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TechTV "Extended Play" Review of JK2


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Fair warning, they did *not* like the game.


I personally think the review is crap and the most nitpicky peice of writing I've ever read, but that's just my opinion.


I fail to see what type of game they were expecting. Everyone compares this to Elite Force, but I never did see why Elite Force was such an outstanding game. It was fun, but all's it was was pretty corridor shooting. JK2 is much more intelligant and much more fun.

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Oh yes, everyone has the right to opinion. But I have the right to say their opinion is utter trash, cause that's MY opinion.


Yes, they do raise some decent points... but the points raised are minor, and do not deserve 3 out of 5 stars taken away.


What game in existance doesn't have enemies in impossible places? Elite Force did (hmm, little spider alien things just sitting there waiting for you to hit a pre-set point on the map? Yeah, that's realistic!), SOF did, Max Payne did... EVERYTHING DID. I think the idea behind the bad guys in different places is that they know you are coming, and are "camping out" waiting for you.. they may be in strange places because they don't want to get shot/sliced. I think it makes perfect sense.. if I knew a Jedi was coming, I'd be in the strangest place I could find so I could shoot him from a safe distance.

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3 STARS....I only see 2 stars out of 5..


He probably gave it a bad review because he got his a$$ kicked while playing multiplayer duel... :violin:


How pathetic do you have to be if you start using comparisons to "Mario Bros"


Jason D'Aprile here is a tissue wipe your eyes you big baby.




JK2:JO rocks..

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Some people are really hard to please. I haven't finished the SP yet (probably 2/3 to 3/4 through), but so far it's not much different than most FPSs as far as level design.


He's complaining because the enemies are in difficult places. I guess he'd much rather see them from a mile away and use the sniper on them. I like sniping, but after a while it's not that exciting.


He wants civilians walking around in all the levels. I would agree that this would have been a nice touch. But, then he (or some other whiner) would complain about low frame rates because of all the unnecessary models.


And again, more whining about jumping. I just don't get it. (Note: I haven't gotten to the infamous Doomgiver Comm thingey) If you want a shooter with no jumping, I believe that was called Doom. I'm not a huge fan of jumping puzzles where one slip sends you back to the start, but if you use the save button in those parts, not a big deal. And I haven't seen anything that frustrating in this game yet.


This guy mentions that the saber fighting and force powers are well done and fun as kind of an "oh by the way". That right there shows how badly this guy missed the point.

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Some people will give the game bad reviews just because its gotten such good reviews on average. They want to start up controversy and get hits to the page, easy way to do that is make a review where you blow up every bad detail and belittle every good detail.

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I've watched this show, and to say that these people have a right to review PC games is absurd. All they ever talk about is consoles normally.


I wish I could email these people and tell them to f*ck off and go back to their own genre.

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yes he did blow up the bad features BUT

he has some good points

the level design was somewhat....UH?

the huge, flat, walls with one texture tiled over them....the ridiculous puzzles, and jumping puzzles that didn't blend in with the game well enough....


although the 'GIANT CRATE ROOM OF DOOOOOOM' was pure genius...almost poking fun at the good ol fps crate joke

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I can't believe I used to value Extended Play's opinion. I am now glad that I dont have TechTV anymore and be exposed to their utter bullsh!t!!!!!!!


I could rant for hours about that piece of crap review, but I think this server couldn't handle it.


That is all.

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the only thing that really got me mad at the reviewer (since everyone are allowed to have opinions, even this guy) is about the bar scene. that was one of the coolest parts of the game. first of all everyone in that bar doesn't start to attack you until the bartender hits his emergency button. everyone attacking is i think about right, considering the crowd in the bar. i mean if you were a bounty hunter, mercenery, smuggler, or another one of those people obi-wan refers to as scum and villanery and a jedi, supposed keeper of peace, which means probably doesn't like those scum of the universe, walks in the bar you hang out in and decides to mess with the bartender you are maybe friends with, wouldn't you try to kill the guy. i mean it was perfectly executed, you go in the bar, guards take your gun, talk to bartender, he hits switch that protects him and signals this guy is bad news, everyone decides to attack. i mean it was great, before talking to the bartender you were even able to go up to people and try to talk. so trashing the bar scene for everyone attacking is inconceivable.

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Hey I wouldn't let it bother you fellas, the guy is a console freak and probably popped a few blood vessel's in his brain trying to play something that wasn't intended for stoned college students or lab monkeys (no offense to lab monkeys). The reviews from REAL Pc game sites love it and that is what counts!

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It boggles the mind to read their interview. Im not a big fan of FPS as a rule. I hated unreal tournament and quake (1/2/3). In fact the only 2 FPS i enjoyed till recenly was Rainbow Six and DOOM. Recently Ive enjoyed the genre with Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, and now Jedi Outcast.


I think this title was very well done, with entertaining SP and MP modes. Enemy AI is pretty decent, and the levels all scream star wars without being cheesy or cliche. I think the graphics and sound is done very well, and all this without requiring a very high end system. The acting is done convincingly enough, and all of it done on the Quake 3 engine.


I believe the review must have been owned in Multiplayer. While some servers have the "everyone run into a huge mess and slay each other" many others have developed informal rules about this. Saber battles can be erratic, but I have had many fights with other players and it was almost good enough to be taped with move/ counter move. Some of the guns are a bit of a cheeze but thats ok too. CTF and CT Ysalimari are wonderfully entertaining, especially saber only.


TechTV does need to leave gaming alone, as I have watched their program and seen just how little they know about PC gaming in general.

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the review is probably closer to reality than most of the reviews that are giving it 90+%...


with the ability to have superior graphics, sound, level design, overall game complexity, how on earth can you wind up having a game that is LESS atmospheric and immersive than past DF games?


You do it by having extremely linear level planning, 3D-platformer gameplay, and perhaps not a very involving plot (which tends to make the hit-switch-open-door puzzles seem oddly brainless)...


I can deal with jumping puzzles to the extent that JK2 has them... but when you have cities as large as bespin or nar, your eyes show you a huge map, yet your brain still feels the claustrophobia.. any kind of atmosphere originally experienced by you during the first 30 seconds of playing a new level is slowly worn away in the following minutes as you realize just how simple and linear the path is to be taken..

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But give it a rating of 40%??? That's just idiotic. 40%?????


Games like JO don't get 40%. It has no bad qualities that deserve 3 stars taken away. (and I never said they gave it 3 stars - they took AWAY 3 stars. 5-3=2)


This review is bull. I hope to god no one sees it and decides to not buy the game, because it is the biggest peice of crap I have ever seen.


I'm going to send them feedback with a link to this post, show them what their viewers think about their crap reviews.

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"You do it by having extremely linear level planning, 3D-platformer gameplay, and perhaps not a very involving plot (which tends to make the hit-switch-open-door puzzles seem oddly brainless)... "


Please tell me Jedi Knight was any different. You damn naysayers can't appreciate a good game when they see one.

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hypothetical situation:


if you took the starwars license away from the game... while being able to keep all the current positives and negatives of the game (graphics, sound, level design, jumping puzzles, etc) - would you still be willing to consider this a quality game that is being reviewed on its actual merits and gameplay?

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