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One thing this game needs... (xbox)


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when you get a console of a PC, you should learn to deal with the fact that every title is not going to be available on one or the other. Its something that people have coped with for years and years, but for some reason the occasional console user comes out or the PC user comes out and starts complaining because a game they wanted was only available on a platform not available to them. All I have to say is deal with it, its probably never coming to XBox. There will be many more games to come that wont come to XBox or games that wont come to PC but will be available on another platform. Ive dealt with this, you should learn to also (either by just shutting up or getting the platform if you can afford it). Thats my two cents.

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Originally posted by ninja_alex_p

you people are being retarded. how old are you.




and another thing, saying people dont care about europe is not racist, it might be if you said nobody cared about black people but..... :p


1: first you call us retarded and then you try and call US immature! being retarded is a serious thing and its nothing to laugh about


2: please explain why making fun of people from a certain location is not racist and making fun of people because of what colour they are is rasict? the reason why people are coloured or not is because of where they originate from!

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He's right.

He's a loser for the stupid thread and his stupid comments but it's not racism to hate somebody from Europe (or whereever for that matter). Race is not where you came from but the colour of your skin. I'm not sure that hating a Jew would even be considered racism since Judaism isn't a race, it's a culture and a religion.


Don't get me wrong though, it is descrimination and bigotry but it's not racism.


Sorry, had to point it out

DarthNoodles out...

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Originally posted by DarthNoodles


He's right.

He's a loser for the stupid thread and his stupid comments but it's not racism to hate somebody from Europe (or whereever for that matter). Race is not where you came from but the colour of your skin. I'm not sure that hating a Jew would even be considered racism since Judaism isn't a race, it's a culture and a religion.


Don't get me wrong though, it is descrimination and bigotry but it's not racism.


Sorry, had to point it out

DarthNoodles out...


well i dunno about definitions but when Anne Robinson said she didnt like Wales lots of over sensative people started saying she was racist

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Just to settle the "Popular console" debate, I pulled #'s from my company for all 3 systems SINCE the xbox and Gamecube were released.


ps2 - 162128 (Unable to go back to open date in our PC)

Xbox - 72175 Release -29972

Gamecube- 78842 Release - 33152



So since the Xbox and Cube have been released, PS2 has sold more than both. THe Gamecube comes in for a close second but Xbox is still last. Now, these are just the #'s from one chain, I don't know how it plays out overall... but still, if the trend is consistent, that awnsers the "popularity" debate.

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To the earlier comment about Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan does not suck. I find it a very good game with VERY impressive saber control. I know where i'm swinging the saber in this game. Unlike Outcast I can pick up objects throw them at characters and rip guns out of there hands and watch them run. The first Coruscant and all Theed levels are larger and more detailed than many of the Outcast levels. Even after purchasing Outcast, which is a great game, I still go back to OBi-Wan from time to time. As for the X-Box. I own all three systems and if I where to keep only one, it would be X-Box. The games are polished and becoming more photo-real as time goes on. I am very supprised that the Box is not selling well in Europe considering the American Jaguar sold well there. I am not supprised that its not selling well in Japan since they tend to shun American products. Microsoft seems to be countering this by buying out all the big software houses. If you can't beat them...buy them out instead!

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Jesus i cant wait until may 17th when ill finally get my gamecube here in australia, xbox can keep its lineup of mostly-crappy-and-the-ones-that-are-good-are-pc-ports-or-coming-to-pc-where-i-can-play-them-in-substantially-better-quality-and-easy-online and the ps2 with its lets-throw-wheelbarrows-full-of-mediocre-and-crappy-titles-at-the-market-and-hope-we-make-some-money-when-people-mistake-them-for-the-same-quality-as-the-occasional-ico-or-rez , bleargh i say!


and to the inevitable "gamecube has kids games" bull****, please grow up i mean honestly, a colourful game isnt any less fun to play

not to mention the coming titles such as the resident evil series, eternal darkness: sanitys requiem, mafia, reign of fire, metroid prime, perfect dark, rogue spear, turok and the new bond title (not agent under fire) for starters.


wow i really went off topic there didnt i. oh well, i love to rant, and also to demonstrate appaling grammar. that is all.

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and the xbox has only really been popular in america and may not be the incredible dream machine sucess it has been touted as. Its selling quite poorly in japan, first week april sales it sold only 2,179 units , which makes it a worse seller than the PsONE (3,959), PS2 (80,734 - now theres a big seller!), Gamecube (15,068) and the real slap in the face, outsold by discontinued sega dreamcast at 3,427.


Xbox. Bleargh.


(props to gamers.com for the article)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi. I said Europe doesn't matter.


Allow me to clarify this statement... AGAIN.


I don't hate people from Europe. I don't hate Europe. It was a J O K E. Like.. haha... Europe is a big country, and it doesn't matter? Duh, of course it does.


I also was not making some sort of socio-economic statement as to WHY Europe does/does not matter. I was just saying "it doesn't matter." I guess my humor isn't much appreciated. I live in the U.S. and I get some hearty ribbing quite regularly from my EU friends. I don't let it phase me, because I know they don't mean it.


How about this: lighten up.


Also: If you don't speak english well, don't flame people. I saw alot of posts from people who obviously aren't well-versed in the language flaming me for being racist. You just didn't understand the context of the post, because you don't speak the language, or you can't read well.


I saw regionalism mentioned. If I was bashing in any way, thats what it would have been, not racism. Allow me to demonstrate.


Racism: I hate black people. I wish they would all die. (No I don't. This is for demonstrative purposes.)


Regionalism: Why do trees line the streets of France? So that the Germans can march in the shade. *Ba-dum-pssht!*


One last thing. I'm bored. If I've offended anyone, good. I love offending people. You are not a beatiful and unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else. Don't try to be better than someone because you live in EU or the U.S. Thats bull****. And stop taking things so seriously.


And then I was like "weeee!"

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I personally despise the X-Box, I don't consider it apart from computers, into the realm of a console as much as a PS2 or GC, because it uses almost entirely computer components altered for the unit, rather than components designed for that purpose.


compared to computers the X-Box is overall garbage. so what if it has a Gf3 video card, it's got a crappy slow hard drive, not very much, or very fast memory, a like 2 or 3 year old (development wise) processor, and a nonstandard, proprietary motherboard/chipset.


the primary benefits of this being that things can be programmed in x86 code, rather than RISC or whatever, and that it has very specific computer level, nonvarying components it can be programmed for, rather than having to program in contingencys for various hardware and software combinations that can cause bizare problems.


sure, it may STILL end up being more powerful than it's competing consoles, but it's far more awkward, both because it has no niche to fit into at launch, and how I presume, at least, most console game programmers know how to program in the processor/memory architecture used in consoles, making it more awkward for them to try to program for xbox, AND since computer game programmers are used to having to deal with more options, they get a break on that part, BUT having to program with a basis of such a horribly limited interface (I know you can hook a keyboard to it, but I don't think you'd want a program depending on that, unless it was designed for a computer) of a console.


besides, intels are in x-boxes and I'm a hardcore AMD fan.

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Okay, look. You know what pissed me off? When Microsoft bought Bungie and took Halo from the PC and had it come out on X-Box FIRST...it's still coming for PC though, I think. Anyway, what pissed me off MORE...............is when they stole BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER! I WANT that game, and I want it for my computer. It was ORIGINALLY coming out for computer, and it still SHOULD be. We are quite lucky that this is a game that the X-Box wasn't able to take from the PC. Do I think that Final Fantasy games should be released on the PC because people don't have PS and PS2s? Hell no. They are GOOD for a console, and pretty much bad for PC. JKO is good for PC, and would not be that valuable on console systems. I think Jedi Starfighter should have been for PC, too, by the way. ;)

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Originally posted by Soul-Burn


Buy X-Boxes!!

you know why? because for each XBox sold, Micro$oft loses money. The price of the product to the company is about 100$ more than what you pay.. they try to get money out of ripping off the game companies to make games for it.


Hell... although making M$ suffer is great, but it still isn't worth the money.


sorry i'd prefer that M$ makes money rather than me buying that hunk of ****. work at EB, i've played all the games on it, Halo is it, the rest blows. Sorry i'll get a Gamecube, Resident Evil is graphically better than anything the Xbox has. Stop trying to comfort yourselfs with your foolish purchase by imposing it on me.

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