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Angry at Dark Forces 3: Jedi Knight 2: Outcast


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You know, I had originally thought to make this a calm post detailing all the problems in a nice soft voice hoping that people would listen. But this game has pissed me off to such a point that I don’t give a rats ass.


These are the problems with this game.


This game is the worst piece of crap I have played since Schizm, and before that: X-Wing vs TIE Fighter.


These are the following problems which never should have been allowed to go with the release.


Technical Aspect:


The following problems have been gauged on several systems and reports of people on the web.


1. Laser shots reflecting off of enemies and or passing through such enemies without doing damage.


This has been recorded by too many people, and has also been set up and recreated using GOD mode. Enemy covers most of the screen. Player fires Wookie Crossbolt with Alternate Fire rating at head: Bolt bounces on and hits player. At first it appears the enemy may be firing at the player, but if you recreate this using enemies which use any red laser weapon you can easily see this after only a couple of tries.

Recreate the same aspect. Enemy is standing still. You fire. Sometimes the bolt will pass through the enemy other times it will hit the enemy. Same enemy.


Those idiots at the technical support will say “oh, the videocard is just displaying the enemy in the wrong place and you’re hitting the wall.” or “the enemy really isn’t there.” This has been tested with multiple videocards and processors, cards which have been listed as being tested by Lucasarts and those which haven’t. Same effect.


The bolt also makes flash mark decals when it hits the enemy.


Enemies which do stand still and do not like to strafe are the easiest way to prove this works. Such as the Rodians who are charging their disruptor rifles– They CANNOT move during this charge.


2. Insta-Save Feature locking up the computer— We’ve had problems with insta save and Lucasarts before. What the hell is wrong with them that they can NEVER fix this problem!? Why do they always have this problem in their games. ANY game of theirs with insta-save (the F12 feature in Dark Forces 3: Jedi Knight 2: Outcast), either winds up crashing the game at some point, corrupting the file, losing the save to a previous insta-save (how the hell this happens I’ll never figure out), or locking up the computer. It doesn’t matter which kind of machine you use, this happens. While not too frequently, this still happens.


3. Saving the game at the “wrong time” while unknown to you, will prevent you from proceeding to the next level.

Examples of which include:

Saving closes doors you opened, some of these doors can only be opened once (after which they are meant to remain open), unless you pass through them then save there’s a chance they will trap you in a closed area.

Saving while having a computer character in tow, such as Lando, Jan, Luke, may cause them to freeze up and not do a damned thing. While this is rare in some cases (such as Luke), it is not so rare in others (such as Jan).

Saving after killing an imperial officer, only to discover that when he died he carried a card key, which was in turn thrown OFF a balcony into a deep pit without you knowing about it until you read the hint book.

Fat fingering the save key after you die, game says it’s impossible, but it’s not. It’s very rare, but there is a split second between when you actually die (reach 0 health) and the time when the computer realizes you are dead and locks out the save feature. Ya ok, so there’s no way to really fix this, but it still pisses ya off. Then again, you can’t do it in half-life.


4. Light Saber– Oh yes, let’s talk about that– First technical: Depending on your display TYPE and display SETTINGS combined with your OS and your Videocard you can experience different shades of partially opaque Polygonal pictures of Kyle. This may seem harmless, except it seems to have the chance to cause serious bugs with clipping and general video issues. I’ve seen G-Force cards on XP Business cause this as well as nVIDA on Win 98. It has also caused some bizarre framerate issues on other computers.

Lightsaber reach, not killing enemies. You heard me. This is rare, again, may take a few times for you to view this. Use a demo recorder if you have to, but you can replicate this bug. I have experienced more than one, white clad, normal blaster totin’ stormtrooper who is nigh invulnerable to the lightsaber strikes. They will wince, fall back, then charge.. I had to swipe one 6 times before he fell. Now, if he wasn’t wincing I’d just say, oh, I missed him, but he winced and screamed and fell back then charged again! This is on the early levels before you fight the nasties with the armor invulnerable to lightsabers.

Lightsabers jsut not hitting mechanical emplacements: Every once in a while you’ll come to a gun that no matter how many times you swipe at it, it won’t blow. Instead you have to use the lightsaber throw to blow it up. Give me a break.

Finally, certain weapons do not reflect when you bloc with the lightsaber– ENERGY WEAPONS not the missile ones, ENERGY WEAPONS! This is BS– the pulse rifle reflected in the second game, and also in the first when you had the super reflective shielding.


5. Missiles not blowing up Storm Troopers– This may be partially under #1. After you alt-fire the flechette weapon and hit a stormtrooper square on the head 5 TIMES you begin to realize it cannot be anything but a bug– That’s 10 missile explosions people. 10. This can also occur with the personal missile launcher.


6. When running isn’t running: Ever outran by a Computer Sprite when you have super ultimate run on? No, I’m not talking about jedi, I’m talking about stupid worthless three eyed ree-yees and stormtroopers who enter close ranged combat. What happens is they enter close combat once, you try to run, you even hit F3– but they are still on your ass! They get caught in your personal clipping sphere and are stuck to you like glue. So wherever you go, they ultimate HAVE to follow, regardless of how fast you are. In situations like this, they are sometimes so close to you, they cannot be hit by any of your weapons. Why? Because the weapon clipping area is just ever so slightly ahead of you. The exception is with the lightsaber.


7. Inadequate clipping. Ever get the feeling that the beta testers which went through to test that doors open when pressing the consol or close, were actually playing a completely different game? There’s been more than one time where I have the target cursor on a completely different consol and when I activate it, it activates two or three consols at once. Other times, I could be pointing right at the damned thing and it won’t open! I’ll be standing right next to it, have the pointer on it, so close I am bumping against the damned consol and the stupid thing won’t activate until the 50th time I try to reposition myself.


8. Everyone knows about the videoproblems with the game. Boy, for a tested game there sure is a massive section in the technical support documents of all the system configurations which will throw up on you. If I remember right, the compiled list of systems with problems that Lucasarts refuses to handle or fix even on systems which meet the games on testing figure is over 8 pages long. Systems which more than meet the requirements for this game. I don’t need to go into these glitches and programming errors. If I try to document them it’d make this post too long.





1. Force Jump: Who’s the brainless POS that had the bright idea to make this an AUTOMATIC feature!? Huh!? I’d really like to know. There are more than one places in the gd game where I do NOT WANT TO FORCE JUMP! I want a regular light jump. But even that is impossible with this automatic feature bull****. Just the lightest tap of the jump key sends you flying into the air with the lowest force jump rating (I believe it’s ½ times normal?).


2. Lightsabers not working underwater: we all know that’s a load of crap.


3. 3rd person.. Oh yeah, that’s a good idea. Let’s incorporate Third Person Obi-Wan gameplay into a FPS! Nothing will go wrong there... let’s just completely screw up the controls, make the game engine even more convoluted and unwieldy than it already is, and create so many technical problems with the use of the lightsaber in the game that it is programmed differently than all the other weapons. We’ll do this so it’s near useless in first person mode and force them to use third person. Even though the camera angles are worse than the original Resident Evil and the manipulation of character movement and combat is so ****ty all you need to do to win is stand in a corner while enemies just keep firing at you! Cause if you tried to do anything else you’d be wasting your effort.


4. Lightsabers– please. The only enemies which give a half decent fight are the bosses. I’m not talking about those pathetic jedi mini-bosses either. All you do is quick save and load until they do that lightsaber throw, then speed up and slice them to ribbons. Everyone else, all you need to do once you have the lightsaber is just ram them or stand in a corner and let them shoot themselves to death. Wow. That’s real hard. Course the lightsaber controls are so ****ty to begin with it makes you long for Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight. That and saber throwing are the only things you can do with the lightsaber.

You can no longer direct the reflection of others shots.

The saber control is rudimentary, as you can only half hazardly guide the saber in the direction you want to strike.

The computer controls how you block and how you swipe. Which means half the time when you want to do a regular slice from up to down the computer will make you do a side swipe, and vice versa. The game manual says you can control it with combinations, but that’s only partial control. The computer still corrects and guides your movements.


HELLO!? Didn’t Lucasarts learn their lesson for laying that crap on us with X-WING vs TIE FIGHTER!? I can’t tell you how PISSED OFF I got when the computer manually altered my engine speed, and randomly I might add, for no reason what so ever. I’m sitting there playing the game on whatever the expert mode is called.. I am dealing with MY engine power, MY laser power, MY shield power, LAST Thing I need or Want is some PISS ANT Computer Program telling me what is best for my current situation. If I wanted to play that **** I’d play rogue squadron.


NOW they are doing it with the lightsaber and blaster controls.


Which brings me to #5:


5. Blaster controls: They’re screwed up. Auto Correct is not decent, it auto corrects you to miss over half of the shots you fire. Plus the little damned cursor won’t always target an enemy, instead when you press fire it’ll target a stationary object nearby. I aim with the mouse and then press the keyboard fire button and it still happens. Not only that but the enemies can shoot anywhere from any distance in the level if clipping allows. You however, can only deal damage to an enemy you hit if they are within a certain range.


This is bs. Especially when there are clipping problems that allow some enemies to fire through walls (although rare, it’s happened a couple of times– it should never happen).


6. Swimming! Yes, let’s talk about swimming– What brain dead moron programmed swimming to act as you are floating and not as if you are SWIMMING! In swimming YOU CAN CONTROL YOUR MOVEMENTS FAR BETTER THAN SPACE! Instead they chose to use the same programming crap they used when the gravity plating fails after you kill that Imperial Beotch in the starship. It’s as if they have never swum in their life! Anyone who argues that they did a decent job with the swimming programming deserves to be shot.


7. The pause in between uses of the force power. That’s just as annoying as hell.


8. The Scope Sight on the disruptor rifle: My little game boy magnifying glass works better than this pos.


9. Inability to reflect bolts from laser turrets– these things are firing straight, all he needs to do is position the lightsaber in one spot and reflect them back. You could do it in the second game, you can do it in the RPG, you have read about them doing it in the books and Luke proved in the first movie you could reflect bolts from machinations. So please, why?


10. Even on the highest graphics settings it looks like Jan was slammed into the wall when she was a child. I’m sorry but the Dark Forces picture of Jan Ors on the mission briefings looked a hell of a lot more realistic and decent than this crap.


11. People bending in places where the human body cannot bend.


12. The graphics even on the highest settings are poor compared to Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Half-Life and in some cases are worse than the old game: Blood 2: The Chosen (the occultists in suits were better looking than Kyle). This game engine is bulky and clumsy. Even with everything on full with glide and meeting the system recommendations (not requirements, the recommendations), the graphics are poorly designed with their only saving grace being advanced facial features. The animation is smooth, most of the backdrops are decent, it’s the entire model designs I have problems with.


13. Level designs: My favorite. So you get launched more than three times into a room with 30+ sprites.. You kill them.. Then there’s a portion in the game where there’s a max of 5 people per room and Kyle is afraid of being caught because there are “too many of them”? A level, which might I add, he says “ooo gotta sneak through quietly”, but all that means is wipe everybody out before they hit the alarm.

Aren’t there security cameras here? Wouldn’t a load of bodies laying across the cargo bay with noises of firefights ragingbe, oh, I dunno, a BIG RED FLAG THAT SOMEONE IS KILLING YOUR PALS IN THAT AREA!?

Know what a quiet mission is!? Play RtCW and only be allowed to use the silencer as you try to assassinate the 5 heads of the SS Paranormal Division. What makes that mission difficult is sneaking, crouching and trying to walk between the legs of Nazi’s without being seen. In this game, their idea of quiet would be allowing you to position sentry guns around the alarms and then go through the level blowing people away with the loudest weaponry you own.

Almost every “difficult” battle after you receiving your lightsaber is nothing more than a bunch of enemies thrown into a room.

After which there’s, well I’m sure you already know.


14. The AI is pathetic Stuck in a spot without a lightsaber and you have 5 enemies, but can only see 1 of them and the other is running around like a chicken with it’s head cut off? Shoot the enemy you see. One of the other five will come to replace it. Keep doing it. The computer game theorizes that you won’t expect an enemy to come and stand in the exact same spot where you just shot his buddy because you can’t hit him there. That’s just one example. Another are the Mechwarrior Madcats which stand in the doorway and let you blow them apart without firing back.


15. Since when am I playing a Mechwarrior game?! I paid for STAR WARS not MECHWARRIOR! I like mechwarrior and own a couple of the games, but again, I don’t want to see a miniaturized Madcat/ED-209 mixed creation chasing me around a level.


16. Ok, I’m tired of Jan getting captured. It’s getting as old as April O’Neil with the Turtles. – ya ok, that’s storyline there, so what.


Customer Service


17. Finally, the LucasArts customer service thrives on assholes on the other end starting up arguments with the customers concerning technical applications of the game.

The list of systems they refuse to support for reasons that are slim, I am talking about more than just the voodoo card owners. Systems with various GForce, nVida and ATI cards, cards no more than a year old or even newer cards where the technical representative says “It didn’t fully meet our expectations and unless you beef your system up to 640mb ram we won’t be able to help you.” Now unfortunately it’s a long distance phone call for most of us to call Lucas Arts Tech Support. Fortunately what they are doing here, is well, illegal.

Sony tried this crap with Luclin when it came out. There were a couple of lawsuits filed and Sony immediately went into refund mode.

Now, before you pompous twits who’ve appointed yourselves to the status of lawyers: here’s the situation:

Lucas Arts printed minimum specifications on the back of the game. IF your system met those specifications, regardless of what they “posted on their web site” or of the “information on the CD”, the contract is held to the purchase statements on the back of the box.

These systems LucasArts has a problem with more than met the requirements on the box, the fact that LA refuses to offer assistance because they said “it didn’t meet our expectations” or in the case of voodoo users and somewhat older cards, “the company is no longer in business and doesn’t fully support the cards”, they are committing a breech of contract. Under Colorado law, they can have their asses sued off for the phone bill, court costs and cost of the game. The company sold a lemon and now they gotta reimburse or begin to support the platform.

Sony had to learn this the hard way with Windows 95 users who purchased Luclin.


As we all know, LA just LOVES giving out reimbursements.


The customer service agents have recent changed their system, just a few months ago you were able to be transferred to a supervisor when asked concerning technical problems the CS agents couldn’t solve. Since then this has been changed and the supervisor calls back at will.


Not to mention the fact that the game BOASTS of the ability to create mods and how it’s supported.. Yet LucasArts does NOT support the idea of creating mods beyond the load mod command, and they don’t even provide the toolsets within the game or on the web site.


They then say “If you do create a mod, you have to abide by our licensing agreements,” sorry.. But once you disclaim ownership of mod creation you cannot force people to abide by the licensing agreement which governs the support of the game. They said flat out, if you use mods within the game we will not support any technical issues involved.. Which means they will not offer any support if any mod touches that portion of the program until you unload the mod or other enhancements. That right there negates their ability to hold you to a standard since they are saying “we’re not touching it or you with a ten foot pole if you do this.”



Purchasing this game has turned me to the dark side of the force. For lack of a more proper word: It is crap. Even after beating it, I cannot deal with the incessant bugs which permeate the programming. This letter only covers a handful of gaming issues and bugs. They don’t know how to program Glide worth **** and their methods of handling the situation leave much to be desired.


I paid 60 dollars for Dark Forces, Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight, A Light Up Keychain and a shiny new CD coaster.

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OH I almost forgot.



Technical Support people will say "Oh I have that videocard and this is the file I downloaded to update my card with." Stating a version number they say is the updated and supported version number from the web site:


HALF of the time these IDIOTS are stating the wrong version number, the wrong version numbers of these updated drivers are posted all over on the web site, they give the incorrect dates for the version numbers when they were released by the company-- and for several nVida and Voodoo owners, the files they say were updated drivers from the company are actually BETA DRIVERS which are NOT supported by the companies!

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Originally posted by Rogue15

I love being right. *sits back without his jk2 (still awaiting the demo) and laughs at all the people who got ripped off*

Nah, I didn't get ripped off. I haven't had 1 video problem or freeze up. (1.4 Athlon/640MB pc-133/G-Force 2 GTS/MSI K7T turbo2/aureal vortex 2/Windows98SE)


I have noticed some of the "bugs"/gameplay issues 'Pissed' mentions. The blasters going through troopers or not hurting them, the sabre not hurting them(very rare for me, maybe 1 or 2 times), troopers running around for no reason.


Force powers I never had a problem with. I actually grew to like playing the third person better than first person, even with guns. I didn't notice the swimming since there was so little of it. The rest I didn't notice, it didn't happen to me or was insignificant.


The biggest things to me he mentioned was the troopers not taking damage and how you can unload a whole blaster rifle 'clip' on auto and hit very little, even at close range.


Overall though, I'd say it was money well spent. I love the game.



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Originally posted by Pissed


Technical Aspect:


The following problems have been gauged on several systems and reports of people on the web.


1. Laser shots reflecting off of enemies and or passing through such enemies without doing damage.


Never seen this.


2. Insta-Save Feature locking up the computer—

3. Saving the game at the “wrong time” while unknown to you, will prevent you from proceeding to the next level.


Haven't seen these either.


4. Light Saber– Oh yes, let’s talk about that– First technical: Finally, certain weapons do not reflect when you bloc with the lightsaber– ENERGY WEAPONS not the missile ones, ENERGY WEAPONS! This is BS– the pulse rifle reflected in the second game, and also in the first when you had the super reflective shielding.


I have a problem with the lightsaber not being able to reflect the bolts from the turrets and sentries.



6. When running isn’t running: Ever outran by a Computer Sprite when you have super ultimate run on?


Haven't seen this either.





1. Force Jump: Who’s the brainless POS that had the bright idea to make this an AUTOMATIC feature!? Huh!? I’d really like to know. There are more than one places in the gd game where I do NOT WANT TO FORCE JUMP! I want a regular light jump. But even that is impossible with this automatic feature bull****. Just the lightest tap of the jump key sends you flying into the air with the lowest force jump rating (I believe it’s ½ times normal?).


You've GOT to be kidding me. Making force jump automatic is awesome. I sure as hell don't want to fumble for a special key, or need to have that as a selected power to do. I've never had a problem with just tapping the jump key to get a regular jump. You get much better control with a force jump anyways.


2. Lightsabers not working underwater: we all know that’s a load of crap.


Says who? It's the latest fact from the Starwars sagas. Obi-wan's saber shorted out in the swamp after landing in Phantom Menace which is why it wasn't lit up when running away from the battle droids on the skimmers. The movies are canon.


3. 3rd person.. Oh yeah, that’s a good idea. Let’s incorporate Third Person Obi-Wan gameplay into a FPS!


Another case of User Error in my opinion. I wasn't too keen on the idea of 3rd person sabers either... Until I actually played it. It makes great sense. You get better situational awareness, and it looks so much cooler. It's not that difficult to maneuver in 3rd person.


4. Lightsabers– please. The only enemies which give a half decent fight are the bosses. I’m not talking about those pathetic jedi mini-bosses either. All you do is quick save and load until they do that lightsaber throw, then speed up and slice them to ribbons. Everyone else, all you need to do once you have the lightsaber is just ram them or stand in a corner and let them shoot themselves to death. Wow. That’s real hard. Course the lightsaber controls are so ****ty to begin with it makes you long for Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight. That and saber throwing are the only things you can do with the lightsaber.

You can no longer direct the reflection of others shots.

The saber control is rudimentary, as you can only half hazardly guide the saber in the direction you want to strike.

The computer controls how you block and how you swipe. Which means half the time when you want to do a regular slice from up to down the computer will make you do a side swipe, and vice versa. The game manual says you can control it with combinations, but that’s only partial control. The computer still corrects and guides your movements.


Not from my experience. The lightsaber control makes perfect sense. There is far more control over the saber here than there ever was in Dark Forces2. As for the saber's effect on enemies, hey, that's just the power of the saber. In the right hands it's the most effective weapon.


9. Inability to reflect bolts from laser turrets– these things are firing straight, all he needs to do is position the lightsaber in one spot and reflect them back. You could do it in the second game, you can do it in the RPG, you have read about them doing it in the books and Luke proved in the first movie you could reflect bolts from machinations. So please, why?


Totally agree with you here.


I think this game rocks. I'm really sorry your experience hasn't been as positive as mine. Hope you can get your money back.

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I'm surpised nobody's mentioned # 8:



1. Force Jump: Who’s the brainless POS that had the bright idea to make this an AUTOMATIC feature!? Huh!? I’d really like to know. There are more than one places in the gd game where I do NOT WANT TO FORCE JUMP! I want a regular light jump. But even that is impossible with this automatic feature bull****. Just the lightest tap of the jump key sends you flying into the air with the lowest force jump rating (I believe it’s ½ times normal?).


I have not personally experienced this, though I can see how this could be an issue for somebody not used to tapping jump. Does anybody else share his problem?



7. The pause in between uses of the force power. That’s just as annoying as hell.


I'm pretty sure that's a balance issue.



8. The Scope Sight on the disruptor rifle: My little game boy magnifying glass works better than this pos.


I do not mean to imply that you are a moron, or that I am a moron for even considering this to be a possibility, but... have you tried holding down the alt-fire for the scope rather than tapping it lightly? It zooms pretty far...




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Nice to see that someone actually has the guts to speak out about this, unlike the degenerates who just posted the equivalent of "omg loloeoleoellol u sux cuz u moma si a fat hore", albeit in a slightly more literate manner. It's saddening to see zealots when it comes to something as amazingly dumb as video games. These are most likely the same people who dress up as Darth Vader or R2D2 in the weekends and sit around a small coffee table with their fellow social outcasts, discussing exactly how many flaps of excess skin Jabba The Hutt has on his stomach in "A New Hope (Special Edition)" compared to the original Jabba in "Return Of The Jedi". Almost as sexy as a Trekkie convention, but with more shiny metal costumes.

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Originally posted by Rogue15

I love being right. *sits back without his jk2 (still awaiting the demo) and laughs at all the people who got ripped off*

*points and laughs at the one who believes a nitpicker and misses out on the best recent Star Wars game*
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Yes, there are minor issues with JK][ just like 99.9% of PC games these days which will most likely be fixed with a soon-to-be-released patch. Though, most of the so-called issues pissed rants about I have not run across and neither has anyone else I know. :rolleyes: -If JK][ sucked, I would have no problem saying/ranting so but according to my experiences with the game....it rocks ass in my book! :D Oh and BTW ya freakin' Einstien....Lucasarts did'nt make JK][!! The FPS genuises over at Raven made this superb game :p I find it funny how you don't mention your system specs pissed. Seems to me the cause to most of your problems may be due to other sources other than JK][ game. Maybe you just have a lousy E-Machine PC?LOL! -I will briefly b!tch about one major problem/gripe with JK][. ....The Yavin_Swamp level!! -It's well known by now that this level just plays freakin' horrible at anything above 1024x768 @ full graphics settings. Now mind you, I have no problems with any other level in JK][ before or after Yavin_Swamp. I play JK][(all my other games as well) in 1280x1024 @ max. graphics settings then I get to Yavin_Swamp and my fps sinks to 10-13fps? :wtf: !!?? -Even after I dumb down my settings to 1024x768/med.graph. settings.... it's still barely playable at little above or below 30fps. I really hope this is fixed in the upcoming patch. My sys consists of: WinXP Pro, AthlonTB 1.4, 768MB Ram, GF3 Ti500, SB Audigy, Maxtor 40GB x2,etc; -It seems to me that Yavin_Swamp level was either sadly play-tested before release or just plain slipped through period. I find this level very unacceptable and the textures seem to be halfass:( -Ok, thats my only gripe with JK][:rolleyes::p


--BTW, JK][ is by far the best Star Wars game to grace the PC since JK1!! -Why?.......simply because it was made by Raven and not sh!tty LucasArts! 'NUFF SAID!:rolleyes:;):D:atat:

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Originally posted by Pissed

2. Lightsabers not working underwater: we all know that’s a load of crap.

The battle droids opened fire with laser cannons from their gun platforms just as Obi-Wan reached his friend. Qui-Gon blocked the bolts with his lightsaber and deflected them back into the attack craft. The STAPs exploded in shards of hot metal and fell into the swamp.


An exhausted Obi-Wan wiped his muddied brow, gasping for breath. "Sorry, Master. The swamp fried my lightsaber." He pulled out his weapon. The business end was blackened and burned. Qui-Gon took it from him and gave it a cursory inspection. Behind him, Jar Jar Binks pulled himself out of the muddy swamp water and blinked curiously at the newly arrived Jedi.


"You forgot to turn off your power again, didn't you, Obi-Wan?" his friend asked pointedly.


Obi-Wan nodded sheepishly. "It appears so, Master."


"It won't take long to recharge, but it will take some time to clean it up. I trust you have finally learned your lesson, my young Padawan."


"Yes, Master." Obi-Wan accepted the proffered lightsaber with a chagrined look.

- The Phantom Menace novelisation.


(This scene was based on footage shot for the SW:TPM and explains why Obi Wan is looking very wet just before meeting Qui-Gon and Jar Jar, although it was ultimately left on the cutting room floor.)


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I understand the frustration when you're on the receiving end of game-stopping bugs (as I seem to be on that end most of the time), but you guys should try not to blame and hate Raven because you're having problems. That's the big boon of PC development - it's simply impossible to test every single kind of configuration out there and ensure that your game works on every single system that the game is sold to be played on. Any game as complex as this one is inevitably going to have a group of pissed off people who can't get it to work to their satisfaction.


In some cases the developers actually don't finish the game, for whatever reason, and many glaring bugs exist that affect large groups of people, and that's when you need to really get pissed off. I don't think this is one of those cases though - Raven seems to have put a pretty good amount of polish on this game, and it seems like a majority of people haven't encountered any horrible bugs that prevents them from enjoying the game. When you say that some lady told you "half of the people are bringing JK2 back", there good be all kinds of reasons, such as exaggeration on her part, people buying the game with computers below minimum spec, people copying the game and returning it, people just deciding that they don't like it all that much.... I seriously doubt that all those people noticed all these bugs when they installed it and were like "damn, my lasers bounced right off that guy! Screw this, I'm taking it back!"


Anyway, haggle technical support until you've run out of options, and then just return the game and forget about it. Most of the time, the actually can help you out.

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True I didnt ask her for reasons, but she said that after reading my litlle pissy letter.

I don't allow any game design company any leeway. They get advanced notice on software and demos of new hardware. If anything, compatibility is less of an issue nowadays as there is less competition and more standardization.


Like I said, I am now able to play, so I am placated. But I expect some results soon.

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this is a quick time out, cuz this isn't very topic related. Just read through it, then plz go back to topic lol.


This isn't Dark Forces 3.

Dark Forces 1 and 2 (Jedi Knight) had special Dark Forces in em. This game hasn't got any Dark Forces in it (shadow troopers, swamp troopers, storm troopers, but not those dark forces), so Raven and LEC decided to exclude the Dark Forces-title for this game. They chose to go for the Jedi Knight title, since the game's based on Kyle's further developments as a jedi.


But they might go for another game with the Dark Forces-title, which includes the further development of those special imperial troops.


ok. that's it..time out over. :D

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Originally posted by FatboyTim

Erm...- The Phantom Menace novelisation.


(This scene was based on footage shot for the SW:TPM and explains why Obi Wan is looking very wet just before meeting Qui-Gon and Jar Jar, although it was ultimately left on the cutting room floor.)



Actually, you're a bit wrong on that. I just watched the deleted scene documentary for the movie this weekend. The reason they're wet while meeting the queen, is because when the emerge from the water in the ship and start to get off their craft, it gets pulled into a waterfall. They had to jump off the ship and swim (with the help of some nifty harpoon tool thing) to the shore.


As to the original ranter, he's obviously a troll. A very good troll mind-you, but a troll none the less.


First, I just played through the entire game this weekend. With out a doubt, it has to be one of the best FPS to date. The SP game story is on par with the Max Payne story, the gameplay is top-notch, with no close rivals. The character animations and death animations are stellar.


After playing non-stop this weekend I didn't encounter any of the bugs you mentioned. I did lock up once or twice when transitioning from the level to a cutscene, although, I have some serious PC issues so I attribute that to my crappy PC.

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Says who? It's the latest fact from the Starwars sagas. Obi-wan's saber shorted out in the swamp after landing in Phantom Menace which is why it wasn't lit up when running away from the battle droids on the skimmers. The movies are canon.


Problems with this:


1) The "canon" scene with the lightsaber shorting out is not in the film. It's not available as a deleted scene. Yes, it exists in the novel (written by Terry Brooks) and screenplay, so it is technically canon, but still... this is the EU and since when does EU have to mesh perfectly with FILM canon?


2) JK and MotS, the previous games in the series had lightsabers working underwater. Why change it mid-series?


3) Splinter of the Mind's Eye, an EU novel had sabers working underwater. Keep in mind that Dark Forces is EU.. so its clear that in the EU waterproof sabers existed at least as early as post ANH. So again.. why change it all of a sudden? Maybe you could argue that Kyle used a cheap-o non-waterproof saber, but why would he do that, if the one he used in MotS (that he must have built himself, the orange one) worked underwater fine? He can't be that poor.. can he?


And finally, and this is a spoiler:



How wet does a saber have to get to "short out"? In an actual FILMED scene from Episode 2, we see Obi-Wan fighting that Mandalor guy with his saber fully ignited IN THE RAIN. I guess it got a bit wet, eh? So unless we see his saber short during the fight, it looks like that bit of "canon" will be corrected. Surely the devs knew about this? Oh well...



My suggestion, when the patch comes out, make it so that sabers work underwater, or at least some modder should make it work in a patch of their own. No reason not to. ; p


I haven't had as many problems as the initial poster, especially the tech problems, but I agree that there are some gameplay tweaks that would really help, namely with the AI, guns, and etc.

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Guest PissedJedi

Just so no one gets confused.. THERE IS ONLY ONE PISSEDJEDI.


And that's ME! this Wannabe is not me. He is just another clueless whiner.


IF there was anyone who should have had problems it is I.


I am using a voodoo5 a card that Raven specifically states they don't support. With a simple download of the wickedgl driver set. And Copying the ogl driver from Q3Arena. I got JK2 working in ogl.


I have yet to encounter One bug.


No save problems. No corrupted saves. No script bugs. Nothing.



As far as the turrets not being able to be blocked.. There has to be some game balance. Next thing this fool is going to ask for is that Ligthsabres be able to block shots from Friggin DeathStars.


I swear Lightsabres are powerful within reason. The balance is well done in my opinion. As far as not being able to use a SAbre in Water. I kind of like that logical idea.


The Sabre is a mechanical device. It's not magic. So I have no problem with it. And just because another game did not follow the STar War's Mythos doesn't mean RAven was wrong for doing so.

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I am sure you will get all kind things like Graphic Sux, Instant Save corrupted files when you try running JK2 on a P200 w/32MB EDO and 4MB Mystique Vid Card as I have not encounter any of your tech-related problems....


Why don't you look into your hardware configurations?? IMO, like many members stated, it's almost impossible to test the game on EVERY system configuration, and when a player encounters problem, he/she should first look into system configuration/driver setting first, before complainting about the game.


Every game has its flaws.... try point out a recent game that's flawless?? I thought not....


And since I own both Wolfenstein and JK2(as well as most FPS games), IMO, JK2 graphic is just as impressive, if not even better than Wolfenstein.....


Also what do you mean by Force Jump is automatic?? You can control the height of your jump........ did you even read your JK2 manual????



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