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DF Series Storyline Continuity (Revised, and w/ Spoilers)


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Originally posted by Kurgan

Actually Kyle is probably more of a mid-level Jedi in terms of "power."


My theory about the loss of powers between JK1 light-side ending and MotS was that his connection to the valley augmented his powers (this has precedents in the EU.. note Kyp Durron and Exar Kun in the Jedi Academy Trilogy, and Mara Jade and the Emperor in Zahn's first trilogy). As he moved toward the Valley, his powers increased EXPONENTIALLY, far more than his training time. This made him much more powerful than somebody like Luke, but as he went away from the Valley, his powers receded back.


So what you see at the beginning of MotS is Kyle's "true" power level. Notice again, he becomes far more powerful in the Sith temple, probably due to his drawing on the power that seeks to corrupt him. Of course the Valley's power was much greater either way. He wasn't able to draw on all of the power (obviously, since it was so chaotic, and Jerec had some of it).


After MotS, Kyle's cessesation from the Force is a conscious choice. It's like suppressing it with a psychological block. Apparently his father may have done something similar to this to hide from the Empire. Kyle's visit to the valley allowed him to break the mental block and the rest was just his being "rusty" after years of not using it.


I say Kyle is the most powerful jedi around because he beat out Boc, Gorc, Pic, Sariss, Yun and Jerec in the first game, never mind that he has killed more Stormtroopers than the rest of the republic put together. He also beat Desann, which Luke couldn't do (although that fight was more of a draw), and Tavion. He has more saber experience than anyone else.


Isn't it possible that he became more powerful in the force due to the fact that he was using every second? After his defeating of Jerec, he might have had a long lax period in which some of his force powers degenerated. The same apparently happened to Obi-Wan in his last duel with Vader, "Your powers grow weak, old man". Don't think it was because he was old, probably more because he hadn't been using them.


Obviously, 99.9% of the people who took the time to respond to this thread cared. It's just a big change. Lucas cares about Saber color, obviously, and so do a lot of fans, it's a thing. It's not the only thing, but it's a drastic enough change that it either points to a glaring error, or indicates a story change we weren't previously aware of. Here it may have been a liscensing change, but it still leaves a gap in the story. Kyle has had four sabers, following his adventures current with JK2. We only know the "true" origin of two of them (green and gold). We've been speculating where the latter two (orange and blue) came from.


Hm...are you sure that the orange one in MotS wasn't meant to be Yun's saber? That may have been a minor slipup. My point is that the blue saber could have come from anywhere. It would be nice if Raven offered a realistic explanation, but is it really neccessary for you to enjoy the game? The probably took a poll, and blue was the most popular colour.


Are you forgetting Qui Gon Jinn? How about Luke Skywalker? Or Vader? Heck, a ton of powerful force users, good and bad do not use the vanilla blue saber. ; p


I don't remember any of them having an ugly ass yellow/gold saber. ;)


Unless my theory about the "pick out your saber" interpretation of Luke's line is plausible. But then, it doesn't answer what happened to those other sabers. Kyle could have built his own saber if he just wanted to go after Desann, he just needed a reason to see Luke again and get his advice. So perhaps he had a rack of sabers at home still. But... he should have give something to Luke, to justify the trip right? And we still don't know how he got a blue one or what he gave to Luke.. etc.


Yes, that would sound logical. Kyle could have collected all the sabers of everyone he's killed. Sariss had a blue saber, maybe it was hers?


Or, if you're Han Solo. ; )


Cutting open a dead kangaroo like animal and deflecting blaster fire are two different things entirely. I'm sure that even Han's grandmother could cut open a dead animal. :D


I am going with the mass-production idea, since it's the only one that makes sense to me. Otherwise you are either forced to make the "reborn/shadowtrooper" campaign last for years (perhaps even decades) without the Republic knowing about it or else buy into the BS "magic-tech" excuse with regards to saber production (in which case I think putting force crystals into droids to build the sabers in a factory is JUST as plausible).


Mass produced they probably were, chances are that the only reason a jedi builds up his own saber is because it's part of the ritual and training.

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Luke is the most Powerful jedi in the galaxy, and after him his niece anakin solo. Lets see how

Ben Skywalker (luke & mara 's son)

is when he grows up.


Kyp Durron: quoting Luke, had a great potential.


Luke has defeated more jedi than kyle. Kyle only dark jedi, luke even two sith (well, one, but i dont know if the emperos clones from Dark empire were killed by him...)

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Originally posted by Pear


He's in the novel "Darksaber" I think. Dark Horse also did a trilogy of "Dark Forces" novellas featuring Kyle.


He does not appear in Darksaber. In IT appears a 'Katarn Commando team', Katarn is the name of an animal in kassyyk (wookies' home)

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Originally posted by AcceptableRisk

Didn't know that. I thought he was created for Dark Forces.


Are any of the other charactars in the games (other than the obvious ones) in EU? Like Jan, Jerec, Yun..?


Kyle first appeareance was in Dark Forces, so he possibly was created for the game.


The novels came after jedi Knight, i think.


The characters you mention appear in the Dark Forces trilogy graphic novels (darkhorse). I haven't read anything about him in any of the Bantam books.

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