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Right im more or less new to editing...well anything, i've made a few skins for some games like Tribes 2 and Max Payne, but nothing as detailed as the ones in JK2....

Basically i wanted to know is there anyway of editing the .glm model files? or is the SDK needed for this?


So far i have made a new Kyle skin, and a new Dessan skin, i have also added Dessans saber as the default saber so in multiplayer and singleplayer you use Dessans one with the spikes instead of a plain jane saber.


I'd post some screenies but i dont have any web space (or any idea how to put the up for that matter)

Kyle's outfit is detailed black (not just matt black) with a red and black shoulder pad, its mostly a black and dark red theme, makes Kyle looks fairly evil and sith like, and thats me :)


Dessan is my pride and joy, i completely reworked his colour scheme, i also changed his scales from purple to a dark red also, imo he looks more evil and less Barney like

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posted a new thread by accident there :(

But anyway, everyone has the spikey handle, i was hoping, in true jedi fashion, to create my own saber, then from there maybe making it into a custom used weapon in that only my character uses it

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well that do ya know it took me 10mins to get some space so im gonna try and post some pic's they are the only ones i have at the moment and are kinda dark, but comments are appreciated i dont know how to get them to open so they have to be right clicked and saved :(






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