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countering drain


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I'm playing mostly Light Jedi and always have absorb at max. It is a great force BUT I cannot have it on all the time(no force left ;) )...


If I have to react to a drain then I'll lose about half of my force power before I can get absorb up... is this because I'm that slow or should I turn on absorb when engaging...?

Thanks for your answers!

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From my limited experience "drain" is much more effective than "absorb". People using "drain" against players using "absorb" have the advantage of initiative.


As you said yourself, before you manage to turn on "absorb", half of you forcepower meter is empty. Lag in games is another factor helping players preferring "drain".


If you turn on "absorb", those with "drain" will avoid you until you turn it off. They will attack with "drain" as soon as you turn it off.


With every such cycle you will lose more forcepowers than "drain" player does. When you reach zero, "drain" players will "grip" you to death since you don't have any means to counter their "grip". Of course, it's much easier for them when you are already wounded.


Sad but true. I've switched from "absorb" + "heal" combo to "drain" + "lightining" or "grip" combo because of this reason.

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As a light jedi I usually just try to get a swipe at them through the drain. If they grip...I counter with pull as it only takes 2 force points and I can almost always get that much to break the hold before grip does damage.


If I get a good hit in early I'll usually keep jumping and pulling trying to keep my force down and finish him off. If I get in trouble I'll start running trying to stay far enough away to build up the 4 points needed for a heal or two. On some duel maps this isn't to difficult...on some it is very hard. If the guy is very persistent I might take a swing at him while he is chasing and oftentimes you catch them off guard if they think they have you in trouble.


Really it depends on the situation, how good the other guy is etc etc...

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Im a lighty, use the baseball bat stance to.


2 ways to counter drain, best is to combine them.

make sure absorb is bound to a key, and remeber click it off it there are no attacks.


I find one way is a direct counteratack with force pull. Force pull works wonders, 2 quick pulls unblocked will take anyone off their feet. they will get the drain off but you will have enough for 2 pulls.


get to know the players, expect them to cast drain and be ready to counter it right off. timing is huge, every little bit of edge you can get will help.

same goes with force grip, they use it and hold it down for the kill and my force bar justs lights up!:syoda:

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