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Lightsaber Tactics FAQ


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Originally posted by ThePeople'sJedi

There is a lightsaber tactics FAQ on http://db.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/file/jedi_outcast_light_saber.txt


I found that it answered a couple of questions i had on how to perform certain moves consistantly. Credit to the author who took time to write it.:)




Can't directly link to gamefaqs.com, they want thier advertisers to get to you forst, of course, heh, I have x10 and doubleclick restricted, so.........



Anyway try http://www.gamefaqs.com and look at the right hand column for Jedi Outcast.

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Pretty nice, but I found one or two errors:


The first is the kick. He says it is running over your opponent, but never mentions to hold forward and jump. I dunno if its just me, but I can't do the kick unless Im pressing forward. You dont need force pull to do it either.


For the get up from knockdown, I think how you get up depends on the model you are using. With Kyle, I ALWAYS get the matrix spin-up type thing he is talking about.



I also don't understand what he means by being stunned when an enemy charges and you hit them with a thrown saber - maybe he doesn't mean in game terms, as in the person at the other end was surprised by the attack?



It's a decent FAQ and will help a lot of players, but kinda small in light of just how very complex the game really is. =]

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I think a lot of that is only useful to people just starting to play mp games. However the pull then kick trick I never thought of.


I guess since this is a FAQ thread, I'll go ahead and ask my question here. Can you use lightsaber special moves in mp? I've tried the Strong Stance special move and can never get it to work in mp, but the Medium Stance move appears to work.

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Originally posted by waxdart

Seems for the most part he reiterates things found in the manual.


The tone of his writing continually reminded me of this:




What the hell man ninjas are totally ****ing amazing, once i heard a story, some ninja was taking a piss, and a guy went behind him, so the ninja poked his eyes out with his co*k, it was like totally cool!!!!



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The light stance IS very useful when going against heavy stance players, but my biggest problem is timing everything so that I get in at just the right time. I usually jump in an instant or two early and walk RIGHT into the heavy special move.


Also, if you can manage to time it right, the medium 'death from above' attack can be very useful against heavy stance saberists right after they land after doing their special attack. The only prob is that you get stuck in one place, and vulnerable, after your attack as well, leaving you wide open for any attacks...

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