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Why are R2 and C3PO in Bespin?

Master Spiff

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Frankly, all protocol droids should be melted down and used to make paperweights. Who in their right mind would program a camp droid?! It beggars belief!


They should have left Threepio with the bloody Jawas. I guarantee he'd turn out to become a R5 unit's *****.


And why did they take the mincing tinman to Endor? HE'S BRIGHT GOLD! I don't know why the others bothered getting cammo'ed up when they take along the shining beacon of fruitiness. And then there are those bloody Ewoks....arghhh! Thankfully their planet would have been wiped out by the destruction of the Deathstar. 1km sized chunks of metal slamming into the planet so hard as to exterminate all life... JUSTICE!


Stop the madness! Kill all protocol droids on sight! If not for me then for your childrens sake!


BTW The Ewok that got blown apart by the AT-ST and then is found to be dead by his friend..... I laughed so hard I nearly passed out. Anyone agree?

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Guys, there isn't just ONE gold protocol droid with the name C-3PO. There are many gold protocol droids with different names, they are just the same model. Same goes for R2 and R5 units, or R6s, etc.


The "3PO" and "R2" units are comic relief, they're supposed to be imitations of the real C-3P0 and R2-D2.

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Not to mention theres, C1PO, C2PO, C3PO, C4PO, and C5PO if I remember correction, R units are R1D9, R2D2, R3, R4, and R5

I've seen R1 mentioned extremly rarely, same with r3, and r4 versions, R5 is mentioned pretty much.

I've heard of the C1, C2, C3, and C4, C5PO, I belive I've read somewhere.....

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Nah, it was them, it was quite obvious, really. Start doubting whether that was our old friends and then you start thinking about stuff like did we ever land on the moon and whether anything actually is real, and then you turn in to one of the deep-thought groupies who smoke crack laced with PSP.




Sorry, what?


I slashed 'em up good.


If it moves, kill it.


Muhahaha, before I sliced and diced 'em I spawned Luke so he could watch. Wish I coulda spawned Darth Vacuum Cleaner, I could see the wuss staring at his droid in his stupid super-man cape and freaking coal scuttle thing covering his entire face breathing noisily while I force gripped the sorry piece of Comic Relief For the Kiddies in The Audience.




Yes, I get looks in school every day, usually when I'm pretending to be Satan.

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That has got to be the funniest post i have read since the everquest boards post about the green clad dwarf running through a zone with a millon enemies chasing him and saying "always after me lucky charms!"


Darth Vacume Cleaner..........LMMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!


Hmmm with an avatar of Pee Wee Herman I can see why you get called Satan lol!!!!

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Originally posted by TheAlbaniac

isn't it possible that Anakin created the first protocol droid of this particular model, and it was later used as a model for other droids?


Me thinks you needs to watch the beginning of Ep1 again, and take special notice to who (or is that "what"?) greets the two jedi when they board the Trade Fed's ship. ;)

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easter egg ... well, just makes me think.


They had a 'max' from 'sam and Max' in pretty much every lucasarts game. Was something of an obligation I guess...


There wouldn't happen to be one somewhere in JO?



"Rabbit season's open!"

*walks off, starts up JO*






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BTW The Ewok that got blown apart by the AT-ST and then is found to be dead by his friend..... I laughed so hard I nearly passed out. Anyone agree?


In Rebelion I played empire and built a Deathstar JUST to destroy Endor ;)

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Unlikely that Max will be appearing in Jedi Outcast as Lucasarts don't have the license to Sam and Max anymore. Although acitvision maybe publishing the next game (see http://www.infinite-machine.com/) Sorry.


As for the Endor thing, a friend of mine found a hilarious scientific essay on the horrors of what the destruction of the second death star would have caused http://www.theforce.net/swtc/holocaust.html#disaster


Hilarious - Koounaar

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In reply to the origin of c-3PO i took this from http://www.theforce.net


There is one definite point of awkwardness in the continuity surrounding C-3PO. Books and the C-3PO CCG game card published before The Phantom Menace stated that he was manufactured 112 years before A New Hope. Since The Phantom Menace is much more recent than that, these references are disproven unless the droid is less than entirely Anakin Skywalker's creation. Perhaps the chassis and whatever part of the droid contains his sapience were found in a dismembered state, and Anakin carried out a restoration process using other droid parts. The Episode I: Visual Dictionary states that the structural framework was eighty years old during The Phantom Menace. Since the droid is recognised as a distinct model in the later movies, Anakin must have been performing an act of restoration, not complete innovation or invention.

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