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JEDI CLOAKS? anyone?

[Sith]Exar Kun

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Umm... You have no idea how difficult that would be, do you? Possible, maybe... Worth the time.... Probably not. You'd have to create a custom mesh and then give it animations, which would require both 3ds Max and SoftImage, as well as lots of time and expertise in such matters.

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Aero i dont care if it would be hard all im saying is it would be fu*kin awsome and definatly worth the time....i saw a halflife mod where guys had flowing trenchcoats it was badass. Just seems lame that raven didnt make jedi cloaks cause it would definatly make the game more enjoyable:D :emperor::ben::vadar: all the greatest jedis had cloaks...only seems logical to have em in this incredible game

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