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Desans/Reborn/Tavions spinning sabre


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You know how when the above mentioned characters (desan, tavion, and reborn) have their lightsabres off they spin it on their fingers like a basketball... Is their anyway I could do that in SP or MP games? Is their a console command or something to bing to a key or an actual taunt which does this?


I think that would be awesome to do just before a duel - or a huge taunt if done in the middle of one!

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Thats not a problem about being SP only as I play SP 99.9% of the time. The 0.1% of the time I am in the menus (so I have not played MP online if you do the maths)


Does this taunt have an effect on the SP bad guys? eg: Do reborn get pissed off your taunting them?


Oh and thanks for the info on the binding mate!


ps: If you did it against a human in a duel I reckon would be like "Your so hopeless I dont even need it turned on to duel you" kind of thing... But for me it is only theory as I have not MP'ed.

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