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Excessive Saber Throwing


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I want to know how much is too much saber throwing by you people's opinions (You have an opinion on everything after all :) )


I was in a game, and all this duelist did was use Saber Throw. I lost to it a couple of times, but I also killed him, using his own weapon to finish him after getting a flashy hit from an air slash. (If you happen to be reading, not you Iron Baron. It was before that server.)


So, my view. First, Level 3 saber throw is easy to use. Some skill is involved in determining when to use it and where to initially throw it, but thats about as easy as predicting the path of a thermal detonator when pushed back at you. I personally do not like the power.. using or used against me. I think its boring to see someone continually using the same move over and over. I play games for entertainment, so I try to make it entertaining for others to watch when I duel. I want someone to go 'whoa' when I do a flashy combo and kill the guy with a backwards stab. I also want to go 'whoa' to myself in awe that I actually pulled it off with much work.


Secondly, there are ways around it. I know a few, but only for that one player. It can change as easily as your current stance. If you continually use it, and I lose, I am guessing it is my fault for not finding a way past it, but when someone limits my options as a duel rule, i.e., No Force, it does get more difficult as you have to get close and they can stay away.


Third, its my opinion Saber Throw is a force power. It is not passive, like jump is. Most people cant help when they force jump. You can help it by not clicking on the secondary fire button however, just as you can avoid using other force powers just as easily. Based on this view, if your going to call no force, then you should consider including saber throw in the list of force powers.

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Well, too much saber throwing is excessive, obviously ;).


ok, back to being serious.....


I think that it really depends on the situation. If you're dueling someone who ONLY runs backwards (or in circles) and saberthrows, then it's a tad excessive. However, if someone's dueling a heavy stance freak/newb/insert-derogatory-word-here, who uses the heavy 'combo' attack almost exclusively, and the other guy uses saberthrow almost exclusively to beat him, it really isn't that excessive since they are both doing equally 'cheap' moves IMO.


I use saberthrow in a duel if I can do one of three things with it:

1)Get a free hit on someone who seems to be obsessed with spinning around rather than REALLY dueling (which I still do sometimes...)

2)Get the saber behind someone rushing me with heavy stance selected, but not attacking, so it hits him from behind on its way back

3)'Duel' with obsessed heavy stance 'combo' fighers (you know the drill, 1-hit-kill attack, back up & hvy slash to prevent someone from rushing at them, & repeat)


Outside of duels I like to fling sabers into crowds of guys madly swinging at eachother wearing them down so I can rush in with either the medium combo attack or so I can use a hvy stance side-slash to take someone out without actually getting involved in the melee.


If I notice someone saber-throwing like there's no tommorrow in a duel, I just swap to the light/fast stance and start blocking or dodging the saber and will either close to slice him to bits (and usually get caught by the returning saber in my back) or toss my own saber at him and THEN charge.



About being flashy in duels however, I'm just working at getting a 50/50 win/loss rate right now, so whatever works (usually med & light saber stances and a couple saber-throws) is what I use, although I DID kill someone with the backwards stab last night I think :)...

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yeah they are pretty easy to block so long as you're facing the person. I don't really think saber throw is used to much, people only use it when you're continually running away from them and not facing and at least doing a few delaying attacks.

What I use if for most is when I'm fighting a heavy spammer. Because that stance is so slow they run away jump in with an overhead attack then run away some more, so the only way to kill them without taking a large risk of getting killed by a heavy attack is continually saber throw them. boring yes but if you run away from me like a small cat from a big dog I'm going to send the thing after you :)

I'm not saying you do this btw it sounds like you're talking about the other type of runner, the one that only sabers throws and runs away. For this kind of person I agree it is stupid but it is fairly easy to counter by facing them and you can hurt them by throwing yours back after theirs and they'll take damage as they catch their saber most of the time. I also like to force pull/face kick/heavy stance them works quite well.

So in short my opinion is that saber throw has a place in duels but if you do it more than 3-4 times in 30 seconds you're spamming it.

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I'm constantly coming across people who just keep backing away and doing saber throws all the time. it annoys me something chronic.people who just keep throwing and throwing and wont do anythign else, except for the occaisional attempt at a 1 hit-death move.



I agree with you.... it's rather irritating.



If you can stand it, try playing in NF duels or hosting them to counter this.... I do this sometimes but I miss my force jump terribly.


But whatever stops the mad throwers is worth it I suppose.

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The only time I use Saber Throw in a duel is when he's relatively unsue of my wherabouts or is wide open to the attack. Even then as soon as its thrown I jump so I'd land close to, and infront of him, so whether it hits or gets defelcted, I'm right there to get it as soon as either of those happen.

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How can he constantly saber throw? It requires force to throw it and the force goes down by 2 or 3 squares with each throw. That means he can throw it about 5 or 6 times I believe before he is out of force power. Using force drain and he can't saber throw at all. Just my 2 cents


Anything done over and over again is annoying


Bots running away is annoying as well ;)

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for every offense there is a defense


if you come up against someone who constantly saber throws and backs away, then dont keep keep following him! when he throws his saber at you, force jump or roll out the way. keep that up long enough and they'll stop and fight you, at least this has been my experience


actually, this goes for pretty much every saber technique... heavy stance is not cheap, i've practiced long and hard on my timing. and since timing is so difficult to get right with the heavy stance, if you move fast enough you can dodge...


the solution is not to complain, but find a way around! :)

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