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a whole slew of questions!


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hi guys and gals, im a lillte confused about the multiplayer setup in JKII. okay here it goes...

you know how all the multiplayer models have different attributes? ex. Luke is faster, stronger and has better reflexes than than a stormtrooper. now tell me if im wrong but doesnt a player being luke have a big advantage over a player being tk-421? I mean if the are really advantages to each character in MP, then why arn't there a ton of lukes and landos and desanns running around? please correct me if im completely wrong.


next thing is the MP force points. i dont understand how they work. it makes no sense to me. can someone please tell me how you earn points and the such? thanx sooo much.

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1. The characters in MP all have identicle attributes. Luke runs just as fast as a Stormtrooper, and Lando wields a lightsaber just as good as Kyle.


2. Force points all depend on the Force mastery level of the server. Jedi Master is the highest, then there are lower ones like Jedi Knight and Jedi Gaurdian. The lower the level, the less number of points you can allocate per force power.


Allocation is pretty simple. You've got a bubble with a number in it, and each level requires that many points to obtain that level of a force power. For example, if level 1 force seeing is 2, and level 2 is 4, then you need 4 points to be at level 2.

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thanx for the info...thats wierd though cause i saw a readme in the dir for jk2 that had the different attributes for the different characters. heres a part of it...




Luke Skywalker

* Very Fast Reaction Time

* Very High Accuracy

* Very High Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Heal

* Favored Weapon: Lightsaber

Aligned with Lando, Jedi and Jedi Trainer


Kyle Katarn

* Fast Reaction Time

* High Accuracy

* Very High Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Protect

* Favored Weapon: Lightsaber

Aligned with Jan, Mon_Mothma, and Morgan


Jedi Trainer

* Fast Reaction Time

* Average Accuracy

* High Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Absorb

* Favored Weapon: Lightsaber

Aligned with Luke and Jedi



* Fast Reaction Time

* Average Accuracy

* High Agility

* Has Force Powers

* Favored Force Power: Force Absorb

* Favored Weapon: Lightsaber

Aligned with Kyle



are these character attributes or bot personalities? whats the point of these if they make no difference?

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I have seen luke throw people in sp he does it to the stormtroopers in the cairn bay level(then again I took a swing at him so I think I pissed him off because he went psychotic and killed all of the storm troopers and all of the reborns in about 30 secs flat, normally I get a chance to fight , but not this time) I beleive he has the ability to do it his aggressovrness is just so low that he doesnt use it for offense, so he doesnt ever...

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