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Easter Egg, sort of


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Was playing through the SP again tonight and was giving Jan a thorough examination to make sure the design was up to code.......ok so I was perving.....but anyway I noticed that she gives Kyle a saucy wink and here is the shot to prove it.




This can be seen right after you free Jan on the doomgiver mission, be patient it can take her a little while to do it.

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Okay I was trying to call kyle a man-hor... but with a w at the front of the hor and a e at the end. Stupid censors! Time to put it into over time.


[edit - digl - what's your problem??]



the "barbara streisand listening" and "destiny child love" comments may be a little too offensive though and i apologise as no one shold have to put up with their mindless crap that open their mouths for.

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Originally posted by obijonkenobi

Okay I was trying to call kyle a man-hor... but with a w at the front of the hor and a e at the end. Stupid censors! Time to put it into over time.




the "barbara streisand listening" and "destiny child love" comments may be a little too offensive though and i apologise as no one shold have to put up with their mindless crap that open their mouths for.


J00 whore. ;)

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I first took you calling me a ***** seriously but after a second reload of the page it displayed a smiley face next to you whoring me so I apologise as I firstly said something nasty back at you.


I edited the message and replaced it with this one... so even though you may not have read it, i am sorry anyway.



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Originally posted by obijonkenobi

I first took you calling me a ***** seriously but after a second reload of the page it displayed a smiley face next to you whoring me so I apologise as I firstly said something nasty back at you.


I edited the message and replaced it with this one... so even though you may not have read it, i am sorry anyway.




Err, OK.............


You didn't notice that it {***** or whore} wasn't starred out either I suppose? I actually messed the smiley up, ; + p = nothing......

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