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Gamespy3D now supports Jedi Outcast


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Originally posted by Valdarious

Yeah it also has support for spyware, :D



Not if you registered 4 years ago like I did. :) And this is Gamespy 3d, not the festering pile of evil known as Gamespy Arcade.


In any case, a simple firewall keeps nosy programs from communicating back to their masters.

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Yeah, GS3D is great (called QuakeSpy back when I registered!). You can create tabs to distinguish between Force or No Force Duels, and control your server list so it only shows low player count servers (again, for Duels, so you don't have to wait so long).




The new version is doing something a bit odd in JO. It creates a "basejk" folder in your GameData folder. It's sorta like it thinks the whole game is a mod.


It's not a huge problem. The only file it puts in there is the multiplayer config. But if you ever go start JO normally and fight some bots and change your keys or other settings, I don't think those won't be reflected when you join through Gamespy 3D.


Best thing to do is trash that folder each time you start up JO normally. Again, not a huge problem and totally made up for by the usefulness of Gamespy.



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Originally posted by MankaCat

yes ASE is orgasmic




One kitty to another, Manka, you need to get out the sandbox more!!!!:D :D :D :D





Seriously, I've used both. The only thing I don't like about ASE is that it doesn't refresh the servers right, even though I've set it so that it will re-scan all servers immediately (as opposed to the default setting).


I do like ASE because it has the SmartSpy capability of GS3D built in, but I've become a bit of a 'wiz' at creating those anyway....


I end up using both actually.....(safe answer? LOL)



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I'd use ASE if it weren't for the simple reason that I don't have any reason to switch. GS3D has never crashed on me on its own. The only time it's ever crashed was when I was running Win98 and one program crashed in a particularly violent way and took out every other program that was running at the time (that was also the crash that made me switch to XP). I registered GameSpy before they added Smartspy in, so I've always had it. As to how fast it updates the server list, I'm extremely patient and can find something else to do while it updates. 2 minutes, 10 minutes, it doesn't matter to me as long as it gets done.

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Originally posted by Amorpheus

How? It only refreshes servers that weren't updated recently, which makes perfect sense.


I don't agree that it makes perfect sense. When I click refresh, I want to refresh everything. Or any one server. If I'm waiting for a slot to open on a particular list of servers (added to one of my favorites slots), what good would this 'feature' do me? I'm aware that you can have ASE query a single server until a slot opens, thus allowing you to connect, but this doesn't work with multiple servers, afaik...


Other than that minor quibble, I like ASE.....

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Something interesting I found while doing side-by-side comparisons between ASE and GS3D:


GS3D returned 427 servers on a full scan.


ASE returned 805 servers on a full scan. (I configured ASE to reject servers with more than 20% packet loss, other wise it returns 1045 servers)



It would appear that GS's network is not fully scanning *all* available servers yet.


Just a heads-up......

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