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I think everyone should just stop WHINING all the time !!!


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Since day 1 people have been complaining about puzzles, force powers, multiplayer, player attitudes, and now hell, even the HEAVY STANCE....I mean come on !!!!! The heavy stance is for skilles people......HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. To use heavy proporly(sp) you have to coordinate your attacks because they take so damn long wind up! This obviously takes practise and skill.


As for the force powers... I've heard Grip, Drain, Throw, And lightning are cheap... Grip is easily countered with push or even grip itself, not to mention absorb. As for drain, well that one is harder, but you can always jump over the guy beforce your force is all gone. Throw and lightning ??? come one......


And why do poeple, scpecially when they keep whining about the the powers and stuff, keep playing the game. Just leave if you dont like it ****, and stop bugging us here who like the game on the forums and go play whatever the hell you dont whine about!


*wipes tears of laughter off me eyes* hahahaha... heavi takes no skill..... hahaha........haha.............hah...................ha................haaa

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The love it or leave it philosophy would be cool if it actually made logical sense. The fact of the matter is, the people do love the game if they manage to take the time to find a forum like this, and then post in depth commentary over why an element should be changed for the betterment of the game. People who are trying to change the game are doing so because they think it will make it better. And by all means, if you know of another game that involves lightsabers, force powers and high flying shenanigans do let us all know, the first jedi knight would be a notable one if it wasn't covered in more cheaters than CS, and several years old to boot.


Incidentally, your solution to countering drain is one of the most comical things I've ever read. Performing a mexican death dance has about as much effect as "jumping over him", add on top of that the levels with bottomless pits, and you might as well open up the console and type kill.

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seriously whining is starting to get annoying in some servers already, very often when you kill someone with guns you are immediately a "weapon lamer" or whatever etc., and i have already seen people accuse others of cheating, and people whine about others not accepting sabre challenges, whining about force powers, different saber styles, force push etc etc etc

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it probably has a lot to do with the lightsaber being so clearly advertised in conjunction with JK2, that people expect/want to experience that more so than other things... and perhaps lightsabers don't offer enough strengths to really be used as a lone weapon of choice for the Jedi out there..

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I love using the saber as my primary weapon..I rarely use a gun in mp...this puts me at a disadvantage sometimes, but when i do chop up a repeater weilding opponent I get a fuzzy warm feeling (not as warm as he gets :p )

At the end of the day it comes down to personal preference, we cant say for people you must all use guns or sabers..as I have said before it is based on the star wars universe, there are jedi and there are hunters..it is up to you



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Originally posted by Neko Lain

And the funny ironic part is that 22_InFeRnO_22 is whining about other people whining.


You must feel dumb.


I am glad someone other then me saw this... How he is whining about whiners. Very ironic indeed... or is it poetic? In either case he is being a hypocrate.

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Heh, if running into 5 people and swinging randomly hoping for a 1 hit kill is skill, I never want to get skilled.:rolleyes:


Of course, not everyone does that, but the majority of what I see, is there are a bunch of people in one spot, and heavy just randomly swings hoping to get a 1 hit kill.


Ah well. Sleepy time.

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People like you kinda piss me off, no offense. But when someone complains just ignore them, dont tell them they are whiny little babies, ive seen what happens after that and it always ends in a flame war.


Sorry but that is too dangerous. Whiners were left to whine away on http://www.tribalwar.com.... The dev's listned and the game was ruined. For every whiner there MUST be a reply saying that the whiner is full of Bull **** just to avoid a repeat of that debacle.

Let them go and the Devs at Raven might decide to give them what they want and RUIN another good game like TRIBES 2 was ruined. The silent majority therory is no longer valid. In this day and age... The silent ones are the ones that get screwed in the end.

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Originally posted by D66


Sorry but that is too dangerous. Whiners were left to whine away on http://www.tribalwar.com.... The dev's listned and the game was ruined. For every whiner there MUST be a reply saying that the whiner is full of Bull **** just to avoid a repeat of that debacle.

Let them go and the Devs at Raven might decide to give them what they want and RUIN another good game like TRIBES 2 was ruined. The silent majority therory is no longer valid. In this day and age... The silent ones are the ones that get screwed in the end.




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People do whine way too much in this game.

I'm not talking about *possibly* constructive criticism in the forums ostensibly for the betterment of all. The ones I'm talking about are the crybabies who whine about specific Force powers, which can be countered with a little patience. But patience is in short supply.


I hear people cry about Force powers on "Force Only/No weapons" servers. They cry when they're thrown in Bespin Streets. The consensus of replies seems to be "deal with it or find another server" Although not couched as politely.


I think that the game is balanced well in the whole. It is going to be tweaked in the future and various Force powers will be adjusted. Then, a whole new wave of crying will begin. For now,

find your niche, practice and guess what? You'll do well and have fun.

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Originally posted by 22_InFeRnO_22

Since day 1 people have been complaining about puzzles, force powers, multiplayer, player attitudes, and now hell, even the HEAVY STANCE....I mean come on !!!!! The heavy stance is for skilles people......HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. To use heavy proporly(sp) you have to coordinate your attacks because they take so damn long wind up! This obviously takes practise and skill.


As for the force powers... I've heard Grip, Drain, Throw, And lightning are cheap... Grip is easily countered with push or even grip itself, not to mention absorb. As for drain, well that one is harder, but you can always jump over the guy beforce your force is all gone. Throw and lightning ??? come one......


And why do poeple, scpecially when they keep whining about the the powers and stuff, keep playing the game. Just leave if you dont like it ****, and stop bugging us here who like the game on the forums and go play whatever the hell you dont whine about!


*wipes tears of laughter off me eyes* hahahaha... heavi takes no skill..... hahaha........haha.............hah...................ha................haaa




you complain about whiners but wat the hell do you think u r doing now?:rolleyess i fink u shud stop and think b4 u whine about the whiners :p

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D66 are you the d66 from BU?


/me = [wi][ie-] if you remember me... =)


anyway, i agree with d66 and inferno whole heartedly....we shouldnt simply have to put up with this bull **** from all of you ***** whiners out there who can't find a simple counter to the powers in teh game...EVERY POWER OR WEAPON IN THE GAME HAS A COUNTER..


i am not against a patch or any tweaking of the force powers, because i sometimes feel that they are needed, but in this game, the only power that i feel needs to be tweaked at all is drain, and the only problem i have with this (overall, i think its good) is that it just needs to be slowed down...then, it would be toned down, but would still be a powerful skill....


but to say that HEAVY STANCE is cheap? you people are truly idiots! it takes time to set up the attack, it takes coordination to master the stance, and it is very powerful once mastered, but it is not cheap...that is like saying that the shock rifle in ut should be banned because it is cheap...personally, i dont like the ideas of stances all that well (the fact that they are simply set instead of dynamically changing with how you attack)


and the things about grip and throw and push?? i would have to say again, that you people are idiots...what do you want to do?? ban any force power because it might be infringing on your personal rights?? what the hell is your problem? the name of the game is to kill the other person before he kills you... i will use any means necessary to do so, using any force powers and weapons i have available. i do not give a **** how cheap you think i am. it takes skill to be successful in the game...


if you dont like most of the offensive (damage causing or indirectly causing) force powers in the game, go play the sims. this is a game where you kill people, not whine about you sucking...

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Originally posted by D66

Let them go and the Devs at Raven might decide to give them what they want and RUIN another good game like TRIBES 2 was ruined. The silent majority therory is no longer valid. In this day and age... The silent ones are the ones that get screwed in the end.



Tribes2 was ruined because Sierra decided it needed to be ruined.

Despite what a whole lot of people seem to think, the tribalwar forums were NOT, repeat, N O T the majority of Tribes2 players.


Whatever people on the tribalwar forums complained about, most of that was unheard of on any other forum, INCLUDING the in built one.


A dev listening to the large majority and then changing it's game is doing itself a favor. Check out Mad Doc software, and what they did to Armada 2. Great work.

Check out Nihilistic, and what they did for Vampire the Masquerade. Great work.


Not ALWAYS does people complaining lead to a fubar'ed game. It's only when the Devs don't realise what the majority wants as opposed to what the MINORITY wants, and isn't able to distinguish legitimate concerns from "I N33D 2 B D@ UB3RH@**0R! F1X 7}{i5!" monkeys.

The later group not only royally screwed Tribes 2, hand in hand with Sierra (long may they burn in hell), but they are the same group of people that ****** up Diablo2. (which wasn't even about playing AGAINST each other, so why the hell they were whining there is TOTALLY beyond my comprehension...), and have royally screwed over CS etc.


There are a lot of legitimate concerns in MP right now, and 95% of all the people who post about them do so out of a genuine desire to see a better balanced game. If everything is balanced out nicely, you get what people want, ie a wide variety of opponents using a wide variety of skills. As opposed to a server with 20 people, 10 of whom are force jumping with the alt repeater, 5 of whom are trying to have some fun saber combats in a group, and the final 5 who simply stand around the saber group and force lightning them ... (exxageration, but it gets my point across).


If all change was bad, why ever get something new? Why aren't all the gun n00bs who only care about winning at all costs still playing Quake1? See what I mean?



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That was ONE thing I loved about MOTS was the idea of classes in MP. Bounty Hunters had unique weapons, Jedi, SOldier, etc... Since so many people like being the all powerful Jedi, I thought it was cool to hop into a map as a BH and freeze them before they could get up close...


Although I have given my opinions the game is really really good, maybe some minor tweaks... I admit I am not a super-pro OMG hot expert at this game, but with time (as with JK) I'll get the nuances of the saber, I remember being very frustrated on a 56k playing JK wondering why in the hell I would connect my saber with someone's head and they would not die, yet, someone that would swing 2 seconds before getting close to me would kill...


Lag!! In any case, if you're just going to cry about being lightn'ed or gripped.. that is stupid.. especially with so many documented counters...when I was getting my ass handed to me day 1 with this game.. I came RIGHT to this site and read on some strategy and now I'm not doing so bad..

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Tribes2 was ruined because Sierra decided it needed to be ruined. Despite what a whole lot of people seem to think, the tribalwar forums were NOT, repeat, N O T the majority of Tribes2 players.


You know that... I knew that... BUT The Devs only seemed to pay attention to the Tribalwar forum!!! The Sierra Forum was ENTIRELY ignored! Still the ones that ***** are usualy not the majority just the sore loosers who are mad cause they lost yet another game and can't accept the fact that ....



As opposed to a server with 20 people, 10 of whom are force jumping with the alt repeater, 5 of whom are trying to have some fun saber combats in a group, and the final 5 who simply stand around the saber group and force lightning them


Whats wrong with that?

FFA= Free For All...... Free for all...


That means................










WE ARE ALL ******* FREE!!!!


if you have a problem with that style of play... Join another server! If one isn't available that you like.... MAKE ONE.... If you cant make one well..... Maby there's just not enough demand for your game-type...


If you have any other problems with this concept.... Return your brain, it's defective



I am Seriously sick of this


You have NO ******* RIGHT to tell me how to play a game... NO RIGHT AT ALL unless the word ADMIN is in your name! and if it is.... You should have coded that rule into the .cfg if it's so important to you!!!! From this point on. I'm not being funny about it any more.

Anyone who try's to tell me how I should play is gonna get a great big face-full of STFU:STFD

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Originally posted by Hubris

The love it or leave it philosophy would be cool if it actually made logical sense. The fact of the matter is, the people do love the game if they manage to take the time to find a forum like this, and then post in depth commentary over why an element should be changed for the betterment of the game. People who are trying to change the game are doing so because they think it will make it better. And by all means, if you know of another game that involves lightsabers, force powers and high flying shenanigans do let us all know, the first jedi knight would be a notable one if it wasn't covered in more cheaters than CS, and several years old to boot.



what do i type in the colsole to load the high flying shenanigans...?



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Of course there will be people who complain about this, that and the other. Some do it in an effort to highlight problems, so those problems can be addressed by the developer. Others do it because they cannot get a handle on the game and keep getting killed.


Everyone has their preference of play styles, and there is a great deal of variety available in this game. Some prefer to run-and-gun, others prefer to use the Force, others prefer to duel. There are quite a few parameters, and I think it will take a little time for people to start learning how to counter certain attacks, practice to get good at the game, and determining a play style they actually like - so they can look for specific servers than can satisfy their gaming needs.


We're still in the early stages, yet, and some things that people may consider to be problems could have a counter-strategy that has not yet been fully realised. From all the comments I've read, some of the Force powers and saber stances may need a little tweaking...along with some of the guns. However, the modes of play are not really likely to change. If you just want to Duel, you may be better off on a Duel server. Those who choose to Duel in FFA should be aware of the risks - while others should learn to recognise when someone is actually in a Duel, if for no other reason than to save themselves some time, and possibly ammo.


Some problems can be alleviated by reading the manual a little more thoroughly...others can be addressed by reading up on strategies posted in these forums. I do agree that there seems to be some impatience, and an unwillingness to do these things...and in such instances it would seem inappropriate to simply complain without taking to time to do a little reading. However, each to their own. Use whatever counter-arguments you must to set people on the right path, but just remember that flaming or insulting people is not always the best way to do it. Such things are certainly not appreciated on these forums...and if you're on a server, it's sometimes more productive to find a quiet spot and type a few words about why a certain tactic isn't cheap or lame or a cheat, or whatever. Just saying 'You suck', or 'You're a n00b' doesn't tell someone why they're mistaken.


So the fault does not lie entirely with those who complain...because we all make mistakes, and have to learn by them - and if you have someone willing to give you a little guidance now and again, the learning becomes a little easier. :)

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Originally posted by D66


Sorry but that is too dangerous. Whiners were left to whine away on http://www.tribalwar.com.... The dev's listned and the game was ruined. For every whiner there MUST be a reply saying that the whiner is full of Bull **** just to avoid a repeat of that debacle.

Let them go and the Devs at Raven might decide to give them what they want and RUIN another good game like TRIBES 2 was ruined. The silent majority therory is no longer valid. In this day and age... The silent ones are the ones that get screwed in the end.


:lol: Go back to Penny-arcade, your knowledge of what happened with Tribes 2, and what happens with the game design process is minimal at best.


Do you suppose the "whiners" at tribalwar lobbied for unhandled exceptions? The master servers constantly crashing, the patches making video cards (Such as the radeon, which I had) perform at half of their current FPS yield when the patch before they were the one of the best card's for T2? Also, I'd like you to make a post at TW, and ask how many people are pleased with T2. 19 out of 20 will call for a ban over your stupidity. Sierra/Dynamix produced a product no one liked.


Sierra/Dynamix produced a shoddy unfinished product and they continued to produce patches without QA.


Tribalwar is and was the largest gathering of Tribes players hands down, having at least four or five times the membership of other tribes related forums, including the official Sierra site. That is why months before T2 was even released (And before the "whiners" started in) Dynamix declared that would be their official site for community feedback and announcements. Does that sound like a minority to you? Do you know of another site that had anywhere near that and your "majority" players? I didn't think so, because one didn't and doesn't exist.


Now, as for whining effecting a game's release. Let's look at the games that have listened to their community (and their "whiners) when designing a game.


Counter-strike: The most succesful online game ever, dumped one shot awp leg kills, raised AK and Colt spread way back in the day because of imbalance in them, as well as implemented the dial up netcode compensation when dial upers were complaining they were getting shafted and much much more.


Quake 3 Arena: Designed specifically to community requests after the Q2 debacle. Almost every single feature and element of Q3 is designed after folks complained about something in Q2. It is also easily the best Quake product.


Everquest: Every patch every few weeks is a community feed back issue, as it has been for years. Play the rogue of two years ago and the rogue of today, the difference is monstrous, this is a direct result of Verant releasing an unfinished class in an unfinished product the community griping about that and posting analysis, and them changing it.


DAOC: Every patch is a direct result of people doing analysis and posting experience as it relates to the balance of the classes, and the realms. Mythic even has a volunteer head for each class in each realm that gathers community info and brings it to them.


Even Starcraft, which was in development and testing for YEARS slowed down the zerg rush after release and raised the cost of overpowered units, and so forth with their first few initial patches.


So, that would be every multiplayer game currently on the net that is even remotely successful. All of those games are BETTER because of the feedback of their communities, and none of those improvements would have happened if the devs of those games passed off feedback as "whining." This would also be why those are the most successful multiplayer games, hands down, strangely, Counter-strike, which is free, is still priced higher and moves more product than Tribes 2, despite the fact that T2 is a newer release on a newer engine.

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Guest Krayt Tion
Originally posted by Hubris

The love it or leave it philosophy would be cool if it actually made logical sense. The fact of the matter is, the people do love the game if they manage to take the time to find a forum like this, and then post in depth commentary over why an element should be changed for the betterment of the game.


Hubris hit this issue dead, straight on in his first post.


For many people on these boards, people that surely don't deserve to be slapped with such derogatory labels, registering their thoughts is a labor of love.


That some of their thoughts are negative in nature should mean little to mature individuals that can handle objective criticism of something they also care about.


There have been users who have presented their criticisms poorly, and the occasional troll has popped up to spread chaos. But these things, my friends, are easily side-stepped if you just take two big, deep breaths before you hit that reply button.

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