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invincible black armor guys


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ya, it was a pain in the ass the first time i went up against them (master) but if i tell you how to defeat them, let me tell you right now, it will make the fight about 2 seconds long... This works on most reborn and shadow troopers in the game (unless its master, as they get smart), if you dont want to know i would suggest trying to split them up so you can take em one at a time, that and the light lunge works well, as does the heavy stance when there is only one.


So here it is....
























Grip, then throw your lightsaber at them, it will kill them on any difficulty.

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I played with Jedi Knight difficulty and both die pretty easily with Speed and Fast Attack (not sure whether you had fast attack at this point, if not you are stuck with medium, but its still relatively easy), as you can que attacks together.

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There is also one REALLY cheap way to beat them (I discovered this on accident in the Yavin level).


They drown themselves if given the chance, and since their lightsaber goes out underwater too, they can't do ANYTHING to you.


I fell out the back into the big pool just before you get to the actual temple at Yavin, and the sucker drowned.


Worked for me!! :)



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There is a far easier way to kill those 2 guys, since i figured out that they are partly imune to my saber, i used a multiplayer way...

I leaped up to the highes platform and as soon as they jumped after me i used force push and they simply droped... after 2 pushed they're dead since they fell to death. However you need to use the Force push when thei're in midair, so they can't block it...

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I to like the grip + saber thorw technic....



Just one thing it does not always work...


It will only work if they turn off their lightsabers while they are being chocked.


Otherwise they will block the saber thorw with their lightsaber

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I like to use Force Speed, charge them, and use Force Push. When they block Force Push they let down their defenses and you can cut them in half easily. This little trick works almost all the time on all the Dark Jedi including Tavion (I haven't gotten to Dasann yet so I don't know if it works on him).

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A bit trickier, but also works against most Jedi opponents (even tougher ones):


Force Jump and attempt to land on them directly. Tricky, but if successful, this will knock them down, after which you can throw your lightsaber at them quickly as they are trying to get back up.


Force Push definitely works against the Reborn but not the Shadow Troopers (who can counter it with their Force Push). And I think they can counter Grip this way too, not sure though (Tavion does, and Kyle can, too). Try Lightning if nothing helps; will take time, but if you do not expose your rear and keep distance, should work.


The above applies to Jedi Knight (3) skill level.

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Ok, you really wanna know how i beat those two dark jedi in that level? You will laugh i guarantee it... Well i went through the door, immeadiately jumped up to the highest ledge... then after the two shadow troopers (i think they are called that) followed me up, i jumped down and they followed me again, well one of the suckers killed himself by falling down.. Man i bout laughed my ass off over that.. hehe takin care of the second one was no problem since i was only fighting one. lmao!

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