends happily.


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Originally posted by S!TH!NAT0R

PC-Illiterate/ignorant people should not be allowed to own PCs.....'NUFF SAID!:rolleyes::p

-For all you peeps that constantly want to b!tch while having know clue what your b!tching about....go invest in a Playstation or Gamecube and sell your budget-retail PC to someone that actually wants to learn from/about it!:rolleyes::eek:

Wow. Just wow. Who dropped you on your head when you were but a toddler?


Realize this: These problems have been witnessed on a wide array of systems. From 800 Mhz computers to 1.7 Ghz ones, with all sorts of GF2/GF3/GF4 cards, Voodoo cards, different sound cards, different amounts of RAM, different sorts of motherboards - you name it. My own system consists of the following:


PIII 800 Mhz

512 MB Kingston SDRAM PC133

Sound Blaster Live! Value

Motherboard with VIA chipset (Yes, sigh.)

Gigabyte upon gigabyte of free HDD space

Windows 98SE


The game runs absolutely fine, at 60+ fps, UNTIL IT HAS TO LOAD A SECOND MAP. Then it crashes, and the computer has to be rebooted. I'm currently in love with the recently released game launcher, as I can choose a map from there. It's just a bitch to die in the game, because then I have to reboot my computer. Furthermore, I PAID FOR THIS GAME AND I EXPECT THE GAMETESTERS TO HAVE AT LEAST COME BY THIS PROBLEM, AS IT SEEMS TO ARRISE ON A BOATLOAD OF DIFFERENT SYSTEMS, WITH DIFFERENT OPERATING SYSTEMS, AS I MENTIONED BEFORE. Swing by the tech section of these boards to see what I mean. It's a disaster. Check out the systems people have posted in the "My game crashes for no apparent reason"-threads. When you're done, come back here and apologize to us all. Moron.

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Originally posted by SplitSoul

Wow. Just wow. Who dropped you on your head when you were but a toddler?


Realize this: These problems have been witnessed on a wide array of systems. From 800 Mhz computers to 1.7 Ghz ones, with all sorts of GF2/GF3/GF4 cards, Voodoo cards, different sound cards, different amounts of RAM, different sorts of motherboards - you name it. My own system consists of the following:


PIII 800 Mhz

512 MB Kingston SDRAM PC133

Sound Blaster Live! Value

Motherboard with VIA chipset (Yes, sigh.)

Gigabyte upon gigabyte of free HDD space

Windows 98SE



why do you got so much ram if your running windows 98?

it's a waste of money and ram as most of your programs are not going to even see that ram not less use it.

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Originally posted by S!TH!NAT0R

PC-Illiterate/ignorant people should not be allowed to own PCs.....'NUFF SAID!:rolleyes::p

-For all you peeps that constantly want to b!tch while having know clue what your b!tching about....go invest in a Playstation or Gamecube and sell your budget-retail PC to someone that actually wants to learn from/about it!:rolleyes::eek:



And before I read your post I wondered why people thought we Americans could get so contemptuous at times.


Why don't you go buy a Playstation or Gamecube, learn how to spell, lighten up, and then come back here to flame! :D


Not tryin' to be offensive, dude, just tellin' ya that showing a little sympathy towards people might help them through their problems. And even if it doesn't, these forums don't need any more bashing. :cool:

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Originally posted by jarryjayo

why do you got so much ram if your running windows 98?

it's a waste of money and ram as most of your programs are not going to even see that ram not less use it.

You're wrong.



And has it ever occured to you that I might be using more than one operating system on my computer?

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