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sp "bots" vs. mutliplayer bots


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I've recently had a chance to play the sp mode of the game.


Why are the "bots" such as the reborns and tavion so much smarter in sp mode than when I play then in mp mode?


Its like in sp theres more saber blocking + locking. The saber battles feel exactly like the movie!


Even when I increase the mp bot difficulty the saber battles still don't have the same feel. They don't compare to sp bots!


can anyone explain why, and is it possible to give mp saber battles the same "feel" as sp? (like in a mod?)

I think it'll make mp saber battles even more fun!

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The reason MP saber battles seem different to SP because Raven were worried about LAG problems due to the complicated animations so they had to cut remove some things like saber clash effects and dueling animations. Hopefully though once SDK is released some one will address this issue . However I doubt very much It will be raven


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thx for the reply, that actually seems to make sense. I also notice things like the grip effect, it feels like you're just picking the person up in mp, while in sp they actaully grab they're neck while you throw them around like a little doll. even force push and pull seem much more responsive. I hope with the sdk its possible to add features like these, regardless of lag.

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Another reason for the different AIs is that in MP, the bots must be able to 1) Fight more than one player, thus greatly increasing file sizes for the same level of intelligence, 2) Take care of CTF, Ammo, Weapons, Weapon Tactics, etc rather than just, say, Tavion and her lightsaber.

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However, even in sp the bots are able to fight multiple opponents -- in the shuttle hanger for example -- use mind trick to make a couple stormtroopers your allies -- the sp reborn are able to viciously dispatch them while fighting you -- they don't lack that capacity -- also in the 'Ladder' level -- if you spawn an NPC or two to help you, the sp bots can fight them and you.


Let's get the sp bots working in MP, when we can. Even if only for duel, FFA, and JM -- it would be cool.

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Ya, SP bots fight alright against multiple enemies in Jedi Academy (2nd last map), I had only one Jedi with me in one and it beat 3 reborn after long battle.... heh... I just watched 'em fight. I dunno whats the real reason behind different bot AI and moves in SP and MP but I think Devs just wanted to save time and cut few corners.


I think I've played map Ladder thru around 20 times now. I just love fighting against bots and figure out different ways to kill 'em.

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