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How to Kick People With Two names


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How do I kick someone with two names like Luke Skywalker.


I tried rcon kick Luke Skywalker

rcon kick luke


Then i decided I would try the Rcon Clientkick command but when i did rcon status it would only give me two clients numbers and not the rest.


Any suggestions??

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Basically you're screwed unless you have access to the server console. From there you can do a status and get the whole player list. Next week I hope to have a beta release of JAB (JK2 Admin Bot--a conversion of the Wolfenstein Admin Bot by Quark) ready to go. With JAB, you'll be able (as an identified admin) to kick players by typing only a part of their name. ;)


The problem with /rcon status is a known problem with Q3 engine games. Some day, it might get fixed. Who knows. Until there, there's the server console or, hopefully soon, JAB.

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If you have access to the server.cfg then you can give yourself an rcon password so you can use the console remotely.


From then it just </serverstatus> look at the numbers assigned to the ppl and </clientKick #>


Done :cool:

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I'm confused... maybe i'm wrong, but if you have rcon access all you have to do is type:


rcon kick "multi named person with spaces"


notice the " " if you dont put the " " it cuts your command off after multi....


Atleast this is how it works in Half Life with rcon access.



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Perhaps you can do it your way too..... i'm not sure because whenever I enter "xxxx" around a word, the quotes always disappear when the command is displayed afterwards.


You probably can do it that way.... but sometimes you will run into the problem where someone has a weird character in their name which you can't reproduce... such as "spider|man" OK most people know where the "|" key is but there are other characters that you need to know the Alt+# to make... such as "SCOOBZ®"


Unless you know that ® is Alt+0174 then you ain't kickin' me out of anygame :D - unless you use a /clientKick - its failsafe !



Besides, all that - the other point was </rcon> which he needs to set a password in server.cfg


Happy KICKIN' :slsaber:

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yeah i have the rcon password i cant kick anyone with even a single name without a password...that /serverstatus cmd just brings up something like "broadcast print server serverstatus" or something to that affect. I haven't tried typing the persons name with quotes around it maybe that will work

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Originally posted by worm777

...that /serverstatus cmd just brings up something like "broadcast print server serverstatus" or something to that affect....


You might have to type </recon serverstatus>


Your right, you do get a big list - but right at the bottom, you get a list of people connected to the server, their client numbers and also their IP addresses.


Hence client numbers >>> clientkick #

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Sadly, you can't rely on /rcon serverstatus. If the server is full, then you can use it and just subtract 1 from the number next to their name. If the server is NOT full then it may not work. The reason is because the serverstatus list numbers the clients sequentially even if there is a gap in the client numbers. For instance, you could type /rcon status and get this (I removed the ips and other extraneous info):


num score ping name

--- ----- ---- ---------------

4 167 308 kamikaze

5 0 479 vAdEr

6 0 999 greedy bastard

7 40 86 Ted

9 0 250 Padawan

10 21 213 zoro#2

11 339 69 ^rRuBBer ^kKnu^c^^ckle^SS

13 241 267 Padawan

14 301 209 zeni

15 0 70 jk2newbie


But your serverstatus would look like this:


1 kamikaze

2 vAdEr

3 greedy bastard

4 Ted

5 Padawan

6 zoro#2

7 ^rRuBBer ^kKnu^c^^ckle^SS

8 Padawan

9 zeni

10 jk2newbie


In my case, I have 4 private spots which are automatically client numbers 0-3. Yes, if they are empty, the guy in slot 4 gets #1 in the serverstatus. Again, even if the server is competely full, you still need to deduct one from the serverstatus # to get the client #. Thus, the serverstatus method works very rarely.


And to confirm what was mentioned earlier, you are right, quotes are striped by the console (rcon). That's the reason you need to set g_password none instead of set g_password "" if you want to remove a pass via rcon.

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I'm hoping that soon somebody can come up with a program kind of like what was made for Jedi Knight. When somebody came in with a freaky name made with mostly ascii, you could minimize the game and, using the program, could change the weird name into something else... whatever you want. Then you could kick them easier. Very handy for sure...

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  • 5 weeks later...

Put ^^ weree the spaceses are in the nick examp


Dark Lue put /rcon <pass> Kick Dark^^luke



BAM ther kicked but they might just come back then ull have to go thoughe all the trouble of putting /rcon <pass> addip <ip number>

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