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Mara Jade skin


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um just realised something, hehe, right Ive got the skin files, Ive got the files for model_deafult.skin etc. it will just be using the jan sound files sdo thats ok, and Ive got the icon pics sorted, but the model.glm may need altering or something so I can get rid of the parts I need to remove, is that right??


Also is there anything else that I may need for a multiplayer skin to work?? or something I'll have to change?? thanks

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Thats a little closer than the last one.


But I really think its gonna take a whole new model to really capture and represent Mara Jade in MP JKO.


Not saying that looks bad, because it doesn't but Jan is mousy, Mara Jade is anything but mousy.

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Man... The real Mara of Star Wars is too butch for my taste. My ideal Mara is in the form of Sandra Bullock.




Ahem... Anyway... So far in my EU series reading, Mara's 'Saber is indeed blue. Skywalker gave Mara his father's Lightsaber - yes, the original Lightsaber that Ben gave Luke in ANH. And it was of course, blue.


I'm currently at Assault at Selonia, my 29th book so far. And as far as I can tell, she didn't build a new one. So basically, the game broke the EU series canon by giving her a "decidedly more feminine" purple 'Saber.


Whatever, dudes.


But anything after Assault at Selonia, which is a number of years after the events of JK2, I cannot account for. ;-)

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Originally posted by Wes Janson SMR

Man... The real Mara of Star Wars is too butch for my taste. My ideal Mara is in the form of Sandra Bullock.




Ahem... Anyway... So far in my EU series reading, Mara's 'Saber is indeed blue. Skywalker gave Mara his father's Lightsaber - yes, the original Lightsaber that Ben gave Luke in ANH. And it was of course, blue.


I'm currently at Assault at Selonia, my 29th book so far. And as far as I can tell, she didn't build a new one. So basically, the game broke the EU series canon by giving her a "decidedly more feminine" purple 'Saber.


Whatever, dudes.


But anything after Assault at Selonia, which is a number of years after the events of JK2, I cannot account for. ;-)


You kno she could have changed the color of the blade by altering the crystal. i think some sabers have nobs for that kinda of thing

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acctuallly mara jade isnt very um "butch", lmao, although when theres modelling tools available I am hoping to change the head and especially the jaw line, her acctual build is quite accurate, and Im upto "edge of victory: conquest" in the yuzhan vong series of book, I havnt been able to buy any more for a while now, but hopefully I'll be continuing soon, I'll re-read some of them to find out the colour of her saber now, oh and I was trying to find a rubber/leather texture to put over her top but I dont have one on my computer.


so does anyone know whats missing with my skin and why I cant select it in multiplayer?



p.s. and that sculpture reminds me of the toys they released a few years ago when they made everyone built like arny, was very funny, leia had muscles that would have made vadar shudder. hehe


P.p.s and yes you can alter the crystal in a lightsaber

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You know, I actually saw a pretty good Mara Jade skin made from the Tavion model...it was packaged in with an Obi-Wan skin that used the Mon Mothma model, too. both looked pretty decent, but neither supports CTF skins, and they sorta had conflicts with the bots that use the original models in teamplay...


Unfortunately I've not figured how to do screenshots, don't have any webspace anyway, and the site I got the skins from is down...so I don't have anything to show, sorry.

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I know a Jedi can change the colors of his/her crystals - consiquently will also change the color of the blade. As far as I know, there is no Lightsaber capable of changing colors. Although I'm only up to the Corellian Trillogy, no one's done it so far. It's possible if a Jedi adds in multiple crystals for those double-length 'Sabers. You press another button, and the extra crystals move in and refocus the blade, doubling its length. If they're of a different color, it would add into the first crystal's color spectrum.


And Jedi won't spontaneously replace 'Saber crystals just for the hell of changing colors. It's not a simple task to even change the crystals. And so far, Mara hasn't changed her 'Saber color from blue as far as I've read. Which means that she should still have a blue Lightsaber for MotS. It'd be stupid if she changed the color from original blue to purple, and the back to blue for later episodes in the EU series...


The game Devs for MotS took creative liberties and gave Mara a purple Lightsaber, probably because apparently, it's more feminine than blue. Hell, I did the same thing with Tavion.


Geeze.. I hate it when people assume that I'm ignorant in that respect. Yeah, I know that Jedi can change crystals for a color change - if they choose to do so. But it's a pain in the ass, and Mara didn't do it. Not for the MotS timeline. The Devs bent EU canon.




And I still think that Mara should look like Sandra Bullock!! But it's a pretty cool statue, nonetheless.

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Im up to dark journey in the new jedi order series and Mara's saber is blue and always has been. In a comic that takes place before she meets luke its pink


Corran has a dual phase lightsaber that is silver in its normal mode and purple in its second mode in the second mode it is longer.

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her saber has been blue sine luke gave her his, the pics your referring to were taken for the gaming cards and have no relevance, teh starwars.com website is crap on the extended universe stuff and George Lucas doesnt give a crap about it either, hence contradicting half of it in the new films (which should be burnt) I got the thrawn trilogy out from teh library so I havnt got a quick referance to check why she's pictured with a green saber, I can't recall what the colour of her saber was before luke gave her his. I really need to get some money and go buy a lot fo teh books that I dont own

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As an obsessive Mara fan, that "sculpture" makes my eyes bleed and my brain shriek in agony.


Alfred, you owe me some new brain cells to replace the ones scarred by that sculpture. :(


As to the saber color, her saber is blue. Games are on one of the lowest levels of the totem pole when it comes to defining things. One game saying she has a purple saber does not overpower all the books out there (which are higher up on the pole) that give her a blue saber. The saber she used to fight Luke's clone in The Last Command was Leia's saber, which I believe is green (not entirely sure about that).




Originally posted by Wes Janson SMR

So basically, the game broke the EU series canon by giving her a "decidedly more feminine" purple 'Saber.


So Mace Windu, played by THE supreme badassmofo Sam Jackson, is "decidedly more feminime" by having a purple saber? :)

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