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Riddle Me This.....


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>>i see alot of purdy pics of you guys who used your noclip or some **** to get up there, but i have yet to see the right explanation.<<


Ha, we did it on a pure server. I wasn't going to say how so others could have fun finding out themselves. But this is how I did it:



















I just drop a few det packs on the platform below then stand on them and wait for them to blow :p

I also had max shields and Protect on just in case the blast was too damaging. Biggest problem was trying to not hit the pipes on the way up (easy in flag areas but harder on the long walkway in the middle room shown on my screenshots).

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Originally posted by svein_c

Det e norske sant? kor pleier dere å spela da hadde vore moro og spelt me nokon frå landet mitt.forresten har det merka at posten ikkje e heilt go eg bestilite spelet for 3 veke sidao


Yep .. what he said

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2 grips wouldn't work; theyed stop each other. My guess is that one guy stood next to or on to of the other, then jumped. The other guy jumps almost immediately, then at the apex at the first guys jump, the second pushes him.


Now that I think about it, that wouldn't get you up high enough. Please explain.

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Now assuming all of those pics aren't using cheats, it appears that ALL THREE pipe areas in that map are accessible...


But mine jumping? I'll have to try that, I swore the explosive power wasn't enough to throw you THAT high!


Now assuming it is real, what's the benefit of getting up there? You can't possibly get down without killing yourself (well maybe you could, with full health due to healing... ) and the angle doesn't appear to lend itself well to sniping (either way, but I could be wrong). It would kind of suck to have somebody hide up there with the flag. Then again, if its that difficult to get up there, it probably wouldn't be overused.


And in a deathmatch game? Who cares.. the guy up there isn't going to get many kills. ; )


svein_c, is that Russian?


Is placed by e norske of sant? the crusts of pleiyer to dere. is ripe yes to yuadde pilferer Moore Haug spelt me of nokon of fr. it landet mitt.forresten of Republic of South Africa it is placed the measure atm(tech) of posten to ikkzhe e of yueilt GO yeg you bestilite it spelet odds 3 century sidao



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Gonk gets a cookie =P GJ gonk.


Its amazing how much control you have doing that, we overshot those pipes several times, which was one of the reasons it was so difficult.


If you guys want to explore the maps without cheating I recommend u try it.


As for being a cheap tactic, its totally useless, requires 2 people on opposite teams.


BTW, we had to hop onto the 2nd up rim in a very precarious place to get enough height, we could only get one person up going straight off the platform.





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bah, lol, I misread yer post gonk. That was *almost* right. You actually just grip eachother at the same time and point in the same direction and u fly that way.


edit: kurgan, all 3 pipes are walkable, but they're all extremely slippery.


I've gotta try the minejump, If that worked it'd be a great sniping position =P




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But mine jumping? I'll have to try that, I swore the explosive power wasn't enough to throw you THAT high!


It is when you use more than one :) With three det packs the blast sent me a fair bit higher than the pipes. Interestingly enough I found that detonating them with alt fire would kill me, while just waiting for them to explode themselves left me with enough health. Just make sure you have full shields (Protect reduces the damage a lot too, but isnt necessary) :D


And yeah, you can get down without dying if you have Heal. There's really no point in getting up there, unless you want to have a kickass duel up there :D

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Seems we found a different (and probably much easier) way of doing it than the original guys :)


>>As for being a cheap tactic, its totally useless, requires 2 people on opposite teams.<<


The det pack jumping can be done by a single person to get up there however, but I really can't see anyone doing this in an actual game.

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I dunno if it was easier or not, but u most likely found a much more useful way of doing it =P


I decided we were gonna figure a way up there on a whim, and I happened to be hosting a FF sabs game so we worked with what we had =P


Popping a sniper loaded with ammo up there at the beginning of the game, or even the other team's flag carrier would be fairly useful. Might be akin to 'roofing' like in JK CTF.


Getting down is incredibly simple, u just roll and u lose about 10 health.




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>>Getting down is incredibly simple, u just roll and u lose about 10 health.<<


Heheh, yep that's true. Though the first time I did it using Protect and I got up there with about 60 health left, but the next time I did it with only full shields/health and only had 8 health left (both times using three det packs).




If anyone is interested I've put up a small demo (30k zipped) of me doing this here:




It's geocities, so you will have to copy and paste the URL instead of clicking.

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