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These reviewers are complete idiots.


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Gamespy 86 out of 100 86.0%

Game Rankings 85 out of 100 85.0%

Game Guru 82 out of 100 82.0%

CV Games 16 out of 20 80.0%

GamePen 3.5 out of 5 70.0%


I've been playing video games since I was 5 back in the Atari 2600 days, and I am 28 now, so I have 23 years of video game experience and I know a great game when I see it, this game at the very very lowest is a 90% if you are critical of every detail, but if you add the fun factor and gameplay into the mix along with the story line, animations, and gameplay mechanics, we are talking around 93%-96%ish (and the multiplayer completely rocks, if the first patch comes out add 1 or 2 %), how in the friggin world can anyone give it lower than 90% is beyond me. To each his own, I absolutely hate Counter-Strike, it is just not my type of game, but I still realize that it is at least a 90%, too many reviewers don't simply appreciate a great fun game, they want everything new to be completely innovative and if you use the Q3 engine they automatically become biased against it. I don't think this game is a 100%, don't get me wrong, but reading the articles at those 5 sites I listed above make me cringe at the types of reviewers out there, they don't have complete info and 1 of the reviewers didn't have any knowledge of Star Wars....it's sad.

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Remember these guys might not like the game all that much. Don't get me wrong I would give Jedi Knight 2 on a scale of 1 to 10 a 9.5 (missing .5 because of lack of multi skins and few good multi levels). But I can see how a lot of FPS fans would not enjoy the puzzles and platform jumping that is required in this game.

They are just as much entitled not to like it as we are to like it.

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I hate CS too, and I don't think it belongs to the 90% region. More like 75%-85%.


Those stupid reviewers probably have not enough brainmass to solve the 'puzzles' in JKII? :rolleyes:


And there's no game that will truly earn the 100% rating...


Well, except Morrowind, perhaps. :D

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Yeah I know, to each their own, but read the 70% review, the guy complains that the game is the hardest thing to beat since rocks came out, which completely baffles me, saying that he shouldn't have to use force powers to beat the game???? wtf is he even talking about, I understand that different people have different opinions, but being biased makes reviews lame, and not being knowledgeble about a genre or pop culture (ie Star Wars in this case), and then bashing the "Jedi" and the "Force" is simply ignorant. That is like bashing RPGs because "magic is fake" or some stupid comment like that. Also calling Jedi Outcast an "e" button fest is completely lame too, there are puzzles, sure, but they are so simplistic if you actually sit down and "think" about it, not being Rambo all the time, the reason Jedi Knight 1 was sooo good was because of not only the cutscenes, but the character interaction with the invironment, and it not being shoot first ask questions later all of the time, you had to develop a strategy if you wanted to beat it, they followed suit with Outcast and most reviewers realize a good formula is never harmed if you repeat it.





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Yeah, it is a bit stupid to review the game if you are not in to star wars, as SW games are generally directed to SW fans. Claiming that you should be able to complete the game without use of force powers is just plain stupid, that is not what I would call good reviewer.



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I dunno, those review scores are about what I would give JO. I would even go to say they'er being a little generous. The game feels too rushed. Bugs, buggy AI (I've seen a Storm Trooper run into a wall and think he's getting somewhere, among other things ;)), texture alignment issues, some textures being low quality or look out of place, mixmatched level design, videos are too short, did I mention the rushed feel to it, and a slapped together storyline that doesn't fit too well with previous games (or wasn't explained well enough).


I've seen so many reviews giving it 9.5 or 100%, and wonder if they even bother to play the game.


It's a good game, but it feels incomplete and rushed. They should have released a demo in 3/29/02, then release the game in October or December. But it probably wasn't Raven's fault, Actavision or LEC (or who ever was the publisher) put pressure on them to get it out in March or else. It's good for the amount of time that it took to make, but a little more time would have been better.


Hopefully Raven will go back and redo all this and more and sell it for no more than $5 bucks or less. Kinda like how they did the EF expansion pack. I would pay for a more complete game!


Thats my 1.99999999¢, and I'm sticking to it!

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Well, i'm not sure why people think this game is rushed. I have beaten it and i haven't found any of those flaws save for the goofy stormtrooper AI. To me, the game did not feel rushed though, but that is my own opinion, but i love it none the less.

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Rushed? Jedi Outcast? Have you even PLAYED any other game out there recently? Compare it to MOHAA, and tell me which one is rushed..


Delaying a game infinitely wouldn't necessarily make it better.


As for the 70%, guys, look at who's reviewing it. GAMEPEN.. They wouldn't recognize a good game if it bit them in their ass...

And that reviewer is an idiot, because you actually CAN finish the game without using Force Powers (did that a few days ago, used only guns and the saber for Reborn etc, did not use force powers, except ONE force speed at the end vs the 2 shadowtroopers and 3 rebornbosses (as I was getting sick and tired of being sliced to ribbons). Had I persevered, I would have made that combat without any help as well).


The single player game I'd give 92%, and it would have gotten 5% more if Raven had only seen fit to allow US to choose which jedi powers to take, as opposed to scripting it (and the "we had to balance levels for Force Jump" excuse is BS).

The MP part, well.. The way it is now I'd give it about 65-70%. It's little more than Quake3 with Forcepowers. After some desperately needed changes (guns vs sabers, sabercombat, saberSPEED and some tweaks in a few force powers), it could go into the 90 % area.

Ahhh but that single player game. Expansion pack please! :D



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LOL, Creston are you saying MOH:AA seems rushed?! LOL, whooo thats a good one. No seriously. MOH:AA kicks major ass!! I just wish I had the time to finish it (along with Wolf, The Fallen, Bridge Commander, and JO). No MOH:AA feels and is a complete game! I can't find anything wrong with it, other than it's too freakin hard (that omaha beach level was a *****, almost resorted to cheating to get through it).


JO on the other hand.....

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Well, obviously the force powers puzzles will NEED to be done with force powers, I meant force powers in combats :D


And yes, MOHAA IS rushed. Six missions? Omaha beach isn't even finished? (Noclip yourself out of the bunker, and look around. Notice those cannons? Notice those nazi's that keep streaming inside? Where's the rest of the map?).

In the submarine you can "steal a manifest". Where is the briefing telling you to do this?


Where is the endsequence? All it says is "The End"?


It's an Electronic Arts game. Want to bet it was rushed because EA wanted to see money?


I still like MOHAA, it's a VERY good shooter, there's no doubt about that, but it's one of the most rushed products I've seen lately. Everything about it screams that it was pushed out the door before it really was ready, before the designers were done with it.



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I think this game has a weak start ... I can understand a reviewer not liking the game if they didn't play it through. The best parts of JKII aren't immediately evident when you start it ... and don't show up until well into the game. Not all reviewers are that thorough.


I don't hold much regard for reviews either, I've seen good reviews for bad games and vice versa. After playing this game through it's really grown on me.

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JK2 is entertaining but by no means have they introduced anything new. When a game, even a bad game, introduces a new concept they usually get rave reviews.

JK2 is just a clone. Fun, but nothing new. I thought they were generous in their ratings. Just my opinion.

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the lack of depth, replay value, and decent multiplayer are more than enough to warrant (at least) a 10% deduction..


what's the point of making a level huge, and look complex if there's only a single switch to hit, and one door to walk through to advance in a level?


"Team Fortress Classic however...damn I could play that for hours"


have been playing it for over 3 years now, and it still has an active community as large as new games like RTCW..

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Creston, you're saying that one of the most polished game out there is RUSHED!???


First, the six missions. Those 6 missions amount to around 10-15 hours of gameplay. That's the average length of SP FPS games these days!


Omaha unfinished?? BAH! The map you're playing is a modified version of the multiplayer Omaha, and those cannons are the objectives the Allies need to destroy in MP! The rest of the map consists of trenches.


The Kriegsmarine personnel manifest: Don't you know about the 6 'hidden' objectives you need to complete in order to 'unlock' medals! That manifest gives you the Norwegian Cross with Sword.


The ending. Well, no argument on this one. I hate the ending too! There's an expansion pack coming up anyway...

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It's pretty common for game sites to have reviewers who aren't really "into" the games they try out.


Some time last year, there was a game site that posted a bad review of Sierra's Nascar Racing 4.


The guy admitted at the start that he wasn't a Nascar fan, then proceeded to talk about how stupid the game was, but you'd like it if you were a toothless redneck who enjoys driving in circles.


He even went so far as to crack jokes about the death of Dale Earnhardt at the 2001 Daytona 500.


Well, needless to say, the website got flooded with angry e-mails, and he had to post an apology.


So uninformed reviewers...it's nothing new. ;)

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Take out the force powers and light sabres and you'd end up with a pretty mediocre product.


Games like Deus Ex have raised expectations for what we expect in a single player experience to be more then a series of roadblocks, each one cleared by finding a key or hitting a switch.


As for the multiplayer, can anyone really say that they believe Jedi Outcast's mp is better then something like Tribes 2 or Wolfenstien? As is I find it simply a Quake clone with force powers.

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cqdemal, yep that's what I'm saying. It IS rushed. :)


10-15 hours? Didn't notice it. I finished it in a single day on normal difficulty setting, the only part where I really had problems was keeping those damn rangers alive in the assault on fort Schmerzen. It took me three days to finish JO on my first go (on Jedi setting).


6 missions, one of which is a rather boring Drive The Tank and Shoot Some Other Tanks. Compared to the 9 in JO, 24 levels (21 really) compared to the 14? in MOHAA, one of which lasts a whole minute.


6 hidden objectives? What great fun. So they give you a medal for doing stuff you don't know you should be doing? Whoopie. To me that reeks of ":swear: we should find SOMETHING to do with these objectives we can't finish because of EA.."


Adaptation of a multiplayer map? Then AT LEAST they could have closed that part of the map off, so it doesn't feel as if you end that mission right in the middle of walking outside.


Still, this isn't a MOHAA board. And I'm not saying it's 2015's fault. (it's EA's fault).


All I'm saying is that compared to MOHAA, JO is most DEFINITELY not rushed.



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MOH was a worse game than JO. The outdoor environments were nothing more than rooms connected by hallways, but with a few vines put on the walls. Also, its apparent that the AI all participate in quickdraw contests in their spare time because they need no time to aim a precision shot to your head, whats with that. Also, the essential lack of a stealth system especially when your supposed to be doing a stealth mission, makes being "stealthy" kind of hard. The fact that a german soldier could take a bullet to the head and still live to shoot you. The lack of teamwork on the AI's part. The bad framerates. MOH:AA had alot of potential, but it just didnt reach it and pretty much left me feeling disapointed in the end.


The only thing that I saw that MOH did better than JO were some shadows. The shadows in JO were sometimes messy and would warp and show up where they shouldnt. This was basically my only gripe, everything else met and went above my expectations.

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