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Why are R2 and C3PO in Bespin?

Master Spiff

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Oh I took them to be different droids of the same make and model. His voice is different...


I saw them as just another of the references to the movies that they threw in. The one I thought was kind of cheesy is when Lando said "hive of scum and villany." Thought it was too exact a verbal refference to be funny.


If it is the gruesome twosome then maybe they're on loan to Lando. Luke certainly doesn't need droids on Yavin.

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This has always bothered me since TPM. Little Anakin supposedly assembles C3Po by hand. Why is it that he just happens to look and operate just like "other" C3PO-like droids. Wouldn't he be kind of a custom job?


I'm starting to sound like one of those dorks that picks everything apart. I should shut up now.

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Originally posted by Master Spiff

Hmmmm, didn't think of that.


But, maybe those aren't stormtroopers either. Maybe they're stormpoopers. And it wasn't Luke, it was Fluke.




i dunno why, that just made me laugh lol.


Anyway, i assumed that they were C3PO and R2-D2, but that protocol droid didn't exactly sound like him.


Also, does anyone else like to slash up the black protocol droids throughout the game? You hit them once and they say "I'm doomed" haha. Then they blow up :p

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Originally posted by Master Spiff

This has always bothered me since TPM. Little Anakin supposedly assembles C3Po by hand. Why is it that he just happens to look and operate just like "other" C3PO-like droids. Wouldn't he be kind of a custom job?


Maybe he got "Assemble-Ready C3PO Robot" for birthday? :p;)

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Not that this has much to do with the topic at hand, but in reply to Master Spiff's question about Anakin building C3PO: Maybe he had a manual or something? They sell car manuals at almost every parts store, so why couldn't Anakin have come across a C3PO manual? When somebody tells you that they built a car, you don't assume that it's some bold new design do you? No, most people commonly understand that when somebody builds a car, though it may have some custom things added, it's still going to be a copy of some other make and model.


With that said (getting back on topic) I don't think that the two droids on Bespin were the real Slim Shady's.


(Ehh, not to sound like on of those dorks you were talking about...)

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We're way off topic now, but what the heck:


Anakin built C3PO as a standard protocol droid because those were the parts he had. He was owned by a junk dealer, remember. So he probably had some of the pieces for a protocol droid, including the CPU, and scavenged the rest from other junk in the shop or things he found in the neighborhood trash. That would explain the fluency in 6 million forms of communication: it came built in. Then again, maybe GL will have an explanation for C3PO's programming in AotC.


I liked the R2-D2 and C3PO appearance in the game. It was a funny throwaway reference, like some of Lando's lines. And unlike most of you, I left them alone. I'm a good Jedi. No sense destroying functional droids just for laughs.

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as everyone probably noticed raven put in just about every star wars reference they could think of. and that happened to include c3po and r2d2. so yes, i am sure they were meant to be c3po and r2d2, although i cannot think of any logical reason they would be there, you would think raven would have put them both at the jedi academy, but whatever, it's still cool


and i wouldnt really call them an easter egg considering they were in plain site and they were an obvious star wars reference, unlike max in jedi knight, which is an easter egg (although i dont remember where he was).

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Originally posted by caelestis

you would think raven would have put them both at the jedi academy



I've always believed that the 3PO at the beginning of Yavin Temple was THE Threepio (even if the voice sounded nothing like him), and that one of the R2's there (one R2 and two R5's in the hanger, one of each in the control room in the back) was THE Artoo.


The 3PO and R2 on Bespin were just another set of droids.

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