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tricks w/ a saber


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OK...Alot of NPC moves, like Cartwheels, cannot be done..however..Some Raven has imput to make the game more fun..Esp for me =)



If you strafe into a wall, and hit jump, you do a sideways flip off the wall, like a cartwheel, but off the walls..


If you are strafing Forwards Into the wall, then you will do a wall climb, you will rise high on the wall and run on the side...

I use that to clear jumps, instead of jumping over the crevice, its a most stylist way, also to get away from the Saber Flailing N00b after me..


If you can time it well enough, if soemone is chasing in into a wall, run STRAIGHT into the wall, then tap jump, and you shall do a backwards Flip off the wall, far enough away so if the dumb ass Jedi is following you, he hits the wall and you have a clean slice at his back...


If the COntended is right in from of you, and you have Medium Stance (Yellow), then get really close to him, and jump forward over him and press primary attack (saber) and you will do a Granny, which is a forward flip with a half twist while attaclk the ground below you, its good for those peeps that like to stand still and jump hold down the attack key

1 - Its an attack

2 - You end up behind him =)


Now really hard....If the guys is behind you, press primary attack and you will do a Backwards stab..its really close range, and does good Damage, but I rather jump backflip over him and Heavy stance his ass on the way down...



Those ar emy two cents on Jedi tricks

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