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24 single-player missions?


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It says on the back of the CD case that there are '24 single-player missions'.


I'm just wondering, would, for example the whole Artus Mine (topside and everything) count as one level? I hope it does, as I like long games. Most great games nowadays are just too damn short - Medal Of Honour Allied Assualt for example.

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Most games nowadays are too short...but JK2 is the perfect length. I don't like games to be too long, cuz then I get bored or discouraged and stop playing them. This game is lasting plenty long in my opinion and it seems longer than I originally thought it was. Right now I'm up against Galak Fyyar.

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Yer, i suppose JKII is pretty long.


MoH was short yes, weird ending too (maybe they'll be another expansion pack or sequel tho).


I found Bespin to be quite a bit harder than the previous missions, so im sure it'll be a bit of a challenge later (which is always good) - i had a bit of trouble with the lady dark jedi but i got so frustrated i went nuts and drew her into those tunnels underneath and just went mad and won. :)

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