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A Thread Of Many Things...


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I've been playing JO since it came out and been loving every second of it, but there are numerous random things I would like to address...


1. Has anyone noticed how the Jan from Dark Forces looks completely different from the Jan in Jedi Knight and Outcast? And as a poll, which one do people prefer?


2. I've got a Voodoo 3 3000 AGP and its unsupported. In the readme it says that sometimes the text goes blurry but "not to worry, it will stilll be legible." I instead find that every time I load a multiplayer game, the text is blurry beyond readability. The only way for me to fix it is to reload with the same graphics settings applied. Anyone working on a fix for this?


3. Strange request, but would someone make for me (or the general community) an Uber-bot that has the most generic face possible and the title "Metzen". Capital M, lower case the rest. I know this sounds bizzare, but my friend and I have this really wierd outlook on life that involves everything in the world being controlled either by Chris Metzen from Blizzard Entertainment or Stockwell Day, the leader of the Canadian Alliance party. The bot has to be really twitchy and extra good with the saber. Basically he has to be able to own 20 reborn.


4. Is anyone working on something that allows for the slow motion deaths in multiplayer? Specifically for Duel maps where its only two people anyway, so that it isn't affecting the others. In theory, this could be done for two people in an FFA that are also dueling, but I suppose it would be harder. Comments?


5. A total conversion of DF and JK to the engine that JO runs on would be really sweet (although I'd miss the saber fighting Dark Troopers!)


6. A lot of people have been claiming that the sides are unbalanced and that everyone plays as the Dark side because its easier or more powerful. I find the opposite to be true.


Grip - counterable and besides, unless the guy is throwing you off a cliff with it, its no big deal to ride it out. There's a cool down period between using it and attacking with the saber, so you can always hop up before getting struck by a blow from heavy stance and run away or push etc.

Drain - What's the big deal? Use up ur force pool so he can't heal. If you practically hold down the force heal, you're always at full health and he can't score off of you. Also, one word - ABSORB.

Lightning - Ride it out, it doesn't hurt that much and again, ABSORB.

Neutrals - These are more problematic, but since the Lightsider has them too, I won't touch the issue here.


If your quick on your feet and have max heal, no darksider can kill you. Hurt you yes, kill you no...



Er... That's all I can think of right now, but I'm sure its enough to get people's gears crankin' for the time being.


Let me know what you think!

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1. What's your point? They cannot exactly recreate a skin of the actress. Looks more like the original Jan from DF, since when is Jan asian? Exactly, she shouldn't be.


2. Solution: Buy a new video card. The one you have blows goats.


3. No one's just gonna make a skin for you, you'll need to do it yourself.


4. Probably not. It's pretty impracticle, and just brings up lots of network sync problems that are probably unfixable.


5. WHY? Why would you want to waste your time making a TC for a game you've already played and beaten? For better graphics? TCs work 1% of the time, the other 99% fail. Most people loose interest, and it's especially in something like this that they loose it most.


6. I agree. If you think Dark powers are cheap, well, toough. Gett used to it. You can't have a counter for every force power for every force side. If you could, the effects would be completely nullified and playing with force with be absolutly pointless.


The disadvantage of playing against a dark jedi as a dark jedi is that you cannot defend against other force powers. This is the disadvantage of being dark. The advantage is that you can do A LOT of damage to other dark jedi and light jedi who can't or don't know how to counter your attacks.


The disadvantage of being light is that you have no offensive powers, and you can only defend against dark powers. When playing against a light jedi, there's rarely any force use, except for push/pull etc. This is another advantage of being light.


Force powers are never going to be completely balanced for each side, same goes with weapons, and there's no way to change that unless you play NO force at all.

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