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Tips on countering


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well here's list of a few headaches that need suicide


- jumping people. They jump around and you can't hit them and they can't hit you.... easy but it takes too long and i don't like long duels.


- jumping people doing the death from above move with heavy. i've had my share of problems with these people. what i do is move in when they are recovering from their slash, but it takes a good amount of timing to do that and you have to be cautious because the range is very long. Any better ways?


- Throw whores. I can be a REALLY ANNOYING throw whore if tempted and i KNOW that i cannot beat myself if i were slashing. In this case, when against a throw whore, i would throw whore myself but any tricks with slashing that can neutralize this? I've only been beat continuously by one person by the name of Kensei when it comes to throwing and he was slashing only. I know for a fact that if you think throwing won't do much good you have been mistaken. All it takes is knowing when, where and how to throw.


- Gunners. There are those who enjoy holding their fingers on primary attack with a gun in their hands. Sure the laser ones and rockets (push them back :) )are easy, but what about the secondary repeater fire and the thing that fires two small balls. I know i could switch to guns and kill them all with awe, but any good ways to kill them when holding a saber?

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-jumping = go underneath, using medium stance, aiming high enough to hit, being low enough to not get slashed


-death from above = side attack


-throwers = just defend, their force will be out in no time


-gunners = gun yourself or Pull.

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Yeah... I've been wondering how to take out gunners as well without using a gun yourself.


Pull seems like a good option, but how close do you have to be in order to pull his weapon away? Most gunners I face backpedal an heal as they're shooting.

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Push or Pull gunners and slash them.


Try pushing them when they're on the move as push won't have much of an effect when they're standing still.


If you encounter someone using the alt-fire with those explosive two small balls I would run (try holding forward + crouch - nice and speedy exit).

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on the death from above, you could look up at them and push them, it won't really hurt them but it will get them away from you.


on the shooters of the 2 small explosive balls, or the regular flak fire, or even the 2nd of the hvy. repeater, you could try to push the stuff back at them, just like the force computer players do to you. It works, at least against stormtroopers in SP.


hope it helps :)

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^^^ true that on the push thingy, but in SJTs, u don't have forces...



If u'r against a gunner, try to hide, and pull the weapon when they get close...


I found that the worse map for saberists is Raven... no places to really hide from guns there..



throwers aren't a big deal if u can block them...

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jumpers- wait for your force to recharge.

depending on what map your on, you can usally make a diagnol roll cutting them off. Force pull or push get them down and finish them. I also use mind trick and just wait for them in ambush the next time they come around.


death from above-heavy


totally bugged. heres what happens


heavy starts a high swing from the left.(start motion for this swing, so you can time the counter attack) the swing will go forward about halfway, then a foward leap with the saber coming straight down. the problem is when the saber is in the ground, the attack should be totally defenseless as he trys to recover his saber from missing that attack. However if he turns, the blade will still attack you then you rush for the counter attack.


I would suggest a yellow spin move, or blue spin move to finish them. Force push is great for this to.


Guns-force pull and slash, force push and saber throw, mind trick ninja death- stroomtroopers 101


throw whores-use force jump and dont be afraid to roll you will block it while rolling. the throws are easy to see coming for side flip or roll right away. if there is not enough time to sidestep, switch to red stance and block it, then force pull/grip/push them while they have no force, and finish them.

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To avoid getting hit by death from above when the guy is recovering just get diectly behind him and circle strafe with him as he turns - so long as you dont cross where the sword is (even if it looks like its in the ground) you wont get hit. You can aim by rotating with all the specials (yellow's especially: turning while executing is essential).


Peace. Ent :deathii:

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