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Speed + Strong Stance


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I haven't tried this one yet, but theoretically it could work. Right?


Strong stance is well known for it's strength, but lacks the speed to become a real thread most of the time.


So... why wouldn't you use speed to change the odds in your favor. Gotta be a frightfull sight: seeing your opponent rush in with fast, furious blows towards your head.


As I said; I haven't tried this one yet. What do you think? could it work?

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But you could do it with the force, "Dark Rage" couldn't you.... cause this increases your speed and attacks by a % doesn't it?


What a combo if it works ?!?!? As dark rage already increases speed and damage.... so add that to a Strong Saber :D

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that does work. only disadvantages are the health and force loss you will suffer while dark rage is in effect and the inevitable 10 second recovery time. best time to use it is when you have your target backed into a corner or are fighting in some other enclosed area where they can't hide from you or force jump away.

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