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Ok I don't know if this is the place to put it or what.....but some people are either complete newbs to online game play or they are out to ruin a good thing. What I am talking about is on Sabre Only servers.


When you see someone that has thier sabre off don't go to wacking at them or grabbing them and throwing them off the nearest ledge. Issue a challenge or wait and see if they issue you one. For this reason we will totally password our server that sits on a DS3 cause we will not deal with these types of people on our server.


Second thing is....."THERE IS A STRATEGY TO THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!!!"

Anyone can click a facking mouse button really fast and move in the general direction of another player. If you have no skill go find it. I sat and spectated a server tonight and seen to many people that just ran blind welding thier sabre's left and right with no clue as to what they are doing besides moving in a direction and swing thier damn sabre! Duels are hell'a cool when you have someone who actually tries to fight with skill and timing. Try it out sometime you might find it alot more fun when you TRY.


......end rant!

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WELL PUT....I actually will wait till someone finishes their duel to challenge the winner(in FFA), with my saber off and get slashed from behind(usually by someone using the light stance so it doesnt kill you just makes you annoyed)...And I also dont like people who complain about things in the game like force powers..If you think a certain force power is unbeatable (like someof you evidently do) then use it. I use light powers only and do rather well. It is a rare occasion when drain or lightning actually effects me....anyway enough rant...Use strategy like posted above, dont just flail wildly, unless that is your strategy, to flail around and look moronic....

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Originally posted by IPsoldat


When you see someone that has thier sabre off don't go to wacking at them or grabbing them and throwing them off the nearest ledge. Issue a challenge or wait and see if they issue you one. For this reason we will totally password our server that sits on a DS3 cause we will not deal with these types of people on our server.


Second thing is....."THERE IS A STRATEGY TO THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!!!"

Anyone can click a facking mouse button really fast and move in the general direction of another player. If you have no skill go find it. I sat and spectated a server tonight and seen to many people that just ran blind welding thier sabre's left and right with no clue as to what they are doing besides moving in a direction and swing thier damn sabre! Duels are hell'a cool when you have someone who actually tries to fight with skill and timing. Try it out sometime you might find it alot more fun when you TRY.






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Hehe, I was running my own Dedicated server today and the title that you see while joining is "GZ FFA(duel) Neutral FP". Now I think its pretty obvious that it means, there or to be no light/dark force powers in the server. But, and there is always a but isnt there? But I still got these people that would come on and try to drain/lightning me or what not. I even stated to a couple of them before they left and I quote myself :D "All that power and it amounts to nothing...." They would run up and try the ol drain me and so I could not throw my saber etc etc, but I had my forceregentime set to 0, which meant drain me all you want since in a split second I will have half my force bar right back again. I would continuously pull them every single time and walk over and strike them down as they were trying to get up. I consider myself a damn good player and I love dueling with/without neutral force powers, but when me and one very honorable person are fighting in a duel between us without duel_engage on (for push and pull) these dorks would try to come and join in. They never thought that both of us would drop what we were doing and gang up on the said dork. I would reinterate alot that there are to be no light/dark force powers in the server, and they would whine that this isnt a real game, you need all force powers for a real challenge, even though I was kicking their arse without them, READ THE DAMN SERVER before joining, if you dont like neutral powers then dont join one that says thats all there is to be.


*edit* Hey Ipsoldat could I join your server sometime, I am always looking for server that take the time to enforce certain rules.

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Sure... our upstream provider is dropping in 3 more OC3 cause the one they have is overloaded they will have it finalized at the end of this month. After that our server will go in place. It will run on a dual PII 450 with 1GB of ram on 10k rpm scsi drives raid 0. I know PII 450 isn't much but it will be running linux so I dont have to worry about the OS eating up the resources. I think it should handle 18 players nicely.

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Originally posted by Valdarious

Hehe, I was running my own Dedicated server today and the title that you see while joining is "GZ FFA(duel) Neutral FP". Now I think its pretty obvious that it means, there or to be no light/dark force powers in the server.


I don't find that very obvious.


What's the GZ mean?

Neutral FP? Neutral FreePort? we in everquest now?

FFA Duel? Isn't that a contradiction? which game is it, duel or FFA?


either tell people as they get in or find a way to get a message of the day. I hate servers that are: FFA NDF, OLFP! (translation, Free For All No Dark Forces, Only Light Force Powers)

You might assume that everyone can read minds, but please make fun of those who can't.


just my rant for the day.

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I agree completely, but some people just want to be first on the scoreboard. I play on LiCk's server almost exclusively since it says in the name "IF SABRE IS AWAY DO NOT KILL" and the admins enforce it rather vigorously. Challenging in an FFA is the only way you can get a good saber battle, really. It gets you away from the drain/lightning or drain/grip monkeys.


Also, lots of people seem to complain that people run around too much when dueling or throw their saber too much. What's up with that? Christ, would someone REALLY just rush in flailing blindly? I will strike when I see the chance and throw my saber when the enemy leaves themselves open, which is quite often. It's just so annoying when some newbie says "STOP THROWING AND STAND AND FIGHT". No way in heck Im going to let you get ONE hit on me if I have the chance.

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IPsoldat, can i have the password, and the name of you server

Im a great dueler, its basically all i do when i play only. Sure the occasional gripping on streets is also great fun, but i was a star wars nut and i love dueling. I'd really like tp play with you guys since i beleive those sort of rules whould be part of the game! anyways

you can if you decide to gimmie the pass, icq me 59570772, or msn me inferno_22@hotmail.com

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Neutral FP? Neutral FreePort? we in everquest now? FFA Duel? Isn't that a contradiction? which game is it, duel or FFA?


either tell people as they get in or find a way to get a message of the day. I hate servers that are: FFA NDF, OLFP! (translation, Free For All No Dark Forces, Only Light Force Powers)


Freeport? Give me a break not everyone lives in EQ anymore. I think its pretty obvious now that with all the acronyms running around that most people know that FP means Force Powers expecialy when I put Neutral right in front of it. Plus if they dont know this, my server has a Message of the Day that specificaly says in caps "NEUTRAL FORCE POWERS ONLY". FFA(duel) is not a contradiction. There are tons of servers that do duels in FFA mode, so if anyone is in an engage_duel they dont have to wait 5 mins just to fight. GZ is just me, I go by 2 names, GrndZero or Valdarious. Most of my FPS friends know me by GZ or GrndZero.

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Wow, I'd love to play on a server like that!


Don't get me wrong, I like playing with FF also (I play Light exclusively, and love taking on drainers/grippers..absorb, natch..), but the way you set up your server would be sweet to play on.....


I haven't tried any NF servers yet: I'm gonna look for one and see what that's like. Can anyone share their experiences with NF?





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I'm Sebboh Nivlac, an admin at:


[LiCk] JK2 Sabers Only - DO NOT KILL IF SABRE NOT DRAWN|73ms|


We have VERY simple, and HIGHLY enforced rules:


1. If you want to duel, deactivate your saber.

2. If your saber is deactivated, you cannot attack with your saber OR any force power (including PUSH and kicking)

3. NO ONE who's saber is deactivated can be attacked, at ANY time.


We want players that play with HONOR. This means not attacking a guy THE SECOND his duel ends. Or activating your saber and attacking in a VERY short time, that's cheap to us. We have plenty of peeps that slash and hack in groups, and that is fine. But they leave the guys wanting to duel (saber deactivated) alone. And THOSE guys leave the with-saber guys alone as well. This is NOT a court of law, there are NO loopholes here. If you do something thats cheap over and over, we'll make room for someone who see's it like WE do. And there ARE plenty out there.


Since running our server this way, we have had an OVERWHELMING response from CLASS-ACTS like Jiro, TOPACE, Shroomduck, and many others.


I DO run this hard tho, don't come on expecting to be able to bend the rules "just once". The ONLY time I don't kick is if you didn't know our rules. If I think ya knew em, but just wanted to goof ONCE, yer gone.


If ya wanna know more, come to #LiCk on enterthegame. Or talk to others who have been to our server, and didn't get kicked! :)


There IS honor in JK2, but it takes an active admin, and a great crew of players!


[LiCk]Sebboh Nivlac

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and seen to many people that just ran blind welding thier sabre's left and right with no clue as to what they are doing besides moving in a direction and swing thier damn sabre!


I LOVE those people. I was on a sever today and this guys strategy was to put on dark rage and do that.


push... saber throw... push... saberthrow.... etc.

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I just wanna add we do have one more rule.




Just in case you don't understand why. The name is the default name and people don't change it. Problem is, you have 3 Padawans on the server and one acts up, theres no way of telling who to kick. So all get kicked. Now we just kick until they understand they need to change it. If its just one on the server, we normally tell them twice and then kick.


We don't run it with an Iron Fist or try to act like god there but we do enforce the rules religiously. So anyone that breaks them, is removed rather hastily.



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Originally posted by callvin



I'm Sebboh Nivlac, an admin at:


[LiCk] JK2 Sabers Only - DO NOT KILL IF SABRE NOT DRAWN|73ms|


We have VERY simple, and HIGHLY enforced rules:


1. If you want to duel, deactivate your saber.

2. If your saber is deactivated, you cannot attack with your saber OR any force power (including PUSH and kicking)

3. NO ONE who's saber is deactivated can be attacked, at ANY time.


We want players that play with HONOR. This means not attacking a guy THE SECOND his duel ends. Or activating your saber and attacking in a VERY short time, that's cheap to us. We have plenty of peeps that slash and hack in groups, and that is fine. But they leave the guys wanting to duel (saber deactivated) alone. And THOSE guys leave the with-saber guys alone as well. This is NOT a court of law, there are NO loopholes here. If you do something thats cheap over and over, we'll make room for someone who see's it like WE do. And there ARE plenty out there.


Since running our server this way, we have had an OVERWHELMING response from CLASS-ACTS like Jiro, TOPACE, Shroomduck, and many others.


I DO run this hard tho, don't come on expecting to be able to bend the rules "just once". The ONLY time I don't kick is if you didn't know our rules. If I think ya knew em, but just wanted to goof ONCE, yer gone.


If ya wanna know more, come to #LiCk on enterthegame. Or talk to others who have been to our server, and didn't get kicked! :)


There IS honor in JK2, but it takes an active admin, and a great crew of players!


[LiCk]Sebboh Nivlac



...id love to play in your server, but i ping like junk ... i found a server similar to yours some days ago, i wish i wrote down the ip tho ... im just rambling, n/m me

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Just a quick note/point about the saber:


I frequently turn the saber off while running, in order to hear better (don't have the hum of my saber going along with all other sounds).


If I played on a server with rules like the LiCK server has, I'd be in violation. Dang.


My point is that I use this tactic not to get any 'cheap' kills, but to zero in on where a nearby opponent might be. Once I have an idea of where they are, I turn it back on.....

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Running around with yer saber off is FINE. Turning it on a second before hitting someone is cheap in my book.


The idea is simple, play fair. Give the other guy a chance to prepare. If 3-4 people are all in a bunch, go crazy, whatever. But I'd rather kill a guy, having given him warning, then some cheap hit when he isn't looking....


[LiCk]Sebboh Nivlac

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