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Bug in ctf_ns_streets


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I don't know if anyone has noticed this before, at the center of the map there are Force Enlightenment cubes (basically they give you all possible force powers at level 3, as permitted by what side of the Force you're on, for 30 seconds).


Well I found out that if you take such a cube, then promptly suicide by falling to your death before the cube expires, when you respawn you remain with all forces at level 3 without the cube, and this for the rest of the map.


I've only confirmed this when I'm using the Dark side, and haven't been able to reproduce it with any other "cubes" (e.g. Force Boon) or on any other maps.

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I've known about this for awhile (never used it again after I accidentally found it)...but never told anyone. Why? I didn't want this bug that can be used as an exploit to spread like a wildfire.


PLEASE don't post these things like this. (things that give edges over other players). Instead, e-mail it to Raven or whoever personally.

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