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Thoughts on the "Infamous ____ Scene"? **SPOILERS**

Wes Janson SMR

Were you conviced of Jan's supposed death?  

148 members have voted

  1. 1. Were you conviced of Jan's supposed death?

    • Yes. Right from the start.
    • Not at first, but I gradually believed she was killed.
    • I couldn't really make up my mind until she reappeared.
    • Yes - at first. But then, I gradually believed she was indeed alive.
    • No. From the start, I knew they wouldn't kill her off.

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Okay ladies and gents. After the gracious feedback I had from my previous post, I'm running a rudementary poll of who was or wasn't conviced of Jan's death.


The reason I'm asking, is because I felt that not enough people fell for the ploy - and that's what compelled me to imagine other scenarios.


So let's experiment. Be honest, and don't be embarrised about one way or the other.



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I wouldn't. I'd assume if they wanted to kill my woman, they'd be all evil and do it in my face. And all I heard was a swing and a tiny grunt. I'd imagine that Jan would make more noise than that. Even if the wound was supposed to be fatal on contact, you'd at least hear the 'Saber connect.


Kyle was too gulible.

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ah, it's weird seeing people who didn't go through the whole Quake/Quake2/CS thing, and struggle with l33t speak. Just think what would happen if they came across haxxor speak? lol


and he said, "kill the evil stormtroopers."


n00bs g0t p\/\/n3d h4rs|-|, d00d. \/\/4y 2 g0, D4nnYD|pL0. "4LL t0 34Zy."

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I voted for "No. From the start, I knew they wouldn't kill her off." but thats not entirely accurate: To be more precise, I suspected that Kyle was being deceived about it but I obviously couldn't know that I was in fact right, until Tavion confirmed this. Therefore, although I thought that she was probably alive all the time, I felt that this plot device was just fine... Just because I, as a jaded video-games player, can 'see through' a plot, doesn't make it necessarily any less interesting!


On the other hand, if they had shown actually Jan being struck down (through use of a dummy, a mind-trick or whatever,) but then suddenly she is announced to be alive and well, the plot would have felt a whole lot cheaper to me.


IMO Kyle is supposed to be ashamed and embarrassed that he was tricked so easily by Desann and that this has lead him on the path to the Dark side. When he realises this (when Tavion reveals all) he hesitates in his terrible revenge and rebukes the Dark side somewhat (he shows mercy for Tavion and lets her go.) He now has hope and this hope is his new motive.


On the other hand if he'd actually "seen" Jan die then he wouldn't have had any reason to believe Tavion's story (after all the only reason he actually believes Tavion is that he thinks back to the event and realises he can't be sure Jan is really dead!) and consequently he would have probably just murdered Tavion, forever seeling his Dark side fate...


By the way, I loved SPY_jmr1's idea that Desann should have converted Jan into a Reborn. It would have made for a brilliant 'scripted' encounter if you had had to convert Jan back to the Light side: Imagine going back to the Valley and Kyle being really reluctant to fight (his love) Jan but she is simply out to kill him. You would have had to have fought an entirely defensive fight (so as not to kill her) while throughout the breaks in the battle small bits of dialogue would be spoken between them while Kyle tried to convert her. (Maybe culminating in Kyle having to manouevre her into the stream of energy eminating from the Temple?) What fun that fight would have been!:D

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Right at the start, I thought "They can't kill off Jan!" But I began to believe it through the game as it seemed Kyle was quite convinced.


I believe the best way that they could have executed this scene was to actually show Jan die - as in cut in half by Tavion in slow motion. Then, later in the game, when Tavion says "think about what you really saw", it could flash back to the chole Jan dying thing, but through his newly regained forcepwers is able to overcome the mind trick and see that Tavion really just flung her aside with the force. MUCH more believeable IMO.

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I disagree. The whole lets-show-Jan-dying-but-it-was-just-a-mind-trick idea would have been very unsatisfying.


We all know that "the force can have a strong influence on the weak-minded" but if Kyle fell for it, this implies that Kyle too, is weak-minded... (Even though he's (a) the hero, (b) an ex-Jedi.) IMHO Kyle should certainly not be weak-minded!:)

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Kyle became weak-minded when he severed his connections with the Force. Jedi have to learn to put up a "Force resistance" barrier in their minds to protect against such tricks.


So I believe it's entire possible for Kyle to fall for a Jedi mind trick, and the player should not be let in on the tomfoolery.


If Jan had a convincing death, it would have been an emotional psych-up, and Kyle's scene between him a Tavion would have been a lot more significant in the game. I mean, in JK1 and MotS, he faught on the brink of turning. Why break it now?

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They could of made the scene more convincing by using the Shadow against the background look..


2 shadows against the wall and having the Sith strike jan down, but not dealing a fatal blow and have it look somewhat convincing that it was a fatal blow..


My vote was I thought she died..

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