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strategies against splash damage energy weapons???


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ok, i mostly play with the saber and force powers and i am doing pretty good until some lamer comes along and starts alt-fireing with the splash damage energy weapons(dont know the names) in that case:

1. i die very fast because i have no way of avoiding these shots(even with skillfull jumping and running)

2. i run like hell to get away from them and fight them at a later time.

3. i get the same gun and i make them sorry they were ever using it in the first place.


what i was wondering is does anyone know any strategies to counter these with the saber in hand? and i dont mean pull the weapon cause thats as hard as hell if a skilled player is jumping around u and nailing u with one of those weapons. i know u can also push back the energy balls but thats also very hard...



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Push is all well and good unless the gunner keeps their finger mashed down on the alt-fire key. You must act quickly and decisively.


Either commit to the fight, using pull/speed/grip, or retreat.


Personally I like to use speed with a sabre throw maybe followed by pulling the weapon out of their hands.


Most of the time you never see them until it's too late anyway....

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... so just cos he's using a gun he's a lamer... umm lets say if we threw a little realism into the game, lets wrench the lightsabers off the people who don't know how to use them i.e everyone who isnt a frickin Jedi!!! Its accurate you would see Storm Troopers running around with rocket Launchers ect ect so if you don't like the fact the game isnt called JediKnightlightsaberonlygameII then try to play on light saber only servers... just my two pennies :o

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Wish you could push the flak balls away while they're on the ground.


Otherwise, there's nothing more satisfying to me right now to yank a repeater or flak gun right outta someone hands and then saber the bejesus outta 'em.

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And you call yourself Magician?

hehe.. sorry.. couldn't resist that one ;)

(again, sorry... Seems like i cant stop pulling jokes today, however bad :( )


No, really, its a handy thing to take their weapons.




For you guys that haven't played JO all that long, take your time to experiment with weapons, moves, strategys etc.

The result (usually) won't wait to show it self :)

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True, this is not "JediKnightOutcastSabresOnlyII," but sabre weilding Jedi are near helpless against gunmen. In JK1, Force Pull was effective enough to act as an equalizer between those players who wanted to be Jedi, and those who wanted to be soldiers. Granted, we can still Force Pull weapons, but its so freakin' hard to do that its not a plausible strategy in actual gameplay. What we need is a patch with an enhanced Force Pull.

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