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Suprising Reborns!!! [SPOILERS]


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In the Bespin lvl (not sure which part) I was walking down a hallway, and out of nowhere comes a Reborn. I killed him, and then auto loaded to find out where he came from. It turns out he was hiding in a corner on the ceiling. Anyway this scared the crap out of me, and I'm wondering who else was suprised!:D

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the one that fell from the ceiling in the laser hallway area suprised me. was funny thought because i instinctivly hit forward slash and sliced through his head killing him before he even set himself after landing.


dunno why but on the pipe with the rotating electric sheets, i didn't see the one in the middle. but he was moron enough to just walk off the edge himself committing suicide.

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Also at one point you go outside through a large bay door. Right in front of you are two large pillars. You walk a couple of feet foward, and the door closes behind you. At that point I new I was in for a suprise. I was right, because there were two Reborns behind the pillars!!! LOL:D Again that scared the crap out of me!:laughing:

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That aprt with the pillars I was like "hmm, bet an ambush will happen here with stormies"


then I walk through the pillars and two reborn leap out. It freaked me out, but I hit forward+jump+attack and killed one of the two immediately with that kartwheel attack thing. Then it was just one on one. The poor reborn didn't have a chance

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No, what really scared the piss out of me was when I encountered that very first Reborn and started backpedaling for maneuver room, and he shouted after me "Where are you going, Jedi?"


I mean, how the hell did he know I was running away?!? This game has scary-AI sometimes.

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