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Biped Robots = Always Easy?


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Playing through the SP game on the default difficulty level (I think it was "Jedi"), those biped robots with the two gun arms are ridiculously easy. I just crouch and put my saber into them, get up, get a drink, come back and they've exploded. So, I'm wondering if they're tougher in the higher difficulty levels. I'm surprised with all the trolls lurking that no one has pointed out a pretty pointless enemy in the game (which show up frequently).

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thank i will have to look for it.


anyone know why you dont get to keep that thing? i had thout you needed it for the stelth mission,

but it was after the saber.

:confused: :confused: :confused:


if i had made it i would have made the stuner have extra use's(like this one) otherwise i'd rather have fists. however this is just what i think not flame bait:D :D :D

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They are probably harder. I remember on easy in JK you could take out AT-STs with your saber by swining underneath, on hard they would shoot you... Kinda stupid looking, seeing a blaster shot come out at a 120 degree angle from the barrel, but oh well.

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Forget those things...


Microsoft has helped the Empire/Remnant to crush those New Rebulicans (they suport Microsofts competition by using Linux for their central computers) with new vehciles!


Meet the AT-XP! Thats right folks, the Newest of the AT-__ family as arrived! Of course you must activate the machines within 30 days of buying it or they simply disable themselves.


Okay I had more about this atempted-joke but ... I got nothing....



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the only problem with standing there with atsts upon you is the whole thing that they will kill you if you touch their feet...hmm...heh....what i did is either just circle strafe around them and use lightning w/ my saber out so i wouldnt get crushed, or i would just kind of use my dodging skills (and running, of course) and slice and dice....saber throw is helpful as well....if you use lightning + saber throw they will be too stunned to hit....


btw, on the "stealth" mission, i think i killed everyone but like 2 people =)


its only unstealthy if they hit the alarm...hehehe...i just stood around the alarm and pulled them away from it and sliced and diced...it was great fun....i only used mind trick 2 times =)))

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Same goes for me. Never played it stealthily.


Well, ok, tried to do so for the first time, but JO simply isn't a good game for that kind of stuff. It works, but it doesn't work well.

Don't misunderstand me, I'm a heavy SystemShock2/Thief/DeusEx Player, so I should know a thing or two about sneaking, but... in JO it simply isn't any fun.


Rather stir them up and slice them to pieces before they reach that nasty red button. :D




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