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feel not well after playing it for 30 min


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I feel gonna throw out the food i just ate in my dinner... I like the game and I wish to finish it but when I was in the scene 1... I am in first person view and kyle's head is keep moving when he is running around. Are there a way to fix the view while he is moving? how do the designer helping people with this "dizzy" effect?



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Hehe, I wonder how long until Mace I edited out for cussing.


Well, I have found that you will eventually get used to the swaying and stuff. But if you can't stomach it, try the following.


Edit the jk2config.cfg file in your directory. Find the lines that have these settings.


seta cg_bobroll "0.002"

seta cg_bobpitch "0.002"

seta cg_bobup "0.005"

seta cg_runroll "0.005"

seta cg_runpitch "0.002"



Now, always make a backup of your file before you start editing. After that use wordpad and edit this file. Try changing the values of any of these to just "0.000" and then save.


Try running the game and see if this helps.




PS, if you see any posts by "pissed", ignore them, He hates you... all of you all.

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While I'm sure this is very amusing, blatantly subverting the censor by using images is a no-no. Keep this up and you may find yourself banned... consider this your warning!



^^^not me speaking up there^^^ Did you edit them back in sico? -rhett

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Looks like somebody has spent a little too much time on the SA forums. Anyone reading this who has no clue what I'm talking about is probably better off that way. :)


Oh yeah and if you dont feel like editing .cfg files you can go to your setup -> options menu and set "view sway" to no.

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Originally posted by huix

I feel gonna throw out the food i just ate in my dinner... I like the game and I wish to finish it but when I was in the scene 1... I am in first person view and kyle's head is keep moving when he is running around. Are there a way to fix the view while he is moving? how do the designer helping people with this "dizzy" effect?


I had the same problem at first, as do many other people when they first play a new FPS. The trick is to play only a few minutes until just before you feel really sick. Then go get some fresh air, take a walk, or whatever. When you're feeling ok, try playing some more. Eventually you'll find you're able to play longer and longer without a problem. It took me about 2-3 days before I could play totally fine, but I had it much worse than you ... I couldn't go more than 5-10 minutes at first, but now I can go indefinitely. Just stick with it, don't play too much at first, and it'll get better.


As other people suggested, change the bob settings and turn off view swaying, though quite honestly that didn't help me much.


Keep your hand off the mouse until it's needed ... if you always have your hand on the mouse, it's too easy to make little movements that make the screen "shaky."


Other things to do:

1) Drink some ginger ale while playing. Ginger helps somewhat against motion sickness, and doesn't have the side effects of dramamine.

2) Play the game in a window rather than full-screen.

3) Make sure the room is well-lit. Some people get good results by placing a lit candle near the monitor as a reference point.

4) Don't sit too close to the screen.


If all that still isn't enough, then maybe you can go ahead and try a little dramamine. You'll get drowsy in an hour or so, however.


Even after all this, I still did get a little sick on one level later in the game (I'm sure people who have finished it know which one I'm talking about), but luckily that was brief.

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