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DF Series Storyline Continuity (Revised, and w/ Spoilers)


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That is what i'm doing, Using SBX you can also have Yun's and Anakin's hilt

But it is not like pretenmding Darth Vader isnt' luke's father, Orange is very near to yellow and blue to purple.


Nice but unsuited. What you're doing is like if you had a comic book and used a color pencil to change the blade's color of an unpleasant lightsabre.


MOTS Kyle's lightsabre had an orange blade, end of debate. Don't try to stretch and transform the facts and the truth.



Then, about Mara lightsabre's, there has been other EU sources, earlier to MOTS, that gave Mara a purple bladed lightsabre if I can remember it.

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You'd have to be insanely good with a lightsabre to use it well in normal firefights.


By the way, it's nice to see someone else who believes the lightsabre is just a piece of technology... I really don't like what all these books suggest about the connection between lightsabres and the Force.


Here, here!


Likewise, a sword is just a hunk of wood and metal. There's no "mystical energy field" built into it. Sure there might be a "flow experience" that the user has through familiarity and self hypnosis or meditation, but you could apply the same feeling to a lot of objects. Give your "soul sword" to somebody else and they won't notice a thing, just what they put into it.


Unless you believe it's "magic" and then, in theory, wouldn't a lightsaber make you a jedi, and not the other way around?

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The Reborn are from Empire Reborn? Then, they had a Dark Academy and lots of dark jedi. In I, Jedi Corran Horn builds a saber in two-three days, and in his grandfather diary was told a thechnique to do one in one day. Remember that the Sith spent a millenium to reveal themselves, Empire reborn can wait a little.


We don't know that. They call themselves the "Imperial Remnant" or at least that's what they are called by the New Republic. If they had this "dark academy" why didn't the New Republic know about it or try to stop it? Why did this dark academy only send a few of their reborn, if they had hundreds or thousands more troops? That would be like sending one tank when you had 100!


Still, you have armies of Reborn and Shadowtroopers, so you have only 2 jedi building hundreds or thousands of sabers (since we don't see that many in the game, but we're to assume that the academy had to fight more and many more died in the ship).


If you assume that only Jedi can build lightsabers, you have a problem. Again, you can't let anyone but those two dark jedi build them, because remember the others aren't trained yet, unless you want to wait years and years.


That is what i've been saying. But then, they could have gave Mara her blue one since we had never used one until JKO...


The purple one seems fine to me. She had the blue one, and she built a purple one, and used that one with Kyle. That doesn't mean she couldn't still use the blue one if she wanted to. But they have taken publicity pics of Mara with the purple one (that one model).




At least we know Mara built hers, as lame it can be...


We could logically assume that Kyle's was either built by him, given to him, or he found it. Right? I figured he just built it, same as Mara. But that's just a guess...



That is what i'm doing, Using SBX you can also have Yun's and Anakin's hilt

But it is not like pretenmding Darth Vader isnt' luke's father, Orange is very near to yellow and blue to purple.


It's too big of a stretch. Green is very near to red, after all.

; )



That would be cool. But Mara's Saber cannot be explained, sice she still uses it. And have been using in every book.


It just means she still uses it. If you have two guns, you can still use your first one, right? Who says a Jedi can only have one lightsaber at a time (only one there is, no more, no less, as Yoda tells us in Episode III, j/k). Maybe that's our solution. Kyle had a blue saber all along with his orange one, and Yun's saber. He sold the other two on ebay and gave the blue one to Luke!

; )

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The answer to this is somewhere on starwars.com


Basically, after Kyle killed jerec, luke asked kyle to join the jedi acadamy but he refused. Kyle then took on mara jade. After thew evens on Dromund Kass, kyle joined luke's acadamy and built a blue sabre as part of his training. However, he was still troubled by his failiure on dromund kass and left the acadamy. He stoped using the force and became a mercenary again. This is where the story is at the start of jedi outcast.

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We don't know that. They call themselves the "Imperial Remnant" or at least that's what they are called by the New Republic. If they had this "dark academy" why didn't the New Republic know about it or try to stop it? Why did this dark academy only send a few of their reborn, if they had hundreds or thousands more troops? That would be like sending one tank when you had 100!


The academy was not discovered yet. The Reborn are (at least in the books) trained. The do not use the force in the game? So they could have made their own sabers.


The purple one seems fine to me. She had the blue one, and she built a purple one, and used that one with Kyle. That doesn't mean she couldn't still use the blue one if she wanted to. But they have taken publicity pics of Mara with the purple one (that one model).


Well mara says in Specter fo the past that she feel more comfortable with luke's saber than with anakin's because she was closest to luke. In other novel or this one they say that a jedi feels better with his own-made lightsaber and uses it better, although he can use one from another person. So if Mara had built one, she should use it for good. Mara had one purple or crimsom when she was the emperor's hand, that's where the pics with the model come from.

If a jedi had two sabers he should use them in his/her advantage, i mean use both of them as boc-anakin.

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I've mentioned this is a few places but will mention it here too.


It is not mentioned in the game whether the one Luke gives Kyle is Kyle's old one or if it is a new lightsaber. Yes, it is yet another NEW color but that doesn't necessarily mean it is a new lightsaber.


Lightsabers need to be maintained. Without regular maintenance the lightsaber may cease to function. If this happens, a Jedi may need to replace the crystal or have to construct a new lightsaber.


It is possible that Kyle's old lightsaber either needed a new crystal and Luke decided to give him one that made his lightsaber blue OR Luke built him a new one.


So which is it, Kyle's old one or a new one? Well, you'll just have to trust your feelings! :-)

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Some strange guys in suites and badges with the letters "LEC" and a strange logo on it approached Kyle, and put it into his hands, with the words "Our boss says you have to use this"


and before Kyle could ask them what was going on, they were gone, and with them, his former Orange lightsaber.


THAT is how it happened.....

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Okay, a couple of things:


Maybe when Luke said "find your saber" he meant as if you were going to the store to find "your" saber (ie: pick out the one that you're going to buy).


The blue one was a new saber, that Luke built, specifically for Kyle, since he hoped that one day Kyle would return to the Light path.


I'm guessing that Kyle left Yun's saber in the Valley, and the orange saber on Dromuund Kaas.


Thus he had no saber until he met Luke again, and that one was a new one he'd never used before. Perhaps he had used it once or twice while at the Academy.


This theory would assume the only saber he built was the orange one, which he either destroyed or left in the Sith Temple because he wanted to leave that part of his past behind (his temptation to the Dark Side).


yoda alex's theory actually makes sense, simple yet effective. ; )


The academy was not discovered yet. The Reborn are (at least in the books) trained. The do not use the force in the game? So they could have made their own sabers.


Again, if they had it at their disposal, they would have used it, right? Were they that stupid? It's like you're in a battle and you have a gun full of ammo you refuse to use. That is, unless you're saying it was ANOTHER Imperial faction that had the Academy, but then I doubt they would send anyone anyway.


If the Reborn made their own sabers, then of course we'd have to assume that this mass-dark jedi training program took years, with only two teachers (Desann and Tavion) doing all the work. I got the distinct impression that this was a FAST, mass-scale operation in the game, but I could be wrong....


Maybe they just popped a few Force Crystals into the backs of the factory robots, and produced the sabers that way. Reduced the process to an assembly line formula? ; )


Or, perhaps Kyle had been indulging in a regular diet of Spice Melange, thus turning his saber pure blue.

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Originally posted by JEDI OUTCAST

green and blue are the light side red is the dark side



stop going on about the lightsaber as long as the game is good it does me do you see me going on about the lightsaber no i do not so stop going on about it and have fun with the game


Right, wonderfully put, small details dont matter...i'm sure only half the people would notice if kyle was black and named kevin, jan was a manwhore, lightsabers were called lightshanks, and the game refused to act on any of the other smaller details of the game. good idea


Space Monkey§ß



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If the Reborn made their own sabers, then of course we'd have to assume that this mass-dark jedi training program took years, with only two teachers (Desann and Tavion) doing all the work. I got the distinct impression that this was a FAST, mass-scale operation in the game, but I could be wrong....


There was somekind of council of lords about 10 or more. The leader was trained by Vader himself. I think all were ex-imperial inquisitors.


Read 'The Crystal Star' for more information ;)

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Okay, I'm a long time lurker, but reading through this thread made me register and post a few thoughts. :)


1.) Who cares why it is this colour? This is a really minor thing. Do you think all of Kyle's adventures were documented? It might have died soon after Kyle's battle with Jerec. It might have been buried with Yun. It may have been passed on to an apprentice. Who knows?


Raven probably made it blue because that's what the uber l33t jedi's use. Most powerful jedi in the galaxy and you're using some ugly yellow saber? No thanks.


I've played the game through and from the looks of it, it's not a new saber that Luke gave to Kyle. From the cutscene before the NS level and the last cutscene, it sounds like Kyle gave it to Luke for safekeeping, it's definetly not a new one.


2.) Secondly, not everyone uses lightsabers because it's an exceptionally hard weapon to handle. Think about it...one wrong move and you've cut your own foot off. Using a lightsaber goes well with the Jedi reactions. In the hand of anything less than a jedi, it would be a quick way to be killed, either by your own hand or simply from not being able to block blaster fire.


3.) I seriously doubt that Desann and Tavion made all those sabers. You don't need the force to design a saber...? Possibly one of them pre-recorded a training session with all the esentials, like how to use the various force disciplines and how to make your own saber. Or they were mass produced. Tavion and or Desann probably just oversaw the training.

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Raven probably made it blue because that's what the uber l33t jedi's use. Most powerful jedi in the galaxy and you're using some ugly yellow saber? No thanks.


:p Since when Kyle is one of the most powerful jedi in the Galaxy?

He loses his powers very quickly: a little in MOTS and Full in JKO.

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Actually Kyle is probably more of a mid-level Jedi in terms of "power."


My theory about the loss of powers between JK1 light-side ending and MotS was that his connection to the valley augmented his powers (this has precedents in the EU.. note Kyp Durron and Exar Kun in the Jedi Academy Trilogy, and Mara Jade and the Emperor in Zahn's first trilogy). As he moved toward the Valley, his powers increased EXPONENTIALLY, far more than his training time. This made him much more powerful than somebody like Luke, but as he went away from the Valley, his powers receded back.


So what you see at the beginning of MotS is Kyle's "true" power level. Notice again, he becomes far more powerful in the Sith temple, probably due to his drawing on the power that seeks to corrupt him. Of course the Valley's power was much greater either way. He wasn't able to draw on all of the power (obviously, since it was so chaotic, and Jerec had some of it).


After MotS, Kyle's cessesation from the Force is a conscious choice. It's like suppressing it with a psychological block. Apparently his father may have done something similar to this to hide from the Empire. Kyle's visit to the valley allowed him to break the mental block and the rest was just his being "rusty" after years of not using it.


1.) Who cares why it is this colour? This is a really minor thing. Do you think all of Kyle's adventures were documented? It might have died soon after Kyle's battle with Jerec. It might have been buried with Yun. It may have been passed on to an apprentice. Who knows?


Obviously, 99.9% of the people who took the time to respond to this thread cared. It's just a big change. Lucas cares about Saber color, obviously, and so do a lot of fans, it's a thing. It's not the only thing, but it's a drastic enough change that it either points to a glaring error, or indicates a story change we weren't previously aware of. Here it may have been a liscensing change, but it still leaves a gap in the story. Kyle has had four sabers, following his adventures current with JK2. We only know the "true" origin of two of them (green and gold). We've been speculating where the latter two (orange and blue) came from.


Raven probably made it blue because that's what the uber l33t jedi's use. Most powerful jedi in the galaxy and you're using some ugly yellow saber? No thanks.


Are you forgetting Qui Gon Jinn? How about Luke Skywalker? Or Vader? Heck, a ton of powerful force users, good and bad do not use the vanilla blue saber. ; p


I've played the game through and from the looks of it, it's not a new saber that Luke gave to Kyle. From the cutscene before the NS level and the last cutscene, it sounds like Kyle gave it to Luke for safekeeping, it's definetly not a new one.


Unless my theory about the "pick out your saber" interpretation of Luke's line is plausible. But then, it doesn't answer what happened to those other sabers. Kyle could have built his own saber if he just wanted to go after Desann, he just needed a reason to see Luke again and get his advice. So perhaps he had a rack of sabers at home still. But... he should have give something to Luke, to justify the trip right? And we still don't know how he got a blue one or what he gave to Luke.. etc.


2.) Secondly, not everyone uses lightsabers because it's an exceptionally hard weapon to handle.Think about it...one wrong move and you've cut your own foot off. Using a lightsaber goes well with the Jedi reactions. In the hand of anything less than a jedi, it would be a quick way to be killed, either by your own hand or simply from not being able to block blaster fire.


Or, if you're Han Solo. ; )


3.) I seriously doubt that Desann and Tavion made all those sabers. You don't need the force to design a saber...? Possibly one of them pre-recorded a training session with all the esentials, like how to use the various force disciplines and how to make your own saber. Or they were mass produced. Tavion and or Desann probably just oversaw the training.


I am going with the mass-production idea, since it's the only one that makes sense to me. Otherwise you are either forced to make the "reborn/shadowtrooper" campaign last for years (perhaps even decades) without the Republic knowing about it or else buy into the BS "magic-tech" excuse with regards to saber production (in which case I think putting force crystals into droids to build the sabers in a factory is JUST as plausible).

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Kenn Hoekstra told me in an email he believes the sabre Kyle gets from going through the trial area at the Academy is a new one, and I assume he means it has no connection to his previous sabres. He says he went to the Academy to get his own sabre, but got a new one instead.


So from that I think we can assume that Kyle left Yun's yellow sabre on Ruusan and that he built the orange one after JK, and left it on Dromuund Kaas after falling to the dark side, and then went to Luke in JK2 to get any sabre, as quickly as possible, since he was in quite a rush.


About Morgan being a Jedi or not..(since he appears in an astral form to Kyle in JK2) I'll quote what he said directly:


"..Perhaps the emotional bond between Kyle, who is a Jedi, and his father, who is Force sensitive, is enough for Morgan to appear in Astral form. If you recall, only Ben Kenobi’s voice came to Luke in Star Wars, but once he was more prepared/trained, he saw Ben in his astral form."


Now he made it clear that he was just guessing from the information available to him, but being the Project Admin on JK2 (As stated in the manual...) makes his word have a little more weight than anything you or I could have to say.

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I'd say so. The only people who'd have the final say (other than somebody like George Lucas, because he owns Star Wars, even though he has nothing to do with making the games anymore), would be the actual story editors/writers for JK2.

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