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Upcoming Project


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Well, I never thought that I'd be involved in a project where I was the lead artist, but that seems to be the case now! In the last month I've gotten involved with a group of people who are first-time adventure developers. We're currently working on an adventure game set in modern times, and our site will soon be hosted on AdventureDeveloper.com (if Courthold still exists ¬ ¬).


We don't have much stuff done yet, but I've got a few pieces of early concept art sketches that may or may not be used in the game.










Tell me what you think! This is my first real attempt at focussed art in a few years, so I'm a bit rusty.

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Hmm looks good, any way we can contact you other than email or the forum? (IRC, AIM, Yahoo!, ICQ, whatever) I'm not sure how much I'd be able to help with the programming in C++, I don't have all that much experience with it, I've been using a program that uses a code similar to Delphi and Pascal, but anyway as far as joining the project, if you joined I'd resign from programming it and just be project leader/music and other things like that...

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