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Dedicated Server Question!!!


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I just downlaoded the new dedicated server executable and I've been able to run it using the provided config file but where can I look at some documentation about configuring that file some more? The file is jk2ded.exe and I got it from http://www.xgr.com/article.php?article=2593



Can someone post a config file that they are using along with some notes as to what each line or entry does?? I'd really appreciate it

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Well, you've come to the right place. ;) I'm still working on a set of configs (with comments) for the different gametypes, etc. Although it's possible to stuff it all into one and have people uncomment or comment out the extra stuff for each gametype, it's messy and cumbersome. It also lends itself to errors. This is the last week of tax season and that means I'm just about dead...hehe. Next week I'll have a lot more free time to polish up both the configs and the admin bot. Keep your fingers crossed for a beta release late next week.

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