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They way I've been doing it is to start out with wimps like the storm trooper and practice until I can beat them consistantly. They I up the skill level a bit and try again. Once you are good at that then you can take on some of the harder enemies unbil you get up to the Jedi's and Reborn. I also started out with no force powers, and later started increasing those levels too. Hope that helps:cool:

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Don't turn on force powers for the bots if you want to be a better dueler. They give you way too much of an advantage, with the possible exception of Luke, since he plays the Heal/Absorb combo well, but doesn't use much in the way of offensive force at all. The bots are good for learning about when it's appropriate to use which stance, and how to pull of the special moves.


- [PMV] Joker

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