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Dark Kyle progress pic..


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Well, here's what I have so far..I still gotta darken the main torso a tad, and lower the contrast..and of course, I gotta finish skinning the arms and such :p




Comments and suggestions welcome, but please keep it friendly :)



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Wow..very impressive. That goatee is very well done..hell, all of it is.


Only thing is the eyes..dunno if it's my monitor, bu they look kind of red...and kind of lame. Just my opinion. Awesome job apart from that tiny thing though.



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The difference between my Dark Kyle and the MoTS Kyle that was released earlier by someone else..mine is drawn from scratch. The MoTS kyle skin was simply put together with black arms and legs, and the torso from JK1 resized to fit onto the JK2 model...resulting in a very blurry and bad image, since it was only 256 color. My skin, on the other hand, is drawn from scratch (except for the feet and shoulder pad, which are temp for now), meaning a very sharp and crisp image, with tons of detail.


But hey, if you don't like it, oh well :)

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Not trying to insult you, again, I like what I see, it's just that in the heat of battle the differences are only REALLY going to be visible to those who look hard enough...says the man who put the shadow kyle in with mots kyle in the same pack. Hell. Finish the bastard and I'll be proud to put it on my computer and in my skin pack, unless you don't want it there.



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Another note (why they hell can't you edit posts on this forum?):


I didn't just resize it to fix the JO mesh, I did a lot of modifying adding more refined detail and getting rid of a lot of the blocks.


[edit: Hmm... now I can edit posts... weird...]

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