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How can I kill them??? (the ones on Artus Surface). Maybe with Thermal Detonators??? I threw loads on them between the AT-STs feet but only once the walker seemed to be hitten (electric bolts were visible). Is there an easier way?? Someone help me pleease!

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It's been quite a while since I played this level, but if you go to the right of where you begin the level, there is an elevator. Go into the little room and activate, take it up, and search next to the little room on the upper level for a turret gun. You can kill like three of the AT-ST's in that level using that thing. :D

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The AT-STs on Artus Topside can only be killed with turrets. Use the one you find at the top after taking the outdoor elevator. This is extremely hard if you're playing on Jedi Master. You really need to mount the turret with full health. If you take too much damage on the turret you'll run out of ammo - don't ask me why. After you kill the lower AT-ST, start firing like a madman. You won't run out of ammo as long as you and your turret don't take too much damage.

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I found that quickly jumping on the turret guns, taking a few shots and then jumping off before any of the AT-ST missiles reach you seems to work. Do this a few times and you should survive without too much health lost! Don't know if the turret guns can actually be destroyed themselves, anyone...?


Evil Weasel :atat:

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What about the AT-STs after destroying the Ion Cannons? The ship leader asks if you can destroy those before he can land. What do you do there? I've tried using many items, because still can't figure out what to do.



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Proceed further around the upper catwalk and descend into the AT-ST Hanger region.


After killing 4 officers in the final room, you will find a control panel that de-activates the forcefield protecting the Ioan Cannons.


Once de-activated, you should use one of the ack-ack turret guns to destroy them both.


Hope this makes sense.


Originally posted by abs0lute

What about the AT-STs after destroying the Ion Cannons? The ship leader asks if you can destroy those before he can land. What do you do there? I've tried using many items, because still can't figure out what to do.



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I think the AT-STs in the hangar are just decoration. You need to go back into the hangar and follow the catwalk around to the door on the opposite side. It should be open, so you go through and do what you do best: kill Stormies, etc.


Otherwise, somone wrote here about there being a bug in the game. It seems that the program loses an active AT-ST (the ones in the hangar don't do anything but sit there), so you can bring up the console and type "kill AT-ST". At least, I think that that's the right code.


Thermals don't hurt those metal monstrosities enough. I know, I tried and failed. Then, once when I died as the picture was rotating, I saw the gun. I've heard that the meter on the left of the gun is the gun's health.

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