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New Darth Maul Skin


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I know a lot of you want new models for Darth Maul but I made a skin anyway. Let me know what you think.


Level/Patch Type: JK2:JO

Level/Patch Name: Darth Maul Skin

Author: Jonathan O'Dell

Email: renix1138@aol.com



This is a Darth Maul skin. I made the face from a real picture. It has a custome icon and taunt as well as full bot support.


NOTE: This is only the default skin. There is no red or blue skin.


Download it here

If you are having problems with the link just go to http://www.jediknightii.net and get it.



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you may want to "re-release" this skin with a different .pk3 filename since there is already a popular "darthmaul.pk3" skin that is being used on servers.


UNLESS- how does the q3 engine work with these files? does it load all .pk3 files found in the base dir into cache and disregard filenames or does it match up filename to filename for the server/client connect?

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Considering how good this skin is, I think people would rather have this one over the other one.


Also, the horns showup REALLY good in the game. The screenshot doesn't do it justice.


One thing I would suggest tho...in game, call the skin "Darth Maul", not "Darth_Maul"


Best skin out so far.

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or better yet: "renix_darthmaul.pk3" - something that identifies you as the author and will save you the guaranteed future hassle of it being bumped by someone else's model. i agree with evan, it's a sharp skin- but most people would rather have a choice than be forced to choose a specific skin.

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I don't think a lot of people like their files named after the models.


Think about it tho..


Once the new tools come out, others will make new Maul skins...Expect a dozen new ones..


But this is definately the best skin out there.

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a blue faced darth maul is gonna look pretty funky. personally i feel that red and blue tinted robes would look cooler. you can tint the robes yet still keep them looking dark. besides, it would be cool to have darth maul in crimson dress as well as his black standard.

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Originally posted by INFERNO2K

Question: Why the hell is the back of his head black? It should be red all around.


The red is too bright tone it down one notch.



Overall great mod.


Well, his head is black in back cause that's the way it is. Take a look at the movie or any picture of him on the net that shows the back or the side of his head.

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