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Indy 64 Codes?

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Why aren't there many codes for Indy and the Infernal Machine on the N64? I mean..theres so many on PC....I thing there should be an all weapons code..or a infinate ammo code..or invincabilty code..I've beaten the game..but..codes would of made it easier..but I like challenging games.

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Good then you don't need the codes... well that about settles it lol.


Honestly, there is only so much you can fit on an N64 cartidge... I mean I'm sure codes don't take up too much space programming wise... but since it was a conversion no one really bothered to care. Besides... the only code I ever knew in it for the PC was the fixme one because I always broke, and I knew about the Barber Shop secret area (Guybrush + Rocket Laucnher = good times!)

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