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I Am Extremely Annoyed


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I am going to go and return my game. I have had it since friday and have not got an email back to why it is freezing. i cant believe how lame lucas arts is. The sell me a game that doesnt even work on my system and gives me no support. if i dont get it working by tonight i am returning it. Man lucas arts i hate you. i dropped 50 bucks on a crappy piece of ****. DAMN YOU! This ****** me off. I am not a computer genius and it should not take one to get a game to work. I like staying up late on school nights knocking down beers playing games dreading tell class starts not getting angry about how to get it to work. There is no excuse to why it wont work on my system. Damn you lucas arts.

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So I guess it isn't working on your system hey?



I hope you sent them all the details of your system, not just an email like this post. You may want to post details here. Maybe some of us, who do know more about computer systems can help, unless of course you've sent it back already.

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Didn't you read the disclaimer?


"Lucasarts is not responsible for illiterate retarded step-children who have a tantrum because their 1974 Commodore won't run our new game, that incidentally, is probably going to win game of the year."




Thanks for comin out!



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If "you're not a computer genius", then how can you be sure the problem is with the game and not your PC? And, buddy, don't take the fact that the game doesn't run on your PC, but runs on everyone else's PC, as a personal attack on you. I promise you, Raven and Lucas-Arts did NOT have you in mind when they wrote their game. They wrote a game that works on the vast majority of PCs and various PC configurations. The fact that a few have problems, isn't surprising.

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Flawless install


PIII 550

GF2 Ti 64 Meg

512 megs of SDRAM

Nvidia 23.11 detonators

Direct X 8.1

Windows 98se


Not even an optimal gaming system and the game runs flawlessly.


No problems other than small engine bugs that will be smoothed out in time (i.e. drain lags, model loading hitches, demo recording hitches).


I don't know why anyone thinks the game is a shoddy POS, it works just fine for all the people I know that have it. That doesn't, of course, answer your problems, but it might clue you in on a possibility that its not the game, its the system hardware or software configuration your trying to run it with.

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You all suck. I know it is the game that does not work with my video card. Why, because after looking at the forums and seeing that many people have the same problem with the geforce2mx400s. So you all suck because it is there fault that they have a problem with a pretty popular video card. And I did send them the dianostic report. Jackasses I hate you all!

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Want to hear something extremely hillarious? I OWN a Geforce 2 MX400 by MSI and it works like a charm. Maybe you don't have enough memory to run it, I have 512 megs of ram to run this, and the card works too so that's NOT the problem. :fett:

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I have the 440 pci mabey thats it there is a big problem with some nvidia chip sets or something because they even say there is in the patch thread dumb ass and i have 320 megs of ram so i doubt that it is that. it has to do something with jk2 because medal of honor and rtcw both work great on my computer. whatever it is is to do with jk2 and i dropped 50 bucks on a game that should work with my computer. they should of emailed me back and where is the official forums where i can get real help. this game just screwed me up the ass!

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tfp321, you should not look a gift horse in the month. try and be nice to people and maybe someone will take the time to help you out.


I would post more info about your system like what os your trying to run the game on and what driver your using. what brand of card you got.


Calling people names isn't going to make you any more friends and trust me you need all the friends you can get in this world.:-)


Remember not every card on the market works with every game in every version of windows. Thats why when I buy a system I try and get good name brand hard ware that I know is going to support as many games as I can play. It doesn't alwasy work perfectly at all times and we are forever updating our drivers and system files.


If you want problem free gaming then maybe you should look into a xbox or game cube. as pc's are never problem free..

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I'm not saying that I agree with the original rant, but for some reason I had to do three install to get this game to work. Each time I didn't change anything. I would load up the game and it would bump me out to the load up checklist screen and on it would be a corrupt jpeg file. Why a picture whould crash the whole game is beond me. Maybe it was a texture. However the third time was the charm and I am a happy camper.


AMD 1ghz

256mb PC2100 ram

GeForce 3 ti 200 64 ddr

Detonator drivers

40gig 5400rpm western digital HD

toshiba 52x cdrom

Win XP pro



Go figure........

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I love the game, but seriously, there is something really screwed up with it. There are posts here and in the tech support forum by people with great systems who have the game crashing constantly. I am one of them.


Athlon XP 1.6 Ghz

64 Mb NVidia GeForce 2 MX with 23.11 drivers

256 Mb RAM

61 Gb harddrive

Win98 SE

DirectX 8.1


And the game is always locking up for me and others with similar systems :(

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Sorry but i did post in many forums on friday about my problem and have sent an email. The people in forums are extremly help full but with no sucess in getting it to work. I still cant believe i have not recieved an email back yet. Usually gaming companys are good about that stuff.


pIII 550

Nvidia Geforece2 440 MX pci 64meg(latest driver from website)

320 133 Ram

Maxtor 10 gb hard drive 5200 rpm(game on this one)

19 gb hard drive 5200 rpm

I have used windows 98/2000/xp all with same problem

sound blaster something(cant be this because i took it out and unistalled it, thought it was the problem at first)

abit mother board (not sure what model)

40x cdrom


****** me off that they did not email me back and if it helps i posted this topic when i was drunk and extremely ****** off because i wanted to play.

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Originally posted by tfp321

Nvidia Geforece2 440 MX pci 64meg(latest driver from website)



Next time you decide to make a big deal over what could be a very small, documented problem, you might want to check what the devs have already stated.


You're supposed to use the 23.11 detonators or the drivers based off them.

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Man all u kents are useless


i got a crap machine, the main low point being i have a 2 MEG VIDEO CARD but i just get the latest drivers, change some system settings, and i play it fine. All u poeple who paid heaps of money for your pc's r getting ripped.

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Getting ripped? How so?


I dumped a lot of $$$ into my PC, not just for games, but for graphics(on the side), video editting(not any more), and for programming.


And I got great deals on all my parts.


Oh, and who were you emailing, tfp321?

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Ok, I won;t go into a ****** off rant like i'm tempted to conserning some pc illiterate/ignorant peeps....zipped!


-Some key pointers for installing/running a pc game, especially one with a highly modified graphics engine like the Q3 engine Raven(not Lucasarts! :rolleyes: ) used!


1)Before you install the game...Defrag first!

....Installing a high-end game onto a heavily fragmented HD can cause you alot of problems running the game.Including lock-ups and crashes.


2)Make sure you have the recent drivers for your video card.


3)Be sure to close any running programs out before installing the game.Also, don't have 20 programs running in the background while trying to run the game either.


4)After installing the game,especially Q3 engined games, reboot!

-Whether the game prompts you to or not(not many people know this), it is crucial that you reboot your pc directly after installing any Q3 engined game.Don't ask why, just the way it is. :p


-People not following these guidelines often have problems running games then wonder why and blame it on the game itself. :eek::rolleyes:

-tfp321 , If ya hav'nt returned the game yet....follow my advice that I have listed above and I'm sure the game will install&run fine for you mang;)

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I say it too many times to count, and I gonna say it again....


If you got a problem with games running on your system, check your hardware configurations as well as drivers BEFORE you come up here and post XX game sux major A$$....


Here's my spec if any of you are curious...


Athlon 1.4Ghz

Gigabye GA-7DXR

512MB PC2100 DDR

VisitionTek GeForce3 Ti200 64DDR w/Det 23.12

10.2GB(backup HD, main HDs are down and need reformat)5,400rpm POS..

On-Board SB PC128



I run the game at 1280x1024 32bit, every detail max out.... and I have NONE of the tech issues encounted by some other members... I had a GeForce 2 MX 32MB AGP before, and it ran flawlessly as well with some details turned down....


Try reinstall DX8.1, Vid/Sound card drivers... if the game still doesn't run, then go look if you have any hardware conflicts....



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*FIX for my AWAITING SNAPSHOT lockup/freeze During map changes in MP*



amd 1700 xp

512 ddr

MSI k7t266a pro2 RU (raid)/ASUS a7vkt133a with RAID)

geforce 2 ti 23.11 drivers

SB AUDIGY Platinum

3 com NIC

24x TDK Burner



Everytime I would load my game up to play online (unless I created the server my self wich would work fine) I would sometimes connect/ but mostly would not connect at all. I kept getting stuck at awaiting snapshot.

The computer would lock up. alt f4 would not work and neither would alt-cntrl-del. After a hard shutdown and millions of server tries later i have finally figured out the problem.

(Problem happened on my ASUS a7v133a mobo with on board raid/and the above stated mobo)




Went to BIOS I assign my sb audigy its own IRQ (even if device manager said i had no conflicts, I still blamed my SB Sound Card.) After I did that I have been playing non-stop. THE AWAITING SNAPSHOT LOCK UP IS NO MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Hope it helps some of you. Cause Ive searched every where and saw this same problem but no one had a solution. Pass the word.



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You see, you all shouldnt have helped Nvidia drag 3dfx into the ground. I have a voodoo 5 5500, not even a supported chipset and with wicked3d it runs perfectly.: ) It didnt even do the whole dissapering AT-ST on the Artus Surface level, and I did exactly what they said was causing it. 3DFX forever!!!!

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Originally posted by TegSkywalker

JK2 worked flawlessly for me on an Athlon 500 mhz (over 2 yrs old) and Windows 2000.


My advice to you is to update your drivers for your important stuff like video cards, updating DirectX, and maybe add more RAM.


Sound advice. I would agree. Strangley, Raven suggests downgrading your video card driver.

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